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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Your pic is 5 AM........:rolleyes:




Pics of server status as of this past Sunday.


Ahh it goes from Queue to full to very heavy to heavy to standard... So on a sunday where everyone is off you could only point to a few heavy (Not even very heavy or full) servers? The population is no longer growing.. Here is an example.. On Twitchtv http://www.twitch.tv/directory SWTOR was always on the first 2 rows for people streaming and viewers when it first came out.... It always had 7k to 2k viewers.. Now most of the time it has under 500 viewers.. Yet WoW manages to keep viewers and remains on the top 2 rows almost all of the time... A 7 year old game can keep viewers but a 2 month old game cant?

Edited by Manakar
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Your pic is 5 AM........:rolleyes:


Yeah, it is.


This is at 3pm, got off work early and decided to log in a bit. It's definitely much more empty on my server now than it was a month ago, and I know at least 5-6 people that let their sub lapse.


Fleet 50

Hutta 8

Korriban 21

Drommand Kaas 35

Balmorra 16

Taris 8

Alderaan 14

Tatooine 18

Belsavis 20

Voss 11

Hoth 6

Nar Shaddaa 5

Corellia 15

Quesh 5

Ilum 11


On planets or in fleet: 243

***NOTE: This is considered STANDARD on server population listing. I have no idea what qualifies as "light"


It's still playable, but our market sucks now. If you are PvE'ing an alt it's ultra rare to see another human past Drommand Kaas, since the planets are so big and there are so few of them. If you head to Ilum though you can find 5-20 people at any given time killing each other and driving in circles to pick up armaments...

Edited by _Marou_
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Please, make a servers consolidation or transfer PLEASE! It's really innoing when you just can't even find a group for HEROIC!!


server name: Senator contospex (Europe)

REPUBLIC FLEET: 9 players!!!!!! BELSAVIS: 4.




P.s.: Too many servers, not enough players.. And it seems that this server is finaly dead.

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I don't log in much, the game just isn't that interesting. I screwed up and bought a six month sub though.


My main is Republic on one of the busier servers. Over the last few weeks the amount of people in the fleet (at all times) has slowly been dropping. Its less than a third of what it was a month ago. The same is true in all the zones.


Most of the loss is due to people leaving the game, some though are switching to the Imp side.


The guild I'm in once had 60 active players, now I seem to be the only one playing anymore.


2 faction mmo's always have people moving in droves to the winning side. It's not enough to account for the massive overall drop in players though. Even my Imp toons see less people on the fleet then there use to be. It's not as drastic as the Republic losses but still very noticable.

Edited by --Grim--
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Yeah, it is.


This is at 3pm, got off work early and decided to log in a bit. It's definitely much more empty on my server now than it was a month ago, and I know at least 5-6 people that let their sub lapse.


Fleet 50

Hutta 8

Korriban 21

Drommand Kaas 35

Balmorra 16

Taris 8

Alderaan 14

Tatooine 18

Belsavis 20

Voss 11

Hoth 6

Nar Shaddaa 5

Corellia 15

Quesh 5

Ilum 11


On planets or in fleet: 243

***NOTE: This is considered STANDARD on server population listing. I have no idea what qualifies as "light"


It's still playable, but our market sucks now. If you are PvE'ing an alt it's ultra rare to see another human past Drommand Kaas, since the planets are so big and there are so few of them. If you head to Ilum though you can find 5-20 people at any given time killing each other and driving in circles to pick up armaments...


Dont tell that to all the fanbois who believe there is nothing wrong with how the servers are. They can't possibly deal with reality.

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It is the middle of day. Not surprising to see low pops.


This is an east coast server. The kids are outta school. The pop stays about where it is now from 2-6pm. Then it might get up to 300-450 visible players until 10-11PM. Then it slowly drops off until about 2AM when it's down to < 100 until the next day around noon.


I'm still playing the game and having fun, but there is no point in denying reality. Although I love the PvP community on my server, I can't wait on cross-server pvp queues, just so I can play outside of 6-10PM without harsh (20+ minute) queue times only to have a game end prematurely due to insufficient players on one side.


Being really generous and assuming half of the players are in a WZ, Flashpoint, or Operation at any given time; my server is still empty as hell as far as MMO's go. I remember playing DAoC back in the day and having 2000 people on prime time, and there were no instances back then.

Edited by _Marou_
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BW is in trouble and they know it...Look at the propaganda they are trying to spin with their new video. Trying to re-hype people and give them a moral boost.


Its obvious, less people on forums, less people logging in. If you say other wise you are just ignorant to the facts around you.


I see Warhammer online all over again, Mythic was cursed...never should have brought those guys over to give PVP ideas....

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I just did a census of every class on the Standard server Dark Reaper on both factions.


1:00pm PST Tuesday




Warrior - 9

Inquisitor - 15

Agent - 10

Bounty Hunter - 7

Juggernaut - 82

Marauder - 86

Assassin - 91

Sage - 141

Operative - 69

Sniper - 51

Powertech - 40

Mercenary - 99

Total = 700




Jedi Knight - 8

Consular - 8

Smuggler - 5

Trooper - 7

Guardian - 27

Sentinel - 42

Shadow - 41

Sage - 48

Scoundrel - 25

Gunslinger - 23

Vanguard - 22

Commando - 38

Total = 294



Imperial = 700 Republic = 294 , Total Players on Dark Reaper Standard server = 994 players

Edited by RedMix
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After yesterday's subscription renewal (don't know if this is just coincidence) i've noticed quite a sizeable drop.


Averages at about 130 at peak times on the republic fleet.


Today the numbers were between 80-110 at all times, every time I checked except once it was between these numbers.


Pvp queue times longer as-well, maybe just because its a weekday but I dont recall waiting over 10 minutes for a war-zone.


Slightly worrying to be honest.

Edited by KiaThas
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Lol Wow!


I would love to be on a server with 900 plus people. Peak hours or not.


Peak hours on the server I play on normally have about 20-30 players.


So if you think you have it bad, try playing on a server that is dead.

I would like to rename my server "Ghost town"

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people are slowly realizing that have done all of this end game before...and its actually more buggy, less balanced, and in need of alot of work. Don't get me wrong i more then got my moneys worth out of TOR but...saddly lack of innovation is really what killed it.


Case in point a game like say Tera...has HORRIBLE questing system but innovative combat will make me want to play it more sheerly because it is different in terms of way game is played. DCUO with all of its flaws are far more interesting then TOR simply because combat is far more interesting...


saddly i hoped story would end up being good enough to hold my attention and that, combat over all would be fun BUT at end of the day i cant force myself to even log in anymore. That does not mean TOR is bad but for many of us we just want something new and TOR didn't give us that.

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The population is really dropping on some servers. I'm playing on Princess Galia with a 41 Jedi Sentinel and even at night, there's 6-15 people on Hoth. Same on Balmorra and many other planets. I've never seen more than 60 people on Imperial Fleet.


I suggest a server merging or at least a character transfer option.


It's really difficult to find groups to do heroic quests and even more difficult to find an enemy player in pvp area.

Edited by ZenMall
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Lol Wow!


I would love to be on a server with 900 plus people. Peak hours or not.


Peak hours on the server I play on normally have about 20-30 players.


So if you think you have it bad, try playing on a server that is dead.

I would like to rename my server "Ghost town"


I call BS.


Name of server?

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I just did a census of every class on the Standard server Dark Reaper on both factions.


1:00pm PST Tuesday




Warrior - 9

Inquisitor - 15

Agent - 10

Bounty Hunter - 7

Juggernaut - 82

Marauder - 86

Assassin - 91

Sage - 141

Operative - 69

Sniper - 51

Powertech - 40

Mercenary - 99

Total = 700




Jedi Knight - 8

Consular - 8

Smuggler - 5

Trooper - 7

Guardian - 27

Sentinel - 42

Shadow - 41

Sage - 48

Scoundrel - 25

Gunslinger - 23

Vanguard - 22

Commando - 38

Total = 294



Imperial = 700 Republic = 294 , Total Players on Dark Reaper Standard server = 994 players


Does that include people in WZ or Instances, like FP or OPs? Just wondering

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After yesterday's subscription renewal (don't know if this is just coincidence) i've noticed quite a sizeable drop.


Averages at about 130 at peak times on the republic fleet.


Today the numbers were between 80-110 at all times, every time I checked except once it was between these numbers.


Pvp queue times longer as-well, maybe just because its a weekday but I dont recall waiting over 10 minutes for a war-zone.


Slightly worrying to be honest.


Sooo, you started a post asking people what they thought about this game going F2P, replied in a "I am going back to wow" thread saying you'll join the OP and now ..this?


You know, there is a word for people like that, is "concern... something" but I don't remember what the something part is...

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Lol Wow!


I would love to be on a server with 900 plus people. Peak hours or not.


Peak hours on the server I play on normally have about 20-30 players.


So if you think you have it bad, try playing on a server that is dead.

I would like to rename my server "Ghost town"


1PM on a tuesday is hardly peak hour...

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BW is in trouble and they know it...Look at the propaganda they are trying to spin with their new video. Trying to re-hype people and give them a moral boost.


Its obvious, less people on forums, less people logging in. If you say other wise you are just ignorant to the facts around you.


I see Warhammer online all over again, Mythic was cursed...never should have brought those guys over to give PVP ideas....


this post mate you remind me the wordpress blog from ealouse ... i am reading again and again the whole article ( the original site is closed now ) and i am starting to see what happened....


ealouse was an oracle but unfortunately there is not any neo to save the humanity from droids :(

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