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SWTOR Endgame = Alts?


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why m8 it true i know more then you i do this for a living i review games and movies for a company in belguim called gunk so i know what i'm saying


That's the problem, you don't know what you're talking about.


According to you, the reason why endgame is lacking is because Bioware made it like that simply because they wanted people to re-roll alts. You also think the reason SWTOR was released early is because the fans wanted it early, so EA/Bioware listened to the fans requests.


& you do this for a living? Hilarious.

Edited by SnakeBites
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It lacks alot, this is undeniable. I was hoping that the end game we have wouldnt feel quite so.... final. They keep talking about karagas palace and kaon under siege like they're a huge accomplishment. They are a poor fix to a gaping hole that is the content this game has. I'd happily trade all the shared voice dialogue (not class quests/ flashpoints) from quests to of had another few raid operations. Even if they wheren't brilliant. Just MORE to do would be nice.

They could have made a series of daily quests to give you gear (not tokens, actual tier 1 gear) Giving people a reason to get tionese gear, make hardmodes harder, so that they need the tionese gear to do them, then they get columi, add 2 man flashpoints (this would make a players gear count for more as there is only 2 of you in the group) which give things like tier 2.5, rakata implants ear pieces, mounts, all the purple 50 crafting recipes. Companion quests, so that you can get them geared enough to go and do the 2 man flashpoints, etc etc. I admit these are not all good ideas, but I'd take more poor dungeons over nothing any day of the week, and at the moment, nothing is all we have.

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do you know anything about mmo's m8 if you think this is beta go back to call of duty xD

why is everybody thinking this is a game that was maked like WoW it takes time and bioware got alot of fans asking to launch early and they did what the fans wanted so and why are you complaining XD if you don't like it go the ppl that like this game don't need ppl like you here then but we know in a a few months SWTOR is gonna have verything it needs and the endgame was maked to try out every char thats why they did not add a solid endgame yet they did not expect to have ppl already to have 6 to 7 char compete yet so sorry for the mistake ppl make mistakes .


This is like a beta; the bugs are far and many and with every patch new bugs approach. They had all the time they wanted; they caved in to fan boys like yourself and released the game way to early. I would wait as long as it took the make the game polished. Yes we all know the new big patch comes around in march but if the content can be cleared in a hour like any OPS atm it's going to be like putting a band aid over the bone that's popping out of knee. When the game was being developed; they saw many MMO's come and go and never noticed that the only content that truly matters is end game content. Yes lvling 1-50 was a blast but, after 3 weeks i was 50 clearing OPS. Running HM's is pointless because the so called RNG system is an absolute joke and every OPS can be done in about an hour. If your telling me they didn't think so many people would be lvl 50 by now that in itself was a failure because people got to lvl 50 this fast in beta aswell.

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That's just ridiculous. You are mistaking quantity for quality. I am not saying this game is awesome compared to a NES game. I am saying the quantity of content in this game is comparable quite favourably to other games in this genre at launch.


You are out of your mind if you think every MMO that comes out will be packed with the QUANTITY of content that MMO's that have been around for years will. You really expect GW2 to come out and have the same amount of content WoW does now? You think Project Titan will have the same amount of content LotrO does now plus whatever they add in the next 4 years? Get out of here.


By the way, it took me 2.5 months to get 50 in LotrO. Took me 2 months here. But, people were 50 within weeks in LotrO. Heck, with Rise of Isengard, people were 75 literally 3 days after the expansion launched. And I'm not knocking LotrO, I have been a lifetime subscriber since day 1. That's just how MMO's are.


And no, it wasn't a "different world" when LotrO came out. If you brought up FFXI, EQ etc, sure, I'll buy it. But since WoW, MMO's haven't been about taking forever to get to the level cap. Just about all higher profile MMO's now not only allow you to rush to the cap, but allow you to do so solo. WoW had its first lv60 a couple weeks from launch:




Edit: by the way, remember in LotrO, how when it launched no classes had any skills to train past lv35 or so? And we had to wait for Month of Champion, or Month of Hunter updates to get all the skills till lv50? But noooo, LotrO provided a more complete experience at launch.


I did bring up FF11. In fact it was the first game I brought up to bolster my point. The only reason I've been talking about LOTRO last couple of post is that was the example others chose to focus on for obvious reasons. So you are incorrect.


Also, it took forever to level up on LOTRO when it first came out. People moaned about the grind nonstop, and if you reached cap level quickly after LOTRO's launch, you play video games entirely way too much. Your computer must have a toilet installed on it lol So you are incorrect on that too. RoI is a completely different, and LOTRO is a lot different game now than it used to be.


And if it took you 2 months to level up to 50 on this game all I can say is you 1. hardly ever play. 2. You played alts. 3. You are very slow. It is much faster to level to cap on this game than other MMORPGs, espeically the ones released long ago - and that does mean there was less of a need for them to have a good endgame at launch rather you admit it or not. That is just a fact, and why these constant attempts to compare this game to games of the long past is so stupid to do.


This is the same old excuse making I hear time and time again. So much so my ears almost bleed when I hear it now.


No one is saying SWTOR should have had as much overall content as games that have been out for a decade. But they should have an interesting and entertaining endgame that is competetive with other games out there - especially if they are going to make it so fast and easy to reach level 50 - which wasn't the case with the MMORPGs released 10 years ago at launch, no matter what you may say or pretend here on this forum.


Your argument is inaccurate. it is the the same exagerated misleading comparisons the typical SWTOR defender attempts to use on these forums to make excuses for a very lacking endgame experience.


YOu should just admit it SWTOR has a bad endgame and move on. It servs nothing good to try and make excuses for it and make ridiculous comparisons to games at launch released a decade ago when MMORPGs were a completely different genere.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Actually im at work just taking a break and checking out the forums... If I could play at work I would... :)


I agree their is a lack of end game content but I've yet to see ANY MMO that had great end game content after it released...


I just get tired of people trying to compare this game to games that have 5-7 years worth of content added on since launch...


People who rush to the end game are always going to complain their bored in every MMO after it comes out....


I bet if I could search in the old forums I would find most of you guys were complaining that Bioware wasn't giving a release date and they were taking to long to release it and that you would be willing to play it as is as they finish it up... There were tons of posts like this back then... Now these same people slam it for not having the same amount of content as WOW even tho that game has been out forever and has several expansions ..


Yes the "I'm at work" is the typical line of defense the SWTOR defenders like to use when they get their logic of attacking posters for being on the forums thrown back at them.


And again, I guess I'll repeat myself for the thousandth time on this subject.


No one is asking for SWTOR to have as much over-all content at launch as other games that have been out for a decade. That would be unreasonable, and no one thinks SWTOR should have as many areas or dungeons as these games. But it should however have an interesting and competetive endgame that compares with the other games out there. That is the difference, and the fallacy in your excuse, and why trying to go back in time a decade to excuse this game's weak endgame doesn't work and proves nothing except the defenders of this game will ignore reason to try and cover the game's faults.


Also, I didn't any where come close to rushing through this game. It rushed me lol So you are just wrong about that as well.


And I have never made any posts on LOTRO or Final Fantasy XI forums about being bored. Sorry. I had many complaints, but boredom was never one. I dont' even think I made a post about boredom on the WoW forums....lol(I was probably too busy complaining about the PvP imbalances or terrible combat) So your generalization falls flat - as they so often do. So you can scour the forums on either of those games to your ever-ending hearts content. It won't prove a damn thing.


Also, I didn't even post about this game during beta. I didn't even play beta. So please stop contributing your false assumptions about me.

Edited by JeremyDale
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why m8 it true i know more then you i do this for a living i review games and movies for a company in belguim called gunk so i know what i'm saying


I'm not saying I agree or disagree with your assessment on the game, but just a quick piece of advice... when it comes to forum debates, stating that you're an expert in any field is an express ticket to being disregarded. It's right up there with words like "straw man" and "Logical fallacy." If your points aren't enough to speak for themselves, stating your "credentials" won't help those points.


For example, make a post saying< "professional reviewers know what they're talking about" and you'll see how much weight that has.


Sorry for slight derail. Just getting that out there.

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Oh, lookie. Another thread proclaiming for the 2536th time that the endgame sucks.


Repetition. Did you even check to see if there was another thread expressing the same-What am I saying? Of course you didn't.


Jellison, the fact you see many posts stressing the same point just proves that is a serious problem that Bioware needs to address.

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why m8 it true i know more then you i do this for a living i review games and movies for a company in belguim called gunk so i know what i'm saying


.......you don't even know how to use a period...... And you review games and movies for a living?

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lol yep


Pretty much.


YOu either roll an alt or become bored out of your mind. Choice is yours.


Or... you play another game?


Why do people seem to think that an MMO should give them enough to do so that it fills ALL of their free time?


If worst case scenario there's only enough content to play for an hour a day, that's $0.50/hour for your entertainment... pretty cheap as far as I'm concerned. Nothing says that because you're paying $15 a month that you have to play constantly. That's up to the individual.

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Or... you play another game?


Why do people seem to think that an MMO should give them enough to do so that it fills ALL of their free time?


If worst case scenario there's only enough content to play for an hour a day, that's $0.50/hour for your entertainment... pretty cheap as far as I'm concerned. Nothing says that because you're paying $15 a month that you have to play constantly. That's up to the individual.


Seems to be plenty for me to to at end game and I'm having fun. But yes, I don't base my life around playing an MMO.

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Yes the "I'm at work" is the typical line of defense the SWTOR defenders like to use when they get their logic of attacking posters for being on the forums thrown back at them.




IT's also what people who are posting from work do. Classic delection on your part though, typical forum troll response.


You should go do something you enjoy if you don't enjoy this game. Your life will be better for it.

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Or... you play another game?


Why do people seem to think that an MMO should give them enough to do so that it fills ALL of their free time?


If worst case scenario there's only enough content to play for an hour a day, that's $0.50/hour for your entertainment... pretty cheap as far as I'm concerned. Nothing says that because you're paying $15 a month that you have to play constantly. That's up to the individual.


I hardly played this game constantly. In fact I only leveled up when my friend was online because we leveled together....


I was still capped level within the first month. Both of us took our time, leveled our crafts - kept our gear upgraded and even would take days off from leveling to farm credits.


So this silly assertion of yours that only people who do nothing but play constantly with no lives are going to find themselves bored with nothing to do on this game but roll alts after reaching 50.


Stop making these stupid generlizations about people.


And no one is saying you should base your life around this game. You are just talking nonsense that has nothign to do with this thread or what the OP is saying. If you want to discuss the lifestyles of other people on this forum and alterntaive entertainment options fine, but don't direct them at me because I really don't have any interest in either of these subjects lol

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IT's also what people who are posting from work do. Classic delection on your part though, typical forum troll response.


You should go do something you enjoy if you don't enjoy this game. Your life will be better for it.


Headcapper, if anyone is making troll posts it's people like you who like to attack people for doing the exact same thing they are doing, posting on a forum. It's hypocrisy, and I don't care if you are doing it at work or from Mars, it doesn't change this.


My life is fine and none of your business, and the last thing I need from you is advice on how to improve it. Thanks :)

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YOu should just admit it SWTOR has a bad endgame and move on. It servs nothing good to try and make excuses for it and make ridiculous comparisons to games at launch released a decade ago when MMORPGs were a completely different genere.


Opinions and facts are two different things. My opinion is i enjoy the end game that's why I'm playing this MMO and not another one. Pretty basic concept i would think.


Telling someone their opinion is wrong and that yours is a fact comes off as rather childish.

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If you want to discuss the lifestyles of other people on this forum and alterntaive entertainment options fine, but don't direct them at me because I really don't have any interest in either of these subjects lol


That explains a lot. Thanks for clarifying.

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Some sort of raid progression, interesting dailies, YOU KNOW, CONTENT??


I'm hoping the Legacy thing will be cool coming next month.


That and a new and effective LFG tool may help this game's endgame out a lot. Time will tell. I sure hope it does, cause it deffinitely needs it lol

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Headcapper, if anyone is making troll posts it's people like you who like to attack people for doing the exact same thing they are doing, posting on a forum. It's hypocrisy, and I don't care if you are doing it at work or from Mars, it doesn't change this.


My life is fine and none of your business, and the last thing I need from you is advice on how to improve it. Thanks :)


Let me know when you can figure out the difference between opinion and fact and we'll have an adult conversation about it, Until the there doesn't seem to be much point in trying.

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Let me know when you can figure out the difference between opinion and fact and we'll have an adult conversation about it, Until the there doesn't seem to be much point in trying.


Sorry but that is not opinion. It is fact.


It is hypocrisy to attack other people for posting on the forums when you are doing the exact same thing yourself, posting on the forums.


That is the defintion of hypocrisy. Again....Fact not opinion.


Now you can kid yourself and make excuses as to why your posting is more legitamate than others, but it's dellusional self-justifcation.


And just because someone is posting an opinion you don't agree with, doesn't mean the post is any less legitamate than your own.

Edited by JeremyDale
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If each class actually had eight different storylines, like the marketing department claimed, this wouldn't be a problem. But as it stands, there's a tiny quest line for each class with a lot of unnecessary running back and forth that makes up about 10% of the actual leveling experience for each character.


Class-specific quests, race-specific quests, AC-specific quests, companion-specific quests... there was a lot of potential for making the leveling process actually different and more specialized for each character, but they didn't, and it shows, and it sucks.

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I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.

All of those had more content 3 months after they launched? I don't think so.
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Sorry but that is not opinion. It is fact.


It is hypocrisy to attack other people for posting on the forums when you are doing the exact same thing yourself, posting on the forums.


That is the defintion of hypocrisy. Again....Fact not opinion.



LOL that's the definition of stripping down the actual argument to a base level that doesn't mean anything and then thinking there's a winner on the internet.


It's all delusional.

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LOL that's the definition of stripping down the actual argument to a base level that doesn't mean anything and then thinking there's a winner on the internet.


It's all delusional.


This has nothing to do with winning on the internet.


I'm trying to explain to you why it is hypocrisy to attack people for posting on the forums while you yourself are posting on the forums.


That isn't stripping anything down. It's simply explaining to you the concept of hypocrisy, and why are you doing it when you attack others for posting when you are posting yourself.

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This has nothing to do with winning on the internet.


I'm trying to explain to you why it is hypocrisy to attack people for posting on the forums while you yourself are posting on the forums.


That isn't stripping anything down. It's simply explaining to you the concept of hypocrisy, and why are you doing it when you attack others for posting when you are posting yourself.


You don't need to try to explain anything to me. We are talking about different things but you are a little more 'basic' about it. It's cool 'talking points' and a 30 second attention span is what society is now i get it.


I never actually attacked anyone for posting, i simply said if you do things in life you enjoy you will be better off for it. Not sure how that's attacking someone.....but yah i guess it makes your argument look better.

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