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No standing idle animation for characters?


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I undestand we have many emotes and animations we can use. But I fail to see the reason my character should stand still like a statue while no commands are giving? Every MMO with quality gives you an idle animation for each race/class.


This would be a great feature to work later on.

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Unprompted aka idle?


Name them, I'm curious.


CoH, CO, STO, AO, DDO, Aion, Rift and WoW to name a few.


All of those games have some form of idle animation. Not all of them have specific idle animations for each class or race, but they do have idle animations.


I agree we need some idle animations here. Not just for players but for companions too. It just looks wrong when my Bounty Hunter is standing at attention like he's in Boot Camp while Mako stares at him like he's a Big Salad.



Edited by Blackavaar
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CoH, CO, STO, AO, DDO, Aion, Rift and WoW to name a few.


All of those games have some form of idle animation. Not all of them have specific idle animations for each class or race, but they do have idle animations.


I agree we need some idle animations here. Not just for players but for companions too. It just looks wrong when my Bounty Hunter is standing at attention like he's in Boot Camp while Mako stares at him like he's a Big Salad.




Definitely TOR really makes me appreciate the little things other studios have done to give their MMOs more detail.


Each race in WoW has it's own animation I believe and gender too.


Just look ( . Y . )

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Idle animations would be a nice touch. It does get a bit annoying after a while seeing yourself just stand still all the time... some of the companions have minor idle anims though... like Vette for example... she ocationaly stretches her legs abit when idle... but beyond that nothing...


just some small movements is all we ask really.

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My character, as I'm typing this, has a very subtle breath movement and occasionally shrugs/straightens a shoulder, shifts weight back and forth from one leg to the other or glances from side to side.


Are you saying yours doesn't do these things?

Edited by Syylara
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The complaining must be coming close to the end if this is now a point of focus. I get the issues people are having with bugs (though I've not witnessed any) but now you're just nitpicking. If you're that annoyed by something as small as this you're clearly not enjoying the game... STOP PLAYING!
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  • 2 years later...
Totally support the author of this thread.

Give us auto-idles with non-drawn weapon.


Holy necroed thread Batman!


There are idle animations in the game when your character is standing still with no weapon drawn. Occasionally they will turn their head to the right and left to look around as will as shift their weight from one foot to another. There's even a sound effect for the weight shift as your character moves their feet.

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