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Best companion for Marauder


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I cant seem to figure out which one is best to use. I would prefer having a tank/dps companion but doesnt seem to be one( at least not that ive gotten yet, i have up to lt pierce, i woould assume the next furball companion might work best for me but i havent got a chance to use him yet. Pierce has heavy armor so youd think he would be a good tank, but he really doesnt last very long in fights, and he doesnt do much dmg either. Jaesa is the same as peirce to me, quinn seems to do the most dmg of all of em, close to jaesa tho id say, and vette is really just good for healing.

Who do yall prefer using and why?

I think that the next companion i get will be my best bet, because i know he is a tank, just dont know his dmg output. But only drawback is i cant outfit him like i want, i like to look good and i want my companions the same way so kinda sucks that the one companion that would be most helpful i cant see armor on him.

As a BH i had awsome companions, i usually used torian the most for his tanking/dps and he works great.

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I cant seem to figure out which one is best to use. I would prefer having a tank/dps companion but doesnt seem to be one( at least not that ive gotten yet, i have up to lt pierce, i woould assume the next furball companion might work best for me but i havent got a chance to use him yet. Pierce has heavy armor so youd think he would be a good tank, but he really doesnt last very long in fights, and he doesnt do much dmg either. Jaesa is the same as peirce to me, quinn seems to do the most dmg of all of em, close to jaesa tho id say, and vette is really just good for healing.

Who do yall prefer using and why?

I think that the next companion i get will be my best bet, because i know he is a tank, just dont know his dmg output. But only drawback is i cant outfit him like i want, i like to look good and i want my companions the same way so kinda sucks that the one companion that would be most helpful i cant see armor on him.

As a BH i had awsome companions, i usually used torian the most for his tanking/dps and he works great.


i guess you mean vette does most dmg and quinn is only good for healing :p I prefer using jaesa gear her up good and she does nice dmg ;) I switch between jaesa and quinn only companions i use.

Edited by Terimac
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quinn > broonmark > jaesa > vette > who the hell is pierce?!


lieutenant Peirce or peirce wutever. he is the 4th companion you get, after jaesa and before broonmark.

Can you tell me why you like quinn and broonmark best? what do you use them for? i have alvl 50 BH but im just lvl 37 Jedi and havent spent much time trying to figure out companions and other stuff really, just been levling.

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lieutenant Peirce or peirce wutever. he is the 4th companion you get, after jaesa and before broonmark.

Can you tell me why you like quinn and broonmark best? what do you use them for? i have alvl 50 BH but im just lvl 37 Jedi and havent spent much time trying to figure out companions and other stuff really, just been levling.


lol it was a joke at how much i used pierce because well he didn't do anything.



Quinn heals and with annihilation healing you too you have 0 down time between fights.


Broonmark... he's a white teddy bear of death and when you get sick of hearing quinn talk you make broonmark tank while you annihilate things and he takes damage, plus you can heal him ontop of it too.

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  • 1 month later...
LoL glad I am not the only one that gets tired of hearing Quinn talk during fights and his voice is annoying in the first place.


I wonder if we'll get gags aka voice restraining bolts for our humanoid companions at anytime?

I myself use no one but Quinn (though I am only lvl 31 atm), though I do get tired of his talk. The no downtime due to the heals is great. I use him in DPS mode for most fights while turning it off for bosses and harder elites.

Edited by Tharryth
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Quinn is amazing, you really dont worry about dying at all with him and Elites are a non issue. Past that I use Jaesa, but not too much. Fact is for Marauders you want a healer because you need to take damage for Cloak of Pain to be effective. The best Marauder companions are heals and dps that doesn't take too much aggro.
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All of the companions are equally viable. The only one I didn't use for anything but gathering missions was the droid(yes, he counts as a companion). It's just that using Quinn allows for more mistakes, and generates a less frantic pace than using the others.
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Jaesa for everything other than hc 4 dailies. Then Quinn but even though it's for 5 mins, I still enrage when I hear him talk.


This "no dowtime" argument is a bit overrated imo. With Jaesa, I can take multiple packs before I even have to stop for healing and even when I do stop, it's 5 sec channel and back to killing.

Edited by gibmachine
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Jaesa for dps, all day, every day.

Pierce for tanking heroic dailies while I suicide run for the target.

Quinn for healing on champ mobs.

Broonmark for bio missions, he has +crit.

Vette.. umm... crafts? haven't touched her since I got Jaesa. Just finally started gearing her again.

Droid stands on the ship and annoys me every time I walk through.


As the previous poster said, the no down-time thing is BS. Sure, you end your fight at 100% health, and move to the next pack. I end the fight in half the time, maybe channel a few secs of healing (if needed) and move on to kill the next pack. Some people are afraid to leave "safe mode" I guess. :rolleyes:

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Quinn makes it a lot easier, but i switched him to Jaesa, cause as people allready mentioned: he got on my nerves, so i rather have a companion I can deal with and accept the added challenge for that.


Plus honestly, dark Jaesa is pretty fun with most of the stuff she says. I use her by default, but Quinn would definitely make my leveling easier. I'd just rather have Jaesa around in a dancer outfit that's all.


Can still do elites with marginal difficulty. She does enough DPS (geared) that if I let her tank I really can't pull aggro off of her (although I wish I could!). It pretty much takes a force choke to do it. That usually gets the elite's attention.

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Quinn is amazing, you really dont worry about dying at all with him and Elites are a non issue. Past that I use Jaesa, but not too much. Fact is for Marauders you want a healer because you need to take damage for Cloak of Pain to be effective. The best Marauder companions are heals and dps that doesn't take too much aggro.


Thats rather flawed as a statement as its heavily influenced by personnal preference. A tank is perfectly viable as a marauder's companion, cloak of pain is merely a nice CD that does not require to be on for you to be DPS-effective but allows you contrary to many DPS to be the one taking the damage.


You can get a Marauder to work with ANY companion in PvE by slightly adjusting your playstyle.


What is however true is with Quinn you'll be able to take on Champion mobs with a more defensive spec.

Edited by verfallen
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I have tried to stop using Quinn over and over, but I always come to the same conclusion, I might like the other companions more but I can kill more, faster with Quinn than any other combo over the long-haul. It seems like with anyone else it is faster on most fights, but I have to regen after every fight and I sometimes struggle on a bad pull or against a higher level baddy. With Quinn some fights are slower but you don't really have to worry if you pull two groups or even three sometimes, also after the easy fights you don't have to regen at all just run right in again.
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I think its bad design when you use one companion over the other due to what they do for you, it should be because you enjoy their speeches or something like that, but it seems like you have to use a healer to do decently on encounters, which is disappointing.


Though its something i don't see bioware sorting out, since they encourage people to group up all the time.

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I use Quinn, have done since I obtained him. His constant babbling is ignored and I am able to solo the h4's on Belsavis, even Old Enemies isn't too much trouble with him around. After all my cooldowns have expired, I Force Camo, let Quinn take a few hits til I get aggro off him and by that time the boss is almost dead. I couldn't see me using a tank, not after Xalek or Khem on my Assassin that can't solo that boss.
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I use either Quinn or Jeasa. Quinn is great as he heals you, but with Jeasa, we tend to just tear through enemies like mad... Noticed I'm taking more damage since 1.2, gonna re-jig my build. Any suggestions for a DPS / survivability build? Used to have mostly Anni.
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I used Quinn mostly while leveling, then THAT THING HAPPENED and I couldn't have him around without wanting to throttle him. So as I had a ton of planet commendations I geared up Vettte just to see and, oh boy, she's a DPS monster. Pew Pew Pew, dead stuff. So I switched Jaesa and Vette for a while, then got some Heavy Armour/BH gear drops so gave them to Peirce, and as I had him around, I tried him out. The change in character (mr gruff geezer from lady cheeky girl and little ms sociopathic stalker) was a breath of fresh air. I can even stand having Quimm around now, thanks to the refreshing blokieness of Peirce. I just wish he said "Right you are Guv" sometimes.
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I use Vette until I get Jaesa. I like melee dps better than ranged because they stand closer to you. So when they aggro you don't have to go far to get the mobs.


I leveled two maras to 50 (switched servers). The first time I used Quinn until 50. The second time I used the dps pets. Second time was much faster. The time spent using your out of combat heal is nothing compared to how much time you save killing with a well geared dps pet. I didn't even use Quinn for harder mobs. I could take down harder stuff with my dps pets than I could with Quinn. If you use your defnsive cds and cut the time needed to kill stuff in half, you will survive more things.

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I mostly use Quinn when solo as downtime is reduced significantly. I play with game sounds turned very low so the constant chatter of companions isn't much of an issue for me. If I'm grouped with one other player doing a difficult 2 or 4 man heroic, I'll use Jaesa as long as either the other player or their comp is a healer.



Healers (full or hybrid) should use melee dps comps.

Tanks should use ranged dps comps.

DPS should use healer comps.


Of course everything is situational. If I were Anni spec I'd probably use Jaesa more often.

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Its Quinn all the way. Though that may change as since 1.2 I am feeling even more like I take a lot more damage. This might make the melee tank necessary also Jeasa has a 30% buff to her armour though from what I saw when using her she gets cut up bad very quickly.


Like others though due to story issues I can imagine a certain level of resentment to using Quinn. As such I hope BW can either offer a replacement or allow the other companions to be more useful.

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Not nearly enough Vette lovers for my taste :(. Vette does more damage to groups than Jaesa and there's soooo much aoe grinding in this game. I love Vette's personality too. More interesting to me than Jaesa's shallow "gonna murder everything in the universe x2." I use Quinn for tougher fights but Vette pretty much the rest of the time. I do keep all my companions geared, however, in the off chance I want to use them. Might be why I'm so poor...:p
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