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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The end game story


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Where is it? What is it?

The different classes all have these cool stories from 1 to 50. (5 to 48 actually ... but anyway) Granted some are better than others but that's life. What's the story at 50? What am I trying to do other than fill up my slots and play stand alone dungeon crawls?


I think that is what is missing for me.

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Your story is over. It's one of the great failures of SWTOR. They made such a great story 1-50, but once you finish Corellia, your story pretty much ends.


and what happens in single player games after you beat the last mission? Your story is over. Mass Effect for example, you beat the last mission then what? You go do side quests that don't grow the story in the long term.

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Your story is over. It's one of the great failures of SWTOR. They made such a great story 1-50, but once you finish Corellia, your story pretty much ends.


It will continue in future patches (maybe) or for sure in Xpacs. Everything takes time...

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and what happens in single player games after you beat the last mission? Your story is over. Mass Effect for example, you beat the last mission then what? You go do side quests that don't grow the story in the long term.


ummmm, need I remind you that in single player games you purchase, you play... no recurring payment?

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and what happens in single player games after you beat the last mission? Your story is over. Mass Effect for example, you beat the last mission then what? You go do side quests that don't grow the story in the long term.

I guess you're just pointing out that SWTOR is really a single player game with a monthly fee.

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I guess you're just pointing out that SWTOR is really a single player game with a monthly fee.


nope not at all, just saying that that's what happens to stories you do the last mission then poof nothing more to do with the story, but SWTOR has done something that other MMOs haven't, given you a good story, be happy with that

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Right, because they don't claim that as their hallmark achievement either... kinda like... um, SWTOR did? So, do you see the disconnect?


so you guys want bioware to come up with a story that never ends? yeah good luck with that

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nope not at all, just saying that that's what happens to stories you do the last mission then poof nothing more to do with the story, but SWTOR has done something that other MMOs haven't, given you a good story, be happy with that

As was pointed out earlier, a single player game doesn't have a monthly fee. Having a complete story is what I expect.


The story in SWTOR is both their greatest success and greatest failure. It's a fantastic and engaging story from 1-50. Unfortunately, once Corellia ends, so does the story. The major innovation they showed from 1-50, is gone when you get to end game. The max level game is standard MMO fare that is poorly executed. Many of us won't see the next step in our story because we'll get bored by the poor max level experience and move to a different game.

Edited by Knewt
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so you guys want bioware to come up with a story that never ends? yeah good luck with that


Story that never ends.... hmmmm, probably not in a game with rails... but remove them, add some player flexibility, er created content, and presto, you have a great basis for it.


Seriously, you can't champion a revolutionary concept in a genre for leveling, only to revert to a tired end-game that is no different than anything else on the market!


Disconnect! Say it with me... d i s c o n n e c t

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nope not at all, just saying that that's what happens to stories you do the last mission then poof nothing more to do with the story, but SWTOR has done something that other MMOs haven't, given you a good story, be happy with that


So what interestes you? raiding?


How would you like it if you were told to be happy with what you have because there wont be anymore OP's due to the fact that only a minority of players participate in them?


You want facts then here's a quote from Gordon Walton, the co-studio director at BioWare Austin

Lesson Four


One thing that WoW is frequently recognized for is its solo play. Walton's fourth lesson was: support this, because gamers want it. According to Walton, older games that forced players into groups missed the point: "[the] truth is that people soloed every game to the best they could and when they couldn't anymore, they quit. Embracing solo play that was a true innovation for WoW."


It was pointed out that players who hit the level cap are pretty much forced to group in WOW; Walton still felt like the game "feels like it's a level playing field for all people at that level" and thus isn't quite as sinful as it could be. He offered a Blizzard quote on the solo issue -- "We look at soloing as our casual game." Given the weight of the phrase "casual game" in 2007, you can bet the audience was scribbling that one down.

Just be gratefull we dont start demanding more content at the expense of content you like and take your condescending attitude elsewhere.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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The difference between SWTOR and a single player game is that your story WILL continue once you're at 50.


BW have (IIRC) one and a half years' worth of VO in the can at this moment, for the continuation of the story.


You can't have developing story before you have developing story.

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I agree the story should continue, the PvP should have a story the draws the player to it. The flashpoints also should have story that draw the player towards them.


It seems to me that Bioware got lazy at the end and just made everything else but the 1-50 story workable so that they could launch when they said they would, that is so obvious to me because in the past they have always


Developed their own game engines.....SWTOR uses a third party game engine called Hero.


Made all of their game worlds seem alive and immersive......SWTOR is until the story stops.


Mini games with in the game.....Where are these in SWTOR?


I could go on but as a long time fan of Bioware games it is painfully obvious to me that they cheaped out on SWTOR big time...

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The difference between SWTOR and a single player game is that your story WILL continue once you're at 50.


BW have (IIRC) one and a half years' worth of VO in the can at this moment, for the continuation of the story.


You can't have developing story before you have developing story.

Sorry, but your argument has a major whole in it. My Mass Effect story will be continuing next month. I didn't pay a monthly fee between ME, ME2 and ME3.


I don 't expect our Act 4 to our stories to start until the next expansion.

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