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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just ban mounts from the fleet already..


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I'd have to agree with this.


When the game first started, I remember seeing some of the little level 25 speeders around the fleet and thought it was odd to have them there, but not too terrible 'cause they are kind of like those "Segway" motorized scooter things that mall cops get.


But then the bigger level 40 speeders showed up . . . and then the ones that look like they belong in Coruscant air traffic.


The fleet is large, and I understand the desire to get around faster, but we already can't use mounts in places like spaceports and huge buildings (like the Senate on Coruscant or House Organa on Alderaan) so it doesn't make much sense that we can use them on the fleet.


Maybe adding some of those ground conveyor-belt like things (like a flat escalator) that airports have to the fleet would be a suitable alternative for getting around quickly in the fleet. Or just increasing default run speed, they could say it was due to reducing the gravity setting or something. :p

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