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A way to fix snipers


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these posts make me laugh!!


nerf this, nerf that...this class is OP, this class is squishy.


as a 49 sniper, i have little to no problem killing almost any class...


then, there are the good players. the ones that know how to counter my kb, root, stun.


they interrupt my ambush, series...they don't stun me while i'm entrenched. they LOS me if they are near an obsticle.


just like i stun and run when i see Def CD popped...i LOS jumpers, i use cover, run, stun, root to escape.


it's a chess game. i win most, but i lose some...to good players, mostly...or scrubs that catch me out of CD's and low health.


i know L2P is cliche...but it fits...



Seriously dude, i don't have any problems ****** 2vs1 with my pyrovanguard on epics at lvl 42. Not saying you are wrong, but your personal experience could be really biased because most people on the 10-49 bracket suckballs, and your lvl.

Edited by Keldaur
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If you look at snipers overall its pretty easy to see something went wrong. The least survivable class in game has to become immobile in order to dish out damage.


That just seems backwards.


Few things that would help would be changing the damage type, removing some of the 'cover' restrictions on some abilities, increasing range ( as eng/leth i have 30m range on my most used abilities )..needs to be uped to 40/45 i mean its a sniper.

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It deserves consideration of the devs..I thought that was obvious...I still think the issues in this thread are valid and need to be looked at.


I'm glad you are satisfied but it doesn't change my view one bit.


im not saying there is no issues, but no more than any other class.

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Dude, go learn to play y own class and dont tell me u do low dmg when u just snipe players easily, knok them back unable to move, so u shoot free.

Snipers need nerfs not bufs.


it is low..ambush takes a long time to cast and is a staple attack. It is not a channeled ability like rocks or lightning it has to finish its cast to hit. While it is casting you are a sitting duck.

When it does hit it is so mitigated by defense the long wait it hardly worth it..particularly when you have someone in your face.

It also broadcast who it is targeting with a long flashing sign..allowing the player to run behind cover interrupt it and re-emerge shortly after.

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Seriously 49 is a different beast altogether.


And I DO get knocked back with entrench up...so who is right you or me?


my 49 is VR49...


i didn't skip 2-48.


some of the arguments i read in here are laughable...


seriously, PM me...come to the server i play on. i'll make ANY class, and be top 2 in damage, heals, whatever...


some people are good, some are not.


the classes are balanced.

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my 49 is VR49...


i didn't skip 2-48.


some of the arguments i read in here are laughable...


seriously, PM me...come to the server i play on. i'll make ANY class, and be top 2 in damage, heals, whatever...


some people are good, some are not.


the classes are balanced.


I just said my entrench fails me..you glossed over that..because if it doesn't affect you..well it is not important..right?


And then your argument is a bunch of elitist drivel...what point are you making exactly? That you are superawesome? congrats on that.

Edited by Doxxs
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my 49 is VR49...


i didn't skip 2-48.


some of the arguments i read in here are laughable...


seriously, PM me...come to the server i play on. i'll make ANY class, and be top 2 in damage, heals, whatever...


some people are good, some are not.


the classes are balanced.

i think everyone should ignore this poster....


apparently he believes because he played 1-49 his knows everything about the class completely ignoring the fact that lvl 50 is a ridiculously different thing....



keep living in your delusions of skill, ever lvl 45-49 pwns in warzones due to gear/level but i guess you dont want to believe that because you want to believ eur skilled

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Entrench works always.


And your experience on 10-49 means nothing, the game changes pretty much at 50 where healthpools are increased by a 50% while damage on a 25%.


NO it doesn't not in my experience..I have been knocked back many times with it up.


I'm glad you haven't..but I can tell I have..it doesnt' work all time..If you don't want to believe that..then whatever I am not gonna beat my head against the wall.

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If you look at snipers overall its pretty easy to see something went wrong. The least survivable class in game has to become immobile in order to dish out damage.


That just seems backwards.


Few things that would help would be changing the damage type, removing some of the 'cover' restrictions on some abilities, increasing range ( as eng/leth i have 30m range on my most used abilities )..needs to be uped to 40/45 i mean its a sniper.




i got a tell yesterday in HB from a 42 sorc. the tell simply said:


"i remember you from earlier. you are impossible to kill."


it's called being smart...


i have this conversation w/ guildies all the time...they ask me how i rarely die (can't remember the last time i died >5x in a match), how i do so much damage, etc.


there is much more than the buttons you are pressing, and the order you press them..


are you panning your camera, do you know your out, where is your team, can you lead a pita attacker to help, are the health/sprint/exp items up, etc.


i'm good, VERY GOOD, at pvp because there is more to pvp than pressing buttons.

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Since snipers are pretty much the squishiest class ingame and their damage is quite weak since their damage is migated by armor....


So i found out what is the best solution fo rhis problem


increase the range of sniper attacks to 40 or 45m


and make casted skills ignore los if the casting has already started when the target is visible...



this wont buff their weak damage due to armor migation but will buff their survability and help them kill people that hide the last second to los


lol So you want to be able to kill anyone from anywhere regardless of what they are doing.


Also Snipers/Slingers are hardly gimped, you are just bad.

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i got a tell yesterday in HB from a 42 sorc. the tell simply said:


"i remember you from earlier. you are impossible to kill."


it's called being smart...


i have this conversation w/ guildies all the time...they ask me how i rarely die (can't remember the last time i died >5x in a match), how i do so much damage, etc.


there is much more than the buttons you are pressing, and the order you press them..


are you panning your camera, do you know your out, where is your team, can you lead a pita attacker to help, are the health/sprint/exp items up, etc.


i'm good, VERY GOOD, at pvp because there is more to pvp than pressing buttons.


Is your argument that you are awesomeest?


That is really what you are saying in the face of complaints of the sniper mechanic..I guess all the world is a stage.


I mean LOL your position negates any all complaints I mean hell if you are awesomest than everyone else must be delusional.

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I just said my entrench fails me..you glossed over that..because if it doesn't affect you..well it is not important..right?


And then your argument is a bunch of elitist drivel...what point are you making exactly? That you are superawesome? congrats on that.


i can't play your toon for you...and i was unaware i was required to form a complete and formal response to your post.


it's not elitist...


it's the difference between your whining post, and me kicking the crap outta everyone on my sniper, assassin, merc, vanguard, etc.

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these posts make me laugh!!


nerf this, nerf that...this class is OP, this class is squishy.


as a 49 sniper, i have little to no problem killing almost any class...


then, there are the good players. the ones that know how to counter my kb, root, stun.


they interrupt my ambush, series...they don't stun me while i'm entrenched. they LOS me if they are near an obsticle.


just like i stun and run when i see Def CD popped...i LOS jumpers, i use cover, run, stun, root to escape.


it's a chess game. i win most, but i lose some...to good players, mostly...or scrubs that catch me out of CD's and low health.


i know L2P is cliche...but it fits...



1. I am sorry but you cannot compare pre-50 with level 50 pvp. It is another game altogether. Just wait and see.


2. Being patronizing while not having seen the end-game pvp is...umm..."not clever"


3. You cannot be interrupted while in cover. If you got pushed out of cover while casting ambush shouldn't have happened. Why? An awesome player like you would have foreseen that possibility and used entrench ;)

Edited by Desgarden
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i can't play your toon for you...and i was unaware i was required to form a complete and formal response to your post.


it's not elitist...


it's the difference between your whining post, and me kicking the crap outta everyone on my sniper, assassin, merc, vanguard, etc.


I think you are simply crazy and have hostility problems...


I don't know where you insane line of thought comes from..entrench fails..and you want to play my toon? Are you on meds?

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Is your argument that you are awesomeest?


That is really what you are saying in the face of complaints of the sniper mechanic..I guess all the world is a stage.


here is the answer you are looking for...


you are not good at the class...go play something else!!


i have NO problem playing sniper, and play it very well.


i do not super human powers, extra fingers, etc.

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A few ideas:


Either half the cast and cool down times of ambush or significantly raise the damage and defense penetration on it


Slightly lower cast time of snipe ( this Is sometimes instant but not always)


Allow series of shots to be used outside of cover (as well as in of course)


Fix cover pulse (fails me about 50% of the time) and give it a longer root


Fix entrench I shouldnt be able to be knocked back with it up


Give us stealth detection either in passive talent or activatable skill


Increase damage mitigation of cover


Increase range to 45m



My sniper alt would do a dance of pure joy if even half of these were implemented. Heck, just the 45 meter range would have me in giggling fits. Somehow I don't think it would work out very well for all those other classes, though.

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well only juggernaut, marauder, mercenary, assassin, healers need a nerf, the rest need a buff



All those classes are fine, just because they roll you in pvp dose'nt mean there overpowered.

And snipers are fine they hit up to 3.5k criticals at level 10 what more do you want.

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here is the answer you are looking for...


you are not good at the class...go play something else!!


i have NO problem playing sniper, and play it very well.


i do not super human powers, extra fingers, etc.


NO I won't even in the presence of your puerile ravings...sorry man it will take much more than the aweomeest kid on the block to dissuade me...


But congrats on your success.


I mean lets be honest all your "argument" is is you grandstanding about how great you are..there really isn't any substance to it at all...

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1. I am sorry but you cannot compare pre-50 with level 50 pvp. It is another game altogether. Just wait and see.


2. Being patronizing while not having seen the end-game pvp is...umm..."not clever"


in case you missed it, i have a BM assassin. full BM gear..


i know end game pvp...i know classes...all of them, and how to counter them...


the problem is, most do not...


and they come here and whine.

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All those classes are fine, just because they roll you in pvp dose'nt mean there overpowered.

And snipers are fine they hit up to 3.5k criticals at level 10 what more do you want.


Maybe the 1.9k ambush crit with 4 pieces of BM gear on a tank wants a word with you (shatter shot was applied and ambush is talented) :rolleyes:


in case you missed it, i have a BM assassin. full BM gear..


i know end game pvp...i know classes...all of them, and how to counter them...


the problem is, most do not...


and they come here and whine.


Ok, then I can claim that class x is fine only because I have a level 50 of class y and a sub-50 alt of class x?




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