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just want to know who does most dps (pve)


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This is how i feel too, whilst watchman feels easier all round to play (especially in pve) and you cant really go wrong with it (i dunno i just feel i cant die due to the healing it does + doc, feels a lot easier)

... the damage comes in faster on Combat and thats just a lot more fun imo,


The melee range leap however is the thing in watchman i love the most.


Yeh dude, i solo Sorno interupts, and as watchman that was a cake walk. Combat on the other hand, ive got to sacrifice a small amount of dps to run out and make sure i get the first heal. In PVE it feels stronger all around, in utility and DPS.


I time my council kills for overall dps, and i kill my add about 12 seconds faster as watchman (without ZEN).


But you know what, with everything on farm i just dont care. I dont need gear and the bosses are dropping still. Im going to play what i enjoy until the need arises to respec FOTM....

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Yeh dude, i solo Sorno interupts, and as watchman that was a cake walk. Combat on the other hand, ive got to sacrifice a small amount of dps to run out and make sure i get the first heal. In PVE it feels stronger all around, in utility and DPS.


I time my council kills for overall dps, and i kill my add about 12 seconds faster as watchman (without ZEN).


But you know what, with everything on farm i just dont care. I dont need gear and the bosses are dropping still. Im going to play what i enjoy until the need arises to respec FOTM....


i do the same thing, mostly because i do not trust others to interrupt both the heal and the unload, and frankly no other 1 class can completely lock him down.

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To all combat sentinels. Stop.


Watchman is the top dps for sentinels and its very easy to prove. In Eternity Vault during the council fight the dps are always pitted up against the sith marauders(100K)hp.


I kill mine first everytime. Not only do I kill it first but the so called "leet" gunslinger snipe one button dps the one idiot was talking about, had his at 25, and 20% the 2nd run through while the other 2 were at 30%. Every week I prove it. in normal and HM

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i do the same thing, mostly because i do not trust others to interrupt both the heal and the unload, and frankly no other 1 class can completely lock him down.


I agree, and tbh i agree with basically everything you have said in this thread. Watchman just has so much more ... i could list every NMM fight and show how its better but there is just no point.

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I agree, and tbh i agree with basically everything you have said in this thread. Watchman just has so much more ... i could list every NMM fight and show how its better but there is just no point.


Someone someone who believe in fact no proof is needed, for someone who doesn't no amount of proof is enough.

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Watchman isn't the top DPS in the game right now. Powertechs(Vanguards), Mercenaries(Commando), and Snipers(Gunslingers) do more sustained DPS on a single target according to current theorycraft and in-game testing. Edited by Tumri
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Watchman isn't the top DPS in the game right now. Powertechs(Vanguards), Mercenaries(Commando), and Snipers do more sustained DPS on a single target according to current theorycraft and in-game testing.


i have NEVER had anyone beat me in NMM council. Commanods are the arcane mage of this game, so simple to play it can be done with a dippy bird, and i cannot see vanguards keeping up with any of the other DPS...

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looks like good replies from everyone tbh its really looking like i need to just try combat for awhile and see how i like it the thing that is hard for me to try to go without isnt so much the burns its really that 0m leap i use it everytime its available and for interrupts but thanks for the replies it sounds like combat and watchman are close. ill just have to try it out
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To all combat sentinels. Stop.


Watchman is the top dps for sentinels and its very easy to prove. In Eternity Vault during the council fight the dps are always pitted up against the sith marauders(100K)hp.


I kill mine first everytime. Not only do I kill it first but the so called "leet" gunslinger snipe one button dps the one idiot was talking about, had his at 25, and 20% the 2nd run through while the other 2 were at 30%. Every week I prove it. in normal and HM


Im sorry, where in my post do i make note of raids? O ya i didn't.


I will agree watch/anni is massive damg, dots always are in the long run, in shorter hardmode encounters a GS/sniper WILL pull ahead, also the fact range can stay on target in most raid encounters also when melee has to run. But that's the whole stack melee vs range debate.

Edited by Sireene
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Im sorry, where in my post do i make note of raids? O ya i didn't.


I will agree watch/anni is massive damg, dots always are in the long run, in shorter hardmode encounters a GS/sniper WILL pull ahead, also the fact range can stay on target in most raid encounters also when melee has to run. But that's the whole stack melee vs range debate.


all raid bosses run about 5+ minutes... no "short" fights and watchmen is the best long distance performing DPS spec in game.


I keep seeing that "melee has to run" excuse. If you are good a melee its not an issue at all and there is no encounter where you have less downtime then say a gunslinger because of movement. That "excuse" was made up to explain why bad melee DPS were bad, good melee have 0 issue with movement.

Edited by Sireene
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All I can say is...


It's more fun to play Combat but Watchmen is indeed more "CONSTANT"


If you get to crit a lot with Combat, you'll blow Watchmen out of the water. However, Watchmen will CONSISTENTLY bring out a flow of DPS. I prefer Combat for it's mechanics and style of play. Until I finish my PVP gear, I'm sticking with Watchmen.

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A geared Combat Sentinel will outdamage a Watchman one. People simply do not understand the power of a Blade Rush spam in Zen after a Precision Strike. The numbers are mindboggling (especially if you pop a relic). Everyone thinks that Combat is built around Blade Storm but that's simply wrong (it's a common misconception for those inexperienced with the build). The strength of Combat is found in Blade Rush and is simply augmented by the auto-crit Blade Storm every 9 seconds.


Combat is subpar when you're leveling and don't have gear. It also doesn't have any awesome utilities like the 6sec CD for Force Kick and 0 range for Force Leap but those become useless once you start running ops.

Edited by PantsOn
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I prefer combat, blade rush dps is insane. If they ever have a dps meter put in, I think many of you will be suprised.


I wish we had DPS meters too, because I would be willing to bet a lot of money that there is no higher 5 second DPS window than a [Zen + Precision Strike + Blade Rush spam] in the game.

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Watchman isn't the top DPS in the game right now. Powertechs(Vanguards), Mercenaries(Commando), and Snipers(Gunslingers) do more sustained DPS on a single target according to current theorycraft and in-game testing.


I can not believe your the first person to actually cover more then just the JK class, as asked by the OP. And this is currently correct for the most part if the classes listed have some half intelligent people playing them. I myself am normally 150-200 DPS below the top DPS classes as Watchman and I normally pull 1.5k+ DPS steadily over the last 3 NM EV Council. This is just myself and I am currently 1/5 rakata with the rest columni.

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I prefer combat, blade rush dps is insane. If they ever have a dps meter put in, I think many of you will be suprised.


Yup, agree with this :)


Combat's 2 main bursts...


Precision > Bladerush spam (using zen)


and Precision > Master Strike > Bladestorm


both are sick damage, however latter is prone to getting screwed if a mob stuns or knocks you back mid-master strike (easy to avoid if you know what to look for, mobs are quite predictable) :p


Between those spikes watchman will outperform, however when you put together Combats Bursts + inbetween vs Watchmans constant damage, over a long period of time, they feel quite close.


Personally i would wager Combat is higher damage output if there is no inturruptions to its cycles. But unless we get some kind of parsing program there is no way to accurately compare other than opinions. "i killed this one faster than my friend" is not in any way a fact for comparisons :) its just more 'confirmation bias'


Untill there is any kind of parsing program, i would consider them simply comparable and 2 different playstyles. Nothing more

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Yup, agree with this :)


Combat's 2 main bursts...


Precision > Bladerush spam (using zen)


and Precision > Master Strike > Bladestorm


both are sick damage, however latter is prone to getting screwed if a mob stuns or knocks you back mid-master strike (easy to avoid if you know what to look for, mobs are quite predictable) :p


Between those spikes watchman will outperform, however when you put together Combats Bursts + inbetween vs Watchmans constant damage, over a long period of time, they feel quite close.


Personally i would wager Combat is higher damage output if there is no inturruptions to its cycles. But unless we get some kind of parsing program there is no way to accurately compare other than opinions. "i killed this one faster than my friend" is not in any way a fact for comparisons :) its just more 'confirmation bias'


Untill there is any kind of parsing program, i would consider them simply comparable and 2 different playstyles. Nothing more


I agree for the most part, and as i said earlier on in this thread - combat seems to be fairly close. The only issue i have is that watchman brings more utility and survivability - allowing for more uptime on bosses (not by much, but it would make a difference). Watchman also handles movement very well imo ....


Either way, im combat atm because i like its style ....

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lol. if you think watchman can outdamage combat you make me lol.

they out dmg us in wz and thats it. in pve/single target you can say bye-bye to a mob faster fighting it as a combat compared to a watchman.


not sure if trolling or just stupid. Watchman can easily out damage combat... i guess that's because of scaling with columi/rakata gear though

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Combat > Watchman for PvE (just damage, not utility)





Valorous Call

Leap(4 focus) - 800 damage - 1.5 seconds

Zealous(10) - 1000 - 3 seconds

Precision(7) - 1200 - 4.5 seconds

Zen (off GCD)

Blade Rush(6) - 2100 with 900 Ataru proc - 5.5 seconds

Blade Rush(5) - 3000 - 6.5 seconds

Blade Rush(4) - 3000 - 7.5 seconds

Precision wears off somewhere between 3rd and 4th BR

Blade Rush(3) - 2300 - 8.5 seconds

Blade Rush(2) - 2300 - 9.5 seconds

Blade Rush(1) - 2300 - 10.5 seconds

Strike(3) - 1000 - 11.5 seconds

Zealous(9) - 1000 - 13 seconds

Precision(6) - 1200 - 14.5 seconds

Master Strike(6) - 7000 - 17.5 seconds

Blade Storm(4) - 3000 - 19 seconds (then round up to 20 because nothing is perfect)


In 20 seconds I just did over 32k damage. 32000/20 sec comes to 1600 DPS. You really gonna tell me some burns, a Merciless that is mitigated by armor, and a bunch of Strikes and point blank leaps for Focus are going to top that? Really?




Valorous Call

Leap(4 focus, assuming PvE build) - 800 damage - 1.5 seconds

OS(1) - Off GCD

Zealous(7) - 1000 - 1 stack OS 3 seconds - 3 seconds

Cauterize(5) - 1000 - 2 stacks OS and Cauterize - 4.5 seconds

Merciless(1) - 3300 - 3 stacks OS - 6 seconds

Zen - Off GCD

Oh snap, both Zealous Strike and Leap are still on cd

Strike(3) - 1000 - 7.5 seconds

Strike(5) - 1000 - 9 seconds

Strike(7) - 1000 - 10.5 seconds

Slash(5) - 1800 - 12 seconds

Leap(9) - 800 - 13.5 seconds

Slash(7) - 1800 - 15 seconds


Zealous(10) - 1000 - 1 stack OS - 16.5 seconds

Merciless(6) - 3300 - 2 stacks OS - 18 seconds

Cauterize(4) - 1000 - 3 stacks OS and Cauterize 19.5 seconds

Zen (if available, should be)


Now, because you only just reach a full stack of OS a second time by the very end of this 20 second parse, we aren't going to count that burn damage. In 19.5 seconds (again, round up to 20) you've done 18800 damage. Throw in 3 ticks of OS critting for 1300, that goes up to 22700, and 6 ticks of Cauterize for 450 each (and that's being generous, some of these will not be under the influence of Zen) and that brings you to 25400.


My numbers were generated using my gear:

1515 Strength

32% crit

340 Bonus

78% Surge


Now even if you doctor those numbers a bit, and subtract a few from Combat and add a few to the Watchman 'parse' you're still only coming out equal. I've played both specs extensively, although admittedly only been Watchman now for 2 weeks with a PvP oriented build. My Merciless crits slightly harder than my Blade Storm, but my Blade Storm crits 100% of the time, which trumps Merciless. Combat Zen comes out to equal much more damage, however Combat takes slightly longer to acquire 30 stacks of centering.


You just can't really argue with these numbers. Do the math, even if I messed up in a place or two, overall the time and damage is solid. Combat is just as good, if not better, at PvE dps.


*edit* Of course these numbers aren't perfect, the rotation might also not be perfect, but like I said, it's all close enough to give you a picture of damage output over a 20 second window. All these numbers were tested on level 50 strong mobs on Ilum, for consistency.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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Ok i was combat from 10-50 into hardmodes and ops, loved it. Then i thought well lets just try Watchman for the fun of it. Its now months later and i would never consider going back to combat.


Some say that Combat is more "bursty". No.. just because you have autocrits in a build doesnt mean its more bursty. In Watchman, with full stacks of dots on a target, popping zen and continuing to smash the target will do WAY more "burst" damage than combat does with precision slash and/or zen "bursts". Outside of that, the overall sustained damage for Watchman is simply A LOT higher. This is all based on single-target DPS, bosses and elites. As far as killing adds (normals or strong) Combat will do better since you wont have to use the first few seconds to build up the dots. But how many times did your ops or HM group wipe on trash..?


That said, Combat is easier to play at its max capacity whereas Watchman have a lot of abilities to keep track on as well as it being more focus consuming. A decently played Watchman will still "outdamage" a very well played Combat.


Then theres survivability.. I was unable to complete a certain lvl 50 hc2 with combat. Shortly after i switched to Watchman i tried it again. I could yawn my way trough it. For bosses in ops and hardmodes the 4 second invulnerability from force fade is invaluable. Not to mention the selfheals from dot crits and the party heals from zen. Centering is built much much faster in Watchman meaning you can use zen more often for that ******ic burn damage and heals.


Every attack you use will in Watchman deal more damage due to the stacks of Juyo form. A merciless slash crit will deal roughly the same damage as a blade storm crit with precision slash active, which is the most damaging attack in the combat tree. (not counting master strike) and lets remember what build has dots running in the background.


For PvE i can guarantee that Watchman is the best way to go, as far as PvP goes i seem to be doing just as fine in Watchman as i did with combat but i did like the Combat mechanics more in PvP, just my personal preference i guess.


These are all just what i have gathered from my experience with the class, if anyone wants to insist that Combat is better as far as PvE goes, feel free to put up a video of you playing and you might just (not) convince me you are right. :)

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Ok i was combat from 10-50 into hardmodes and ops, loved it. Then i thought well lets just try Watchman for the fun of it. Its now months later and i would never consider going back to combat.


Some say that Combat is more "bursty". No.. just because you have autocrits in a build doesnt mean its more bursty. In Watchman, with full stacks of dots on a target, popping zen and continuing to smash the target will do WAY more "burst" damage than combat does with precision slash and/or zen "bursts". Outside of that, the overall sustained damage for Watchman is simply A LOT higher. This is all based on single-target DPS, bosses and elites. As far as killing adds (normals or strong) Combat will do better since you wont have to use the first few seconds to build up the dots. But how many times did your ops or HM group wipe on trash..?


That said, Combat is easier to play at its max capacity whereas Watchman have a lot of abilities to keep track on as well as it being more focus consuming. A decently played Watchman will still "outdamage" a very well played Combat.


Then theres survivability.. I was unable to complete a certain lvl 50 hc2 with combat. Shortly after i switched to Watchman i tried it again. I could yawn my way trough it. For bosses in ops and hardmodes the 4 second invulnerability from force fade is invaluable. Not to mention the selfheals from dot crits and the party heals from zen. Centering is built much much faster in Watchman meaning you can use zen more often for that ******ic burn damage and heals.


Every attack you use will in Watchman deal more damage due to the stacks of Juyo form. A merciless slash crit will deal roughly the same damage as a blade storm crit with precision slash active, which is the most damaging attack in the combat tree. (not counting master strike) and lets remember what build has dots running in the background.


For PvE i can guarantee that Watchman is the best way to go, as far as PvP goes i seem to be doing just as fine in Watchman as i did with combat but i did like the Combat mechanics more in PvP, just my personal preference i guess.


These are all just what i have gathered from my experience with the class, if anyone wants to insist that Combat is better as far as PvE goes, feel free to put up a video of you playing and you might just (not) convince me you are right. :)


Read my post above yours and argue your case. Combat is at the very least on par for dps in PvE situations. The numbers don't lie.

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Combat > Watchman for PvE (just damage, not utility)





Valorous Call

Leap(4 focus) - 800 damage - 1.5 seconds

Zealous(10) - 1000 - 3 seconds

Precision(7) - 1200 - 4.5 seconds

Zen (off GCD)

Blade Rush(6) - 2100 with 900 Ataru proc - 5.5 seconds

Blade Rush(5) - 3000 - 6.5 seconds

Blade Rush(4) - 3000 - 7.5 seconds

Precision wears off somewhere between 3rd and 4th BR

Blade Rush(3) - 2300 - 8.5 seconds

Blade Rush(2) - 2300 - 9.5 seconds

Blade Rush(1) - 2300 - 10.5 seconds

Strike(3) - 1000 - 11.5 seconds

Zealous(9) - 1000 - 13 seconds

Precision(6) - 1200 - 14.5 seconds

Master Strike(6) - 7000 - 17.5 seconds

Blade Storm(4) - 3000 - 19 seconds (then round up to 20 because nothing is perfect)


In 20 seconds I just did over 32k damage. 32000/20 sec comes to 1600 DPS. You really gonna tell me some burns, a Merciless that is mitigated by armor, and a bunch of Strikes and point blank leaps for Focus are going to top that? Really?




Valorous Call

Leap(4 focus, assuming PvE build) - 800 damage - 1.5 seconds

OS(1) - Off GCD

Zealous(7) - 1000 - 1 stack OS 3 seconds - 3 seconds

Cauterize(5) - 1000 - 2 stacks OS and Cauterize - 4.5 seconds

Merciless(1) - 3300 - 3 stacks OS - 6 seconds

Zen - Off GCD

Oh snap, both Zealous Strike and Leap are still on cd

Strike(3) - 1000 - 7.5 seconds

Strike(5) - 1000 - 9 seconds

Strike(7) - 1000 - 10.5 seconds

Slash(5) - 1800 - 12 seconds

Leap(9) - 800 - 13.5 seconds

Slash(7) - 1800 - 15 seconds


Zealous(10) - 1000 - 1 stack OS - 16.5 seconds

Merciless(6) - 3300 - 2 stacks OS - 18 seconds

Cauterize(4) - 1000 - 3 stacks OS and Cauterize 19.5 seconds

Zen (if available, should be)


Now, because you only just reach a full stack of OS a second time by the very end of this 20 second parse, we aren't going to count that burn damage. In 19.5 seconds (again, round up to 20) you've done 18800 damage. Throw in 3 ticks of OS critting for 1300, that goes up to 22700, and 6 ticks of Cauterize for 450 each (and that's being generous, some of these will not be under the influence of Zen) and that brings you to 25400.


My numbers were generated using my gear:

1515 Strength

32% crit

340 Bonus

78% Surge


Now even if you doctor those numbers a bit, and subtract a few from Combat and add a few to the Watchman 'parse' you're still only coming out equal. I've played both specs extensively, although admittedly only been Watchman now for 2 weeks with a PvP oriented build. My Merciless crits slightly harder than my Blade Storm, but my Blade Storm crits 100% of the time, which trumps Merciless. Combat Zen comes out to equal much more damage, however Combat takes slightly longer to acquire 30 stacks of centering.


You just can't really argue with these numbers. Do the math, even if I messed up in a place or two, overall the time and damage is solid. Combat is just as good, if not better, at PvE dps.


*edit* Of course these numbers aren't perfect, the rotation might also not be perfect, but like I said, it's all close enough to give you a picture of damage output over a 20 second window. All these numbers were tested on level 50 strong mobs on Ilum, for consistency.

no wonder you think watchmen is low damage you play it completely wrong... the only thing you have shown is that combat is simple enough for you to play and watvhmen is very very beyond you.



like i have said combat seems better to bad players because they lack the ability to play watchmen.... this guy just proved that.

Edited by Hizoka
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Combat > Watchman for PvE (just damage, not utility)





Valorous Call

Leap(4 focus) - 800 damage - 1.5 seconds

Zealous(10) - 1000 - 3 seconds

Precision(7) - 1200 - 4.5 seconds

Zen (off GCD)

Blade Rush(6) - 2100 with 900 Ataru proc - 5.5 seconds

Blade Rush(5) - 3000 - 6.5 seconds

Blade Rush(4) - 3000 - 7.5 seconds

Precision wears off somewhere between 3rd and 4th BR

Blade Rush(3) - 2300 - 8.5 seconds

Blade Rush(2) - 2300 - 9.5 seconds

Blade Rush(1) - 2300 - 10.5 seconds

Strike(3) - 1000 - 11.5 seconds

Zealous(9) - 1000 - 13 seconds

Precision(6) - 1200 - 14.5 seconds

Master Strike(6) - 7000 - 17.5 seconds

Blade Storm(4) - 3000 - 19 seconds (then round up to 20 because nothing is perfect)


In 20 seconds I just did over 32k damage. 32000/20 sec comes to 1600 DPS. You really gonna tell me some burns, a Merciless that is mitigated by armor, and a bunch of Strikes and point blank leaps for Focus are going to top that? Really?




Valorous Call

Leap(4 focus, assuming PvE build) - 800 damage - 1.5 seconds

OS(1) - Off GCD

Zealous(7) - 1000 - 1 stack OS 3 seconds - 3 seconds

Cauterize(5) - 1000 - 2 stacks OS and Cauterize - 4.5 seconds

Merciless(1) - 3300 - 3 stacks OS - 6 seconds

Zen - Off GCD

Oh snap, both Zealous Strike and Leap are still on cd

Strike(3) - 1000 - 7.5 seconds

Strike(5) - 1000 - 9 seconds

Strike(7) - 1000 - 10.5 seconds

Slash(5) - 1800 - 12 seconds

Leap(9) - 800 - 13.5 seconds

Slash(7) - 1800 - 15 seconds


Zealous(10) - 1000 - 1 stack OS - 16.5 seconds

Merciless(6) - 3300 - 2 stacks OS - 18 seconds

Cauterize(4) - 1000 - 3 stacks OS and Cauterize 19.5 seconds

Zen (if available, should be)


Now, because you only just reach a full stack of OS a second time by the very end of this 20 second parse, we aren't going to count that burn damage. In 19.5 seconds (again, round up to 20) you've done 18800 damage. Throw in 3 ticks of OS critting for 1300, that goes up to 22700, and 6 ticks of Cauterize for 450 each (and that's being generous, some of these will not be under the influence of Zen) and that brings you to 25400.


My numbers were generated using my gear:

1515 Strength

32% crit

340 Bonus

78% Surge


Now even if you doctor those numbers a bit, and subtract a few from Combat and add a few to the Watchman 'parse' you're still only coming out equal. I've played both specs extensively, although admittedly only been Watchman now for 2 weeks with a PvP oriented build. My Merciless crits slightly harder than my Blade Storm, but my Blade Storm crits 100% of the time, which trumps Merciless. Combat Zen comes out to equal much more damage, however Combat takes slightly longer to acquire 30 stacks of centering.


You just can't really argue with these numbers. Do the math, even if I messed up in a place or two, overall the time and damage is solid. Combat is just as good, if not better, at PvE dps.


*edit* Of course these numbers aren't perfect, the rotation might also not be perfect, but like I said, it's all close enough to give you a picture of damage output over a 20 second window. All these numbers were tested on level 50 strong mobs on Ilum, for consistency.


wow im sorry but this was just plain stupid.. im not interested in a flamewar with anyone but this was just.. well laughable im afraid. Im not even going to begin to ask where you got that Watchman rotation from, why on earth your not using master strike in Watchman,

why you are ignoring juyo form or where your damage numbers comes from. All i know is my dots alone does about 1600 DPS. (in the practical world)


I also like how your precision slash is on a 10 sec cd....

Edited by gunte
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wow im sorry but this was just plain stupid.. im not interested in a flamewar with anyone but this was just.. well laughable im afraid. Im not even going to begin to ask where you got that Watchman rotation from, why on earth your not using master strike in Watchman,

why you are ignoring juyo form or where your damage numbers comes from. All i know is my dots alone does about 1600 DPS. (in the practical world)


Of course I'm in Juyo? Duh.

3 stack of OS with Zen crits for about 1300, 3 times.

Cauterize crits for about 450, 6 times.

That comes out to 6600 damage over 6 seconds. 6600 divided by 6 seconds is 1100 dps.

Dunno what uber gear you're running in for your dots to be so OP.

I also said I've only been Watchman 2 weeks now, and primarily PvP. Master Strike is worthless in PvP without the Combat or Focus talents to improve it. No, these numbers were not meant to represent PvP, but this has been my experience.


Even taking into account the ability to use Cauterize every 6 seconds (which is impossible, sometimes you simply will not get the CD refreshed) it's virtually impossible to keep OS up 100% as well. Blade Storm costs as much as Merciless and does half the damage without Combat talents. And virtually every other ability you use as Watchman is melee. Meaning you stack OS very quickly.


Please, enlighten me. You've said nothing useful whatsoever, either you or the person above you. And I love how you read my edit at the bottom, that stated these rotations might be off. Great reading comprehension.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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