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this is what pvpers are looking for


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For the last two years all i heard in other game forums are how awesome swtor was going to be yet those same people cry about it now. Then they start touting gw2.


I have zero interest in gw2 at this point as I don't think it gets the heart of a mmog at all.


i knew from first day they announced it that it will not in any way set the standard for pvp.

how could i know that? one simple reason. Bioware. as awesome as they are making SP games. u cant put a company in charge that only ever made RPG´s and expect them to make a game that is remotely good for pvp. its just not gonna happen.

they simply put their focus on the completely wrong things. i mean 300mill budget or what? and they spend it on voice overs for stupid quests? cmon...

and for what? never i have played a game before that made my spacebar suffer that much...

infact the only reason why i even bought it in the first place was cos a friend asked me to try it, even tho we both knew its gonna suck. but all other games suck too and there is no good daoc shard running anymore and we needed to kill some time till gw2 finally gets released.



bottomline: if u want to make a proper pvp game, there is little to no room for roleplay

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Tera > GW2 so is secret wars > GW2...



GW2 looks God awful.


I love people that say stuff like this. You bought SWTOR and say GW2 looks awful? I guess its too different from WOW clones like this game and RIFT for you to understand. Or you are just a PVE care bear reading the PVP forums OR you just have not read a DAMN THING about this game and are just SW fanboy. Im pretty sure I nailed it.

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If you want real PVP you play DAoC. And what is GW2 doing that made DAoC the best PVP game ever? O yeah its WvW. (or in DAoC case RvR which is the same thing)


this. for competitive pvp, daoc has been the standard for the last 11 years.

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geez finally a company that gets it, hope they do it well because it could change the mmo industry.


Instance Wars 2 will fail. Why? Because they are supposedly trying something that has never been done which means they will have a million new problems and bugs to deal with and you know what that means. Yes, a flood of people will be getting impatient after the first month an start quitting. So yeah, if you like GW2 then go wait for it. Then you can quit after a month and move on to the next big game lol

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You know whats funny,


I find the humor in this so called "large pvp group"


because, in every game i have played from UO till here, its been a steep steep slide downhill. The so called "pvpers" dissipated a long time ago, now the few of them (us) left, hide in the corner but when you see that foe, that nemesis waiting to be claimed in the other corner, its like finding gold in the ice box. you pass the hordes of ease, to meet him, and you get that pressure in your artery's that calm, slowed feeling (if your lucky) or that instant flush of adrenaline because you know, he is a match that you haven't faced in some time. one of the few people that are left, with the capacity to counter their enemy's moves, to adapt to the situation.


to know that there is a difference in tactics and strategy.



but no, op. i don't see real pvpers logging into gw2, theres just too few of them left

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Waiting for GW2 also but many of us WoW "kiddies" have had nice "success" in many other games over the years, even in FPS and RTS games that are considered as only "real" PvP games in terms of difficulty. MMORPG PvP isnt very hard for us but its enjoyable as guild/social perspective, although this game offers nothing for us atm.


Don't take it the wrong way I guess I typed it wrong but wasn't meant to insult.


I'm actually excited a nice 3 faction game with semi-large scale battles is coming out. It will be cool for the new generation to experience what we all experienced in DAoC and my personal favorite, Planetside.


I know PS2 is coming out but it is going to be free to play so I doubt it's going to be as fun as the first. In the first one the only grind was your kill count. :D

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I did the same, as well as waiting on The Secret World for pve. It's a testament to SWTOR that I'm still playing because I don't last this long in most filler games. There are some things I really enjoy about SWTOR. But there are some issues that keep me looking to the horizon as well.


Yeah I do love my class (sentinal) and love ripping people up in WZ's but this is what it is. A filler. I have played since launch and have done a total of 1 instance and have zero interest in them at all. My main focus is on PVP. Feb 20th will shed a lot of light on this game as the media will be allowed to give their 2 cents. I simply can not wait till this day!

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Instance Wars 2 will fail. Why? Because they are supposedly trying something that has never been done which means they will have a million new problems and bugs to deal with and you know what that means. Yes, a flood of people will be getting impatient after the first month an start quitting. So yeah, if you like GW2 then go wait for it. Then you can quit after a month and move on to the next big game lol


when you said instance wars i thought for s second you were talking about SWTOR....

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What's really funny is all of these GW fanboys are already dooming their game by building insanely high (this will be the best mmo evaaaaaaar!!) expectations for it. So naturally it won't live up to them and they will quit. Sound familiar?


It's not really an MMO though. I mean it kind of is, but it's not. I guess if anything the WvW will make it MMO like but the first one was hardly a MMO.

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And for you DAOC fans, GW2 will not be anything like DAOC. Those days are over. Now we live in the era of instances and casual gameplay.


Very true, but it will be a small taste of the good old days. Atleast from what I gather from the article. It seems to be better than any other large scale pvp game out right now.

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Very true, but it will be a small taste of the good old days. Atleast from what I gather from the article. It seems to be better than any other large scale pvp game out right now.


Keyword: Seems


This is exactly my point. You guys are already building up your expectations so when it does come out you will be disappointed. I've seen this happen on sooooooo many games, including SWTOR.

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Keyword: Seems


This is exactly my point. You guys are already building up your expectations so when it does come out you will be disappointed.


No argument there but is there any other game on the horizon to be remotely excited about from a PVP standpoint?

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Nope, definitely talking about GW, which is basically one big instance.


That's rich coming from a TOR player.


Millions of tiny instances everywhere. Next to no world PVP, period - infact, the only PVP consists of grinding 3 INSTANCED minigames for gear, crate clicking, or kill trading.


Yeah, to hell with "huge, open-field, server-versus-server warfare", give me ILUM and HUTBALL!!!!!!!!!!



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What's really funny is all of these GW fanboys are already dooming their game by building insanely high (this will be the best mmo evaaaaaaar!!) expectations for it. So naturally it won't live up to them and they will quit. Sound familiar?


Like we've quit SWTOR? Your logic is FAIL.

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