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You wanna say what class and server? maybe someone might help from here.:)


Also a lot of people are treating this as KOTOR3, just ignoring the MMO part of the game for the SP. So... yeah. There ya go.


I asked for help in imperial fleet. I offered an orange light saber, credits. NOTHING. All I want do is see end of my class quest. I offered a large sum of credits for just 15 minutes of work. I just feel like everyone in game is super selfish, wouldn't suck if I didn't spend an hour running guildies through flash point to "level up"

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I asked for help in imperial fleet. I offered an orange light saber, credits. NOTHING. All I want do is see end of my class quest. I offered a large sum of credits for just 15 minutes of work. I just feel like everyone in game is super selfish, wouldn't suck if I didn't spend an hour running guildies through flash point to "level up"


You... uh... didn't answer my question. I think you were pointing towards the guy above me. :)

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I have watch videos of the ending of my series posted on youtube because no one is able to help me with my class quest. It's so annoying out there. Sometime's I just think of not playing. I thought this was going be like "Dragon Age" where thing's turn out differently, and people happily joined groups.


I am just so frustrated at this point. I waited DAYS for someone to help me with my quest. Do I help out fellow guild mates? yes. I ran one through a flash point on a 50, several times and I only gave them, not joking her. 50k in credits. It's just bland when your in a mission and have to "grind repeated cycle"


All I want to do is see the end of my class quest, I have another 50 and I am just going google it's name and look up videos. I'm interested in the story, not the combat. Why do I torture myself with emotional abuse by logging in, why couldn't this be like orgins..


Sorry but your kinda whining man. In any rpg if something is too hard you have to grind or do side quests. Find another guild too. If your on my server is help. But its a class quest and it kinda SHOULD be done solo. There's no point in playing any game if your unwilling to do the work

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You... uh... didn't answer my question. I think you were pointing towards the guy above me. :)


Because their are several, several realms and in slim chance someone might be on mine(virtually impossible). I think I'm just going watch video of my class quest on a site and then that will be it for me and game. I dunno. I might come back.


It's not something I made in haste. I am on for at least five hours a day and all I needed was help with this FINAL class quest. I spend an offensive amount of time helping others. But oh no. No one comes to help me.


Why spend time playing a game, that requires you to have help from other people. I'm going go re-install orgins or something


/end rant.

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Because their are several, several realms and in slim chance someone might be on mine(virtually impossible). I think I'm just going watch video of my class quest on a site and then that will be it for me and game. I dunno. I might come back.


It's not something I made in haste. I am on for at least five hours a day and all I needed was help with this FINAL class quest. I spend an offensive amount of time helping others. But oh no. No one comes to help me.


Why spend time playing a game, that requires you to have help from other people. I'm going go re-install orgins or something


/end rant.


Pvp for a while and get better gear...solved

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Pvp for a while and get better gear...solved


Yeah, because I haven't tried that. Do you know how small XP in WZ are. I do, I saw it before and after the nerf. I could PVP all day, 15 minutes each add's up quickly. The bar on bottom of my screen barely moves. For "end of class quest" it's an elite and usually requires at least one more person.


Since everyone is being super selfish. Why should I spend time during my day to help them for hours, and spending credits. When I don't get it in return. It's impossible or least very hard to do it solo.


Days I have waited, asked. Offered credits. There is no reward for helping others. I played warcraft. I don't need another time sink. It's not that simple.

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Because their are several, several realms and in slim chance someone might be on mine(virtually impossible). I think I'm just going watch video of my class quest on a site and then that will be it for me and game. I dunno. I might come back.


It's not something I made in haste. I am on for at least five hours a day and all I needed was help with this FINAL class quest. I spend an offensive amount of time helping others. But oh no. No one comes to help me.


Why spend time playing a game, that requires you to have help from other people. I'm going go re-install orgins or something


/end rant.


Do you have anything to lose by asking here? hmm? No, not really.:)

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If you arent going to say what server you are on here so someone can try to help maybe you should try a different companion? Sometimes certain fights are made to use diff abilities. Just a thought.


But this game is not an RPG. It is an MMORPG. But the class quest were made for one person. Maybe you are trying to end it to early? What level are you and what is the elite?

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I apperciate everyone's "help on fourms" I just googled the video and watched the ending of it. (Yes I was that desperate) pretty epic ending. I had WISHED I had done it in game. Oh well, no fault on bioware. Well part of it. It's the community. I'm going removed thread title and just delete that char.
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Dude, if you're tired of helping others, then stop. No one is forcing you. Sure it may be a MMO, but I prefer playing solo, or with one or two of my friends when they're online. That's just me.


Want to stop playing? Go ahead. No one is stopping you. But don't complain because other people don't want to help you even though you're helping others. It might suck, sure, but it's ultimately their choice to help or not. You sound like a helper. Unfortunately, not everyone is of the same mindset as you.


Bottom line: Play how you want to play. Having trouble with a class quest (which as stated before, is designed to be played solo) then do something different. Don't come crying to the forums because other people are not playing the way you want them to play.

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Trolling, trolling, trolling, keep those doggies trolling.......


I don't even care what you call me, stick and stones. You part of the reason I will likely end up leaving. Community is horrible, when you say something in truth, called a troll. Well title is stated as deleted, so everyone can stop posting in here.

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Yeah, because I haven't tried that. Do you know how small XP in WZ are. I do, I saw it before and after the nerf. I could PVP all day, 15 minutes each add's up quickly. The bar on bottom of my screen barely moves. For "end of class quest" it's an elite and usually requires at least one more person.


Since everyone is being super selfish. Why should I spend time during my day to help them for hours, and spending credits. When I don't get it in return. It's impossible or least very hard to do it solo.


Days I have waited, asked. Offered credits. There is no reward for helping others. I played warcraft. I don't need another time sink. It's not that simple.


K...dumbface...I mean get commendations and get better gear. It's not that hard. **** I have at least 600 on my lvl 18... And if your this bad at a game and don't wanna list your server so we can help then your just as bad as the people your complaining about.

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