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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Endgame = Alts?


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Agreed, even EQ1 and 2 had more endgame content, such as the epic quest and what not. This game lacks any endgame content that has any meaning and unfortunately this will mean its death if not rectified very, very soon.


There's a balance that's difficult to strike in MMO design. I can sum it up in one phrase: casual vs hardcore. If you put in too many epic quest chains involving raids, world bosses, tons of gathering and crafting at endgame, hardcore players are satisfied while casual players feel left out. If you don't put these things in at endgame, hardcore players don't have enough to do.


I miss old MMO mentality which pretty much said that if you don't have time to do something, if you can't organize a raid to kill bosses, if you can't figure out how your class works well enough to be successful, then too bad. Even if I don't have time to clear all (or nearly all) the endgame content in a game, it's awesome just that it's *there*. In WoW I used to just listen to stories about people doing stuff like opening the gates of AQ and it was awesome. There was room for skilled and dedicated individuals to distinguish themselves from the rest of the population in PvE and/or PvP (and the rest of the population, by and large, still had fun).


Casuals pay the same subscription fee as everyone else and use fewer resources, though, so they're the ones to target for cash, at least in the short-term.


As a final note, for anyone saying that people don't have time to play MMOs like that anymore, let there be no illusions: people never *had* time to play EQ or WoW or other MMOs, they *made* time. Those games, in their prime, consumed lives whole. I really miss that. =/

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Pretty much says it all. Is it just me or does this really seem to be true?


Not the only endgame, no. One of the stated endgame activities, yes.


Part of our endgame is players playing through classes that they haven't played or replaying through certain classes to see how certain companion characters or certain branches can affect the outcome of that particular storyline.



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Agreed, even EQ1 and 2 had more endgame content, such as the epic quest and what not. This game lacks any endgame content that has any meaning and unfortunately this will mean its death if not rectified very, very soon.


TOR has more endgame than any other MMO did at 5 months old. The problem with TOR's endgame is that it's too easy, thus Content Locusts are razing through it too fast.

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There is no real "end" to this game. It's a MMO and content will be continually added. However, there is no way that they can realistically crank out end-game content fast enough to keep up with the people that play 8 hours every day. If you get bored that easily, then maybe find another hobby and don't spend so much time playing the game that you're constantly outpacing content.


Also, I find the "there's nothing to do" claim to be funny because nobody on my server runs the Esseles hard mode flashpoint because they claim its the hardest of the hard mode flashpoints. So people just stick to the easier ones. If you're going to just run the minimum you need to get your dailies and weeklies and stick to the easiest flashpoints, ops, etc., then you can't claim there's not enough to do.

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