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Can I have my hair back?


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I know with all the big issues in the game at the moment this is a mute topic but really..


Can I get my hair back?


I love my Stalker BM body in all of the white and the hood is cool. I in fact like many of the hooded robes but every time the camera pans up and i see a bald avatar underneath it drives me nuts. To the point leveling I had to go out of my way to avoid them as much as I could.


To me it just comes off as a lazy shortcut. It really ruins most of the dramatic cut scenes in the game because all I can see is a bald woman with a hood on. Who is this? My avatar has hair, where did she go?


I have played a few MMO and as far as i can remember never had the hair full on removed usually some of it is still visible in the front at the very least. An example would be FFXI did an amazing job not removing more hair then what would actually be covered. The game had very detailed character models and that MMO is old as heck.


Same goes to my smuggler with the goggles on the body. The body looks cool I like it and want to use it but it cuts the beard off the chin of my avatar.


With how amazing this game is suppose to look and how innovative it is suppose to be how can they really be happy with such an eye sore of a short cut? Can the visual department not figure out how to fix clipping without removing everything?


Please give me my hair back.

Edited by agien
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Yes the cloak hanging through the bottom of my speeder is annoying as well. It does not how ever completely ruin moments that are suppose to be emotional or eye popping for me. I guess that is why i didn't bother to mention it.


Lets not talk about how bad Twi’lek or Mirakula do with any kind of headwear.


I don't really get it. I also get the feeling they didn't let us play a few races because they didn't want to have to try and figure out how headwear would work on them.


I still kind of feel like this is something that they should be working on.


If it was mentioned some place that it is being fixed I would love to see where. It would oddly make my day.

Edited by agien
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I agree. It is not game breaking but it does disturb my "suspend disbelief".


- Twilek headgear disapears - I chose this part of my character's on creation because I liked it. Why do you remove it like that?


- If I wanted a bald female Jedi, I would have made a bald female jedi. I did not, so I do not want one either.


- One last point, in Nar-Shadda, many floor areas have a "Material MIssing" green placeholder graphic on the ground and some surfaces. Again, not game breaking... but makes immersion harder.

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It would be nice if they allowed the ones without clipping issues (short hair) to show up. And as a placeholder, have the ones that do cause issues replaced with a similar one that doesn't.


I'd imagine most short hair would be fine. And for things like the pony tail that have versions where just that part is removed, those could be used instead.


Then there are ones that just don't work. For those it would be nice to at least for now find whatever looks the closest and have that show, while they eventually work on making a version of the model that's hood compliant (to only be used while you're wearing a hood obviously).


While they're doing that it would be great if they also created a new model for the lekku(sp?) to be folded in the hood, coming out the front.


Of course while we're making wish lists (and in the same vein) they really need a toggle hood option. Sometimes I'm in the mood for it to be down, sometimes I want it up.

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