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Champion Bag Token Probability


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I am 1 for 35 on champion tokens since 1.1.2.


The account is Matty. Naddist Rebels. The 1 token was for a relic.


That calculates into a return percentage of 2.8%


If you have a 20% return ratio the odds of me rolling a 6 sided dice and the number 6 only coming up 1 time in 35 rolls is astronomically high.




Because you all don't seem to under the mechanics of rolling a number I'll say that every bag is a roll. You don't maximize or minimize the return ratio by have 5 bags in a persons inventory to open. You don't have additive probability.


No different then rolling 3 dice does not net you a 50% chance of getting 1 of them to be a 6.


However a sample size of 35 and a 2% return on the number 6 showing up is statistically speaking something you'd have to consider the worst luck in the world.








odds of anyone hitting 1 out of 20 in a row as I have done is


1/6 ^ 20


3,656,158,440,062,976 to 1 on a 20% drop ratio.


So if you people don't understand basic mathmatics to figure out something is wrong take my C3P0 moment to go back to your code and look again.


So either you have miss placed a decimal place in your code, but in manner of speaking am I that unlucky.


So please. Go ahead and dispute that fact. 20 in a row without a drop on champion bags.


The drop rate cannot be 20%.


So if some moderater could be so kind to say ya know someone did some math and said we have a problem they might want to investigate.


That is all.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Where is it said that Champion bags have a 20% chance now? I know the BM Bags have 25%, but no where have I seen from a Dev that Champion Bags are 20% now. I've actually guessed it's around 5% based on my luck and others, but that's extremely anecdotal.
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If you've opened 35 bags and one of them contained an item token instead of commendations, shouldn't you have 238 Champion commendations and over 500 Centurion commendations right now? What is this post about? They drastically lowered the chance of getting an item token in favor of 7 Champion commendations per bag. Who ever said it was supposed to be 20%? Where is this figure coming from? Edited by vindianajones
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0/34 and counting. I don't like the old system or the new system. I wish there was a server where I could attain the gear quicker if I put my efforts into PvP. Yes I could Warzone grind, but your talking atleast 10 warzones to get a bag. There are like 10+ Flashpoinst for PvE gear/commendations w/e, so give me more ways to get Champ gear please!
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I used 20% as its easier statistically to do relate to dice. I pointed out 20 as BM bag rates are similar to champion and I have seen post that indicate massive issues that the stated bioware numbers are not being delivered in the real world game.


lets look at some really interesting dice facts from others.




On average, how many times must a 6-sided die be rolled until all sides appear at least once? What

about for an n-sided die?

To roll until every side of the die appears, we begin by rolling once. We then roll until a different

side appears. Since there are 5 sides, this takes, on average, 1

5/6 = 6/5 rolls. Then we roll until a

side different from the two already rolled appears. This requires, on average, 1

4/6 = 6/4 = 3/2 rolls.


Continuing this process, and using the additive nature of expectation, we see that, on average, 14.7


So if you rolled 17 times with a D6 your in the sub 5% range of statistics of that event ever occurring without a reward. So if its 25% and you opened 17 BM bags without a drop you probably should email a csr and say the bags are bugged.


The odds of you ever opening 38 bags in a row on a 20% rate is under 99.99%.


So my Champ rate is to low by my math. The BM rates I have seen posted by users suggest if they are not liars, some percentages that don't add up to stated figures.


25% is taking away 2 sides of a dice. Meaning the 1/6 dropped to 1/4.


I am actually being kind. You are probably at about an average of 10 to get a BM piece at 1/4 and 25 in a row being 99.99%.


So if you opened 25 bm bags post 1.1.2 you have hit odds that of which people winning the lottery get only in reverse.


So yea. Its a problem.

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35 bags lol, nothing else needs to be said. you have a full set of pvp gear already. system makes much more sense then it did before, its actually EASIER to get PvP gear. I had 6 implants, 4 pairs of boots, 4 offhands and a bunch of relics pre-patch, a complete waste. quit whining about gear, you have enough to PvP and be competitive. in a couple more weeks you wont know what to do with all the extra commedations, i have over 400 champion commedations now, useless. Edited by venjinze
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Don't worry, they are removing the daily quests for comms/tokens in 1.2 in favor of what seems to be a straight up commendation trading system (buy gear with warzone comms). Not much else has been said about it but it makes me wonder how different the pricing is going to be or if there will be other pre reqs for gear (ie Valor 40 for Centurion, 50 for Champion, etc). By the time it gets released you will probably be in full Battlemaster anyway as I honestly don't think it will be released until mid April.
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35 bags lol, nothing else needs to be said. you have a full set of pvp gear already. system makes much more sense then it did before, its actually EASIER to get PvP gear. I had 6 implants, 4 pairs of boots, 4 offhands and a bunch of relics pre-patch, a complete waste. quit whining about gear, you have enough to PvP and be competitive. in a couple more weeks you wont know what to do with all the extra commedations, i have over 400 champion commedations now, useless.


Gear up your companions? I have 2 companions in nearly full champ gear and 1 with more BM gear than most players.

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35 bags lol, nothing else needs to be said. you have a full set of pvp gear already. system makes much more sense then it did before, its actually EASIER to get PvP gear. I had 6 implants, 4 pairs of boots, 4 offhands and a bunch of relics pre-patch, a complete waste. quit whining about gear, you have enough to PvP and be competitive. in a couple more weeks you wont know what to do with all the extra commedations, i have over 400 champion commedations now, useless.


I have 4 champion pieces all other centurion.


I am not whining. I am pointing out that if you develop something and say something like you can expect x and than do X and the results are y you have a right to point out that they are not delivering on there stated variables and conditions.


If you have a problem with that its on you. I wouldn't disagree its more fair to have a system which doesn't reward you things that don't work.


I would argue that the drop percentage does matter. Given the intended to introduce a more fair system.


The net result could be either way, but you should never see a 1/25 bm bag drop ratio in game. If you do something is not working.


But ya, I'll keep posting if I think theirs legitimate issues. Sorry it bothers you.

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If you get struck by lightning something isn't working either. Probability is probability. You will get extreme cases. The Champion Bag Token chance is significantly lower then the BM Token chance. Of course, you have people that get 8 of 10 BM tokens from BM Bags and then people that are 0 of 20. This is to be expected. It doesn't mean it's broken unless you have the data among a large sample size that shows an inconsistency. Edited by Ayestes
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If you get struck by lightning something isn't working either. Probability is probability. You will get extreme cases. The Champion Bag Token chance is significantly lower then the BM Token chance. Of course, you have people that get 8 of 10 BM tokens from BM Bags and then people that are 0 of 20. This is to be expected. It doesn't mean it's broken unless you have the data among a large sample size that shows an inconsistency.


You don't need a large sample. You need a 40 bag sample. If 40 BM bags are opened and you don't get a token the stastically probability of that event occurring are in the realm of impossible if the drop ratio is 25%.


Its not hyperbol. You don't understand probability of a .01 percent chance of something occurring. If it happens to you its more likely the system is broken and not you are unlucky.


That is what I am saying. I opened 2 more champ bags and no comms. I am saying that someone needs to review the code. Not that I agree or disagree the system is fair.


I don't think its working as intended.

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