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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

positive experiences


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I usually check the forums when I am too tired to play the game and have noticed people gravitate around what makes waves. Call me weird but I prefer to read positive experiences.



So I am going to start out with mine and maybe people will feel comfortable writing their own.



There really are not any rules to this other than to not post if your post is negative (there are a lot of places already you can post negative stuff).




I am looking forward to reading about positive experiences.




let's have fun with this.

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main is a trooper vanguard

getting to 50 for the first time

working on getting comps geared

crafting to try and get high end purples to make and sell.

traveling to the planets to fill out the maps, do old heroics, or world bosses


actually...just fiddling with my character and his companions at my own pace.



been 50 for quite some time now, but still having fun.


also I'm just starting to delve into PvP (I know right !?!?!) .... so that is fun too, I solo'ed the whole game to 50 ( the story was amazing IMO), now I can have fun with the other stuff.


best part for me? The ability to keep interested in my main and tweak his gear and stats like the disckens... and the ability to play this game both solo or grouped depending on your playstyle preference ( solo was my preference at first, now Im experimenting with grouping).


it's an MMO..... it has a lot to fiddle with and is constantly dynamic...I love these kind of games.


(( I did try each and every class to lvl 14 or 15 too...trooper is the one I fell for and went all the way with))

Edited by ArtMonster
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Positively, leveling through the game world the first time with my sorceror was a blast. I took my time, enjoying every cut scene and dialogue opportunity, being as evil as I could be and really immersing myself.


Now that the novelty of a new story is gone, and I'm working on a BH and IA, my enjoyment has been significantly reduced, but there are still hidden diamonds in the rough - namely, enjoying the respective class stories, pvping and working on codex entries.


Also, working towards gaining legacy levels before the prospective March update keeps me on my toes, always looking for new things to do to boost my LEXP. One thing is for sure, March better be a big month for SWTOR!

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Leveled my Jedi Shadow to 50 ( which took me about 6 weeks to do ) and had a blast all the way. Now I am leveling 6 other charecters. Enjoying the different play styles and class stories for each. Still having a blast playing this game. IMO Bioware did a great job. This is one of the few MMO's which one can solo easily and if chooses, group up for content. Lots of choices for about any type of game play you want. I think the artwork and game world design is awesome. I often stop and survey the surrounding world and notice how well it is done.
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You didn’t post your positive experiences.

Which means you either forgot, or you don’t have any

Which is it ?



It was really late so I went to sleep :)



I agree with the posters above. I am level 47 and have enjoyed leveling immensely. I enjoy the PVP as well. When I get to level 50 in a few days I will still be enjoying the PVP and the game. I got to level 98 in Diablo2x so undoubtably people that are familar with what that means, I don't mind spending time doing things as long as their is a sense of community, a fun game, and chances to do things with other players (even if that is pvp).

I find SWTOR immensely fun. TOR has the posibility to get better with patches as I would expect but for I think I will be having fun for quite a bit longer.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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I love the companions, so much more control than most mmos with npc accompanyment, Also love the FP's decent story and some good loots.... wishing for one or two FPs or OPs that bridge the sith and republic make em work together to achieve a goal.... maybe an infinate empire War machine that needs taken down... but i do like this game is gotta be the most fun i have had with a game since playing EQ
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