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Idea? Shared Bank Between Account Characters


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This has probably been suggested, and I did use the search function on these forums to find an answer, but wasn't able to locate one. Perhaps I didn't look hard enough. If this has been suggested, or if there is an answer, please point me to it.


Since we are not able to send mail across factions to each other (as far as I know), it would be nice if we had a account bank of some kind where we could then share items between our own characters whom may be on the opposing faction. For example, I have a Sith Warrior and a Jedi Knight, and sometimes I loot items that are specific to the other's class. It would be nice if I could then place that item in a "account bank" and then pick it up with my other character. (That may be a bad example, because you could probably put the item on the Nar Shaddaa market and do a quick log to pick up the item).


Perhaps it can be a Legacy sort of achievement. Allow us to earn it. Or maybe just allow us to send mail to the opposing faction on Nar Shaddaa. If that is already possible, I'm not sure how to do it.


Thoughts? Ideas? Is this already in the plans to be implemented?

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No thanks. It's kind of immersion-breaking.


especially if you play both sides.



It can be, but that's subjective, of course. That's why I would say for it to be Legacy achievement of some kind. You don't have to get it, but if you want it, it's there for you to earn.

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every game I have played that has it, has it as a default setting. I would rather there still be a little bit of investment to tweaking, and I like the amount of storage we have now... sharing that would dramatically decrease the amount of available space us altoholics have available.
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I like it.



Though the next question is, if you put a BoP item in there that you used on your main, are you (should you) now able to use it on your alt? And if so, are there any restrictions on stuff like Rakata/BM/etc gear...? And if there aren't restrictions, would we be seeing people ninja gear for their alts...? Meditate on this, we must.

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