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I need some serious insight, Maur or Jugg?


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I know a lot of you are going to tell me to go with my play style, BUT before you do listen to what I have to say.


I have been reading nonstop on my issue at hand, and I am a PVPer.. I hear maurs are good if you can master them but have no CCs and are quite squishy.


I hear juggs are good but they lack DPSish.. But they have CCs and are a lot more tanky.


I already have a PT leveled up, and their survivability is off the charts, so a jugg seems quite similar, that also makes me question going jugg.


I enjoy balls out DPS, but I hate being cut down so easily..


Can there be any insight from you experienced warriors out there?

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I find the Juggernaut has a pretty decent dps if so specced. I had this brillant idea of playing every AC on both sides to see the 8 stories, and already have a 50 Guardian. I re-rolled my Marauder after hitting 40(wanted to be really sure I guess lol.) into a Juggernaut and am currently 48, it's a pretty *********** good class, I could top dps or come close to top mostly every wz, the short stealth was the only game saver pretty much but it works pretty well if well abused.


On the other hand, Juggernaut has a lot more interesting skills, cc, a tank spec, better survivability and if you want to go balls on the dps just go rage... Also generally looks better as far as gear goes but that's all a matter of opinion, I'm sure some folks prefer their Marauders, in the end it's up to you.

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This is a matter of not being able to get both.


As an experienced marauder, I can tell you that marauders are powerful if done right. I would recommend not reading the forums too much, seeing as there are a lot of bad players mouthing off here.


You need to be able to use your cooldowns at the correct timings to be able to truly shine as a marauder. You are squishy, but this is a trade in order to be able to put out arguably the highest single target dps out there, if you can stay on the target. You do have utility. Not in the sense of cc, aside from the shout which is actually pretty good, but in the sense of powerful group buffs (bloodthirst, predation) and interrupts and in general a dangerous presence in a group fight.


I can't say how a juggernaut does in this regard, but I feel that they are indeed more tanky. The damage might not be as great as the marauder, but I feel that due to the nature of the two it shouldn't be that way either. Rage built juggs are dishing out quite a lot of damage in warzones however and they look pretty powerful.


Both classes are powerful in the right hands and weak in the wrong hands. Juggernaut is the more classic powerful in your face sith fighter, where as marauder is a more evasive type dishing out hurt.


I can certainly say that I have had a lot of fun as a marauder and I feel in no way, shape or form weak. Quite the opposite actually, despite what many on the forums wants to believe. Hope this helps you in one way or the other.

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This is a matter of not being able to get both.


As an experienced marauder, I can tell you that marauders are powerful if done right. I would recommend not reading the forums too much, seeing as there are a lot of bad players mouthing off here.


You need to be able to use your cooldowns at the correct timings to be able to truly shine as a marauder. You are squishy, but this is a trade in order to be able to put out arguably the highest single target dps out there, if you can stay on the target. You do have utility. Not in the sense of cc, aside from the shout which is actually pretty good, but in the sense of powerful group buffs (bloodthirst, predation) and interrupts and in general a dangerous presence in a group fight.


I can't say how a juggernaut does in this regard, but I feel that they are indeed more tanky. The damage might not be as great as the marauder, but I feel that due to the nature of the two it shouldn't be that way either. Rage built juggs are dishing out quite a lot of damage in warzones however and they look pretty powerful.


Both classes are powerful in the right hands and weak in the wrong hands. Juggernaut is the more classic powerful in your face sith fighter, where as marauder is a more evasive type dishing out hurt.


I can certainly say that I have had a lot of fun as a marauder and I feel in no way, shape or form weak. Quite the opposite actually, despite what many on the forums wants to believe. Hope this helps you in one way or the other.


Indeed, Maras are quite strong but if your CDs aren't up you can be in a world of pain. That is about the only time you feel squishy otherwise you scythe through people like they are butter. I have trouble picking between the two as well. Though at this point I have decided to level a Mara at this point and then do a Jugg as well. I will probably do something in between as to not be totally bored but I just love the various incarnations of the Sith Warrior to pass it up.


I enjoy PVP though so that is what made me stick with Mara as my main. Not that Juggs suck in PVP mind you but I like the bigger bag of tricks that comes with the Mara that the Juggs lacks for some reason even if spec'd DPS.

Edited by Vandewater
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Well, i've chosen on the sheer fact that rolling jugg would be easier to get into groups.


So the deed is done.


Here's a little advice. For PVE, go Vengenace spec when you want to DPS. Rage is a PVP oriented one trick pony. Trust me, it can get that trick to hit like a truck...but it's still only one trick.


Vengeance has very nice sustained DPS. Great for hard mode operations.

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Here's a little advice. For PVE, go Vengenace spec when you want to DPS. Rage is a PVP oriented one trick pony. Trust me, it can get that trick to hit like a truck...but it's still only one trick.


Vengeance has very nice sustained DPS. Great for hard mode operations.




I did insane DPS as a Veng Jugg in several EV runs.

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Just my experience so far... I loved my Jug and thought that it felt like a wrecking ball. I could jump into anything and survive, eventually killing everything (PVE wise). But when it comes to PVP the Jug could either have lots of stuns, OR one-trick heavy DPS. The Rage Jug can put out a lot of AOE damage, but it can be avoided by a good player, and that can make for a long long fight.

On the other hand, so far the Marauder is killing so fast that I end up with about the same health (PVE wise). In PVP I can put a lot of damage out quickly. I am only level 21 so far and lacking the higher survival abilities. Even though I know I'm not playing the class to it's fullest yet, it still seems to be incredibly powerful. Very fast and very fluid. Nobody ever ran from my Jug, but they do from my Marauder occasionally. :D

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Lol, I'm a Marauder, been one since day one.


It's hilarious to see bad players see me and go O****RUN, but it's also infuriating cause I'm like DIENAOPLOX. None of the players who are any real threat to me run, nor do they panic-knockback when I charge/poof in.


I'd recommend also making a Marauder. As was said in this thread before, the massive bag of ****-you is pretty sweet. So long as you're not being a retard, there's no reason outside of having only a tiny sliver of life left and getting charged/stunlocked for any player to EVER catch you if you need to run away.


Marauders, imo, feel super-ninja.

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I've been a max level marauder since the first week of launch. I've done all current content on nightmare, have my unyielding title, have 100% full best in slot rakata gear and a near full champ gear set, closing in on valor rank 60 for my BM title soon.


My friend is similar, but he is a BM already and is a jugger, slightly better geared for pvp.


When we run together, I typically do more damage than he does in pvp, and keep in mind, my dps is like 95% single target, as I run annihilation, while he runs rage (aoe pvp burst spec). I also usually heal myself and the group for a bit more than 1/6 of my dps. Most games I am capable of hitting the 300k damage done commendation, as well as the 75k healing commendation. Be warned though, since annihilate hits with both sabers, you will only very rarely get the 5k single hit achieve. Even though I get 4k+ main hand annihilation hits and 1k+ offhand hits, sometimes even close to 5k / 1.4k, it is very very rare to hit annihilation hard enough to get over 5k on main hand, which is what it take to get that commendation.


When you read this, keep in mind: 99.9999% of marauders are 100% complete trash. Very few have the apm/skill to play marauders to their max. They have a LOT of abilities that are off the GCD that need to be used very often to maximize dps/survivability, and they have 3 things to watch: hp, rage, and fury, where as other classes typically just watch hp/rage or energy w/e.


That said, it is my opinion that the marauder, when facing an equally geared opponent and assuming both play at max skill level, will nearly always win in 1v1. I seek out players to "duel" in warzones to test myself, and so far I have not been beaten in a 1v1 where I started at full or near full hp. Marauders are extremely hard to kill, but they rely 100% on their ability usage for their survivability. I would go so far as to say that marauders are probably less squishy (once geared and assuming high skill level) than juggers. But you need to chain cloak, saber ward often, keep your bleeds up, berserk as you cast both bleeds, and as a last resort, use undying rage when you go sub 3k HP and then immediately use rakata medpack.


One of the best combos is to apply both bleeds, berserk, ravage, annihilate. That combo can easily kill a person without a shield, and if it doesnt, you can finish them off with execute.


Marauders have a ton of tools in their arsenal, but they lack CC, and if you run into a grp of 3-4 and get chain stunned/cced, yes, you are going to die. However, I have taken on 2-4 players at a time that were lesser geared/skilled and come out the victor.


My Jugg friend is much better geared than I am for pvp (full BM in fact), but I will beat him every time in a 1v1. Marauders have sooo many amazing tools. Need to catch someone? Predation is basically sprint on a 30 second cooldown assuming you can generate the fury. Healer? 6 second interrupt, force choke, and point blank charge as an interrupt, not to mention 20% healing debuff. In trouble, or have a sniper lining up a big hit on you? Force camo out, turn the table on them.


On my entire server, I have seen maybe 2-3 marauders that I would say play their class to the max, as I do, in all my time doing pvp. Well, 2 marauders, 1 sentinel. The fury mechanic is awkward at first, and by the time you are level 30 you will feel like you have far too many abiltiies, but they are all needed and useful. You will need to be able to map/bind and be able to use, within a split second, at least 36 different keys, or 3x full bars worth of abilities. Your life will hang by a thread in pvp, only to hit undying rage, berserk, bleeds, and medpack and leech your way back to 1/2 - 3/4 hp, while your opponent wonders why the hell you won't die. Split second reactions and timings will determine whether you live or die.


Marauders are both one of the most difficult and rewarding classes, if not just the most period.


The question is not, "Should I play marauder or juggernaut?". The question is, do you have the skill and determination to play the most difficult class in this game, and reap the rewards?

Edited by Aluvi
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Well, as i said i did choose Jugg, BUT as of last night I decided that I was going to level both




After reading the previous comment.. I think I am going to roll Mara 100%, the challenge it'll bring seems like so much fun to me.


I played a rogue in WoW, and I feel like they have the same amount of abilities, but obviously Mara uses rage.


I am excited to learn and master the Mara, I don't know why I tried to take the easy rode out.


P.S. Is there any crazy PvP guilds on any servers I could level my Mara on? That'd be great because that's my main focus. And the server I am on has very few PvP guilds.

(my server is PvP.)

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Annihilation is the go to spec for both PvE and PvP.


For PvE:




For PvP:




These builds are by no means set in stone, and I would encourage you to play around with a few of the "pvp" ish talents like Ferocity, Phantom, Seeping Wounds, and possibly even sacrifice a few points in one of those for Defensive Roll in the Carnage tree. 30% reduced dmg taken from aoe is nothing to sneeze at.


The theory behind what Bioware considered to be our true "pvp" tree (rage) is that you can stack huge smashes for big aoe damage. This is true, and it's quite effective, however when you aren't doing a 5k smash, your dmg output is very lackluster. And landing a big smash on multiple moving opponents is not fun, especially after you factor in lag.


Rage vs Annihilation: I've done both, they both will yield good damage, however you will find it difficult to kill people 1 on 1, or to "finish" someone in Rage spec. Rage spec has higher damage reduction and burst, but lacks the heals that annihilation provides, which turn out to be of greater benefit than the increased DR. In certain warzones (namely voidstar) the aoe damage of Rage can really shine, however just be aware that a Juggernaut will always be better suited to that spec than you as a marauder; their vengeance dps tree lends them additional increases to smash. The one benefit of Rage is that you will more easily hit the 5k commendation medal from single hit. On the flip side, Annihilation as a PvP spec makes you a great ball runner. Popping Predation and Undying Rage makes you literally unstoppable; you'll run 50%+ faster and have 99% damage reduction for a short time.


I would recommend this guide for ability usage and stat weights. It's a bit outdated but most of the info is still good. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=72872


Oh and just to show you that Annihilation kicks butt in PvP:




The poster is a full BM geared Marauder that put up a screenshot of his/her warzone stats, which totaled over 720k damage done and 120k+ healing through bleeds.

Edited by Aluvi
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We're a PvE guild, but we are somewhat "casual".. in that we only raid 2-3 days per week, but being made up of WoW and other MMO veterans from world top 100 guilds, we tend to get everything done in that time. This leaves us LOTS of time for PvP, and we have 5 or 6 Battlemaster (rank 60+) fully BM geared players that do both PvP and PvE.


When I run with our 4 man premade (Rage spec Jugg, me as anni marauder, Sorc Healer, and either an assassin or operative) we never lose. In fact, in Huttball we typically sit on the opposing teams goal line and farm them after 5 caps for the remaining 10 minutes of the game.


I don't have any PvP videos (my gear is still only champ and somewhat shameful!), but I can link you a few PvE videos from my perspective so that you can see the play style:


Nightmare 16 Man SoA The Infernal One (Rock Music):




Nightmare 16 Man SoA The Infernal One, End Boss of Eternity Vault (Star Wars Music by request):




*The ending on these is absolutely epic, boss enraging for 2 full pillar cycles at 307 hp.. if only I hadn't gotten trigger happy on that last charge..


Nightmare 8 Man Karagga, End Boss of Karagga's palace:



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a well played marauder that manages his defensive cooldowns correctly is just as a resilient as a jugger in pvp.


juggers just get to be hard all the time. marauders get to be hard during the 10 second window when they truly need it, to escape.


killing people is easy. every class has a talent tree that has a '5k medal' button somewhere in it. Learning which 10 seconds out of a 15 minute match are the ones that you're supposed to be hitting your escape cooldowns on, that's the measure of a marauder.


some people can do it, some people can't. I personally can't, I'm just not that OCD at the keyboard, can't be bothered to watch my clocks, so i play idiot-proof specs on non-complicated classes. But it doesn't matter if you're a really pro player or just a dummy like me- You're never going to land a killing blow on any marauder that knows how to pick his fights. The bad marauders will get chopped down, the good ones, -poof- they're gone.

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