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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many hours a day makes up a casual player?


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I play at least 3 hours a day ... I work full time, no kids, i am married ... Thats a good chunk of the day ...


I wake up at 8 , get to work at 9, off at at 5, hit the gym, and am home at 7, eat dinner, and hop on by 8... I genally play till 11 and then hit the sack ...



I am lvl 50, dont have great gear ... And have a hard time finding a group to run hm flash points ...


I hear people talk about how easy it is to get battlemaster gsear .. I have no clue how they do it ... I am either a really bad mmo player or am just not playing enough ... I try to split pve and pvp in those 3 hours ...


Please help ...

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I play at least 3 hours a day ... I work full time, no kids, i am married ... Thats a good chunk of the day ...


I wake up at 8 , get to work at 9, off at at 5, hit the gym, and am home at 7, eat dinner, and hop on by 8... I genally play till 11 and then hit the sack ...



I am lvl 50, dont have great gear ... And have a hard time finding a group to run hm flash points ...


I hear people talk about how easy it is to get battlemaster gsear .. I have no clue how they do it ... I am either a really bad mmo player or am just not playing enough ... I try to split pve and pvp in those 3 hours ...


Please help ...

There isn't a set number. Casual vs Hardcore is more about your attitude towards the game. The labels are really bad and probably should be scrapped. Personally, I consider myself casually hardcore. I'm hardcore in the min/max area. However, I don't have the play time for Ops anymore, so I'm more casual about my in game activities.

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To me, being a casual player is a mentality. You can play 120 hours a week and still be casual or you can play 4 minutes a day. It's not about how much you play, but how you play during that timeframe.


I play a lot. I'd guess that it's somewhere around twenty five hours a week or almost four hours a day. The reason I consider myself casual is because I'm so lackadaisical about everything. Just last night I did Hammer Station three times at level 33 because someone asked me to. It wasn't for gear or any other reason than just to have fun and to even help someone else out.


I also am very picky about what types of things my character wears and uses. I would be willing to take a stat loss on a piece of gear because I don't like it. I consider that to be a casual mentality because a hardcore player wouldn't do something like that.


To me, a hardcore player is the kind that chases gear, cares about what specialisation people choose, and other similar things that I consider to be ridiculous. I don't find that fun at all. I'd rather take things as they come. I don't really care if there are people that do that, but I just know that I don't want to play with them. I hope they have fun, but that they just have fun other there while I do my thing over here.



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IF you have a constant time you play you are not casual.


If you play from 1-2AM on sat and no other rime during the week but that time every week you are not a casual. You just dont play much.


A casual player in the time sense is that you never know when you play. YOu can play 16 hours one day and then 2 hours the next and then skip 2 weeks and play 4 hours. Casual is you play sometimes when you can and dont play sometimes even though you can.


There is a time casual and a playstyle casual. There are also the fake casuals but you dont want to be one of those IMO.

Edited by Emeda
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