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Stop breaking my CC


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Because that seems to be the word of choice with the WOW crowd. In my hayday we used the word gimp.


Do you know what a gimp is? I surely hope not.


why can't we just go back to using the word noob or noobs when referring to people that suck.


The use of the word bads or baddies is rainbow


Yeah what this guy said. ^


Spent 7 mins in a huttball match about 4 days ago and people kept saying the healers were bads, and now i know why.


Anyway... yeah, and being able to vote kick people will ruin lv50 warzones, all the undergeared people will get kicked and will only be left with full bm geared leetists who have lv70+ valor.


In turn making PvP pointless for undergeared fresh 50's, which means they'll have to find a guild, spend 5 months farming tionese/columni/ratataki gear all so they can pvp effectively.


So in other words, it won't happen.

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Out of curiosity, are you announcing your CC or just expecting everyone to read your mind?


I guess a bunch of people lying on the floor twitching isn't hint enough.


Or a guy hanging in mid-air making weird sounds. Today somebody actually knocked back a guy I was choking. That was fun.

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I guess a bunch of people lying on the floor twitching isn't hint enough.


Or a guy hanging in mid-air making weird sounds. Today somebody actually knocked back a guy I was choking. That was fun.


Oh, I play operative, I thought that's a sign for me to unleash on someone.


When I use debilitate and they are stunned for ~3 secs, feel free to unleash!


So when am I not supposed to attack someone attacking you?

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Oh also, when I play lethality specs, it's kinda my job to spam Dots (darts and nades)....are you sure you are CC'ing an uninfected enemy?


the dot I put on them 10 secs ago, will tick for another 8 secs

Edited by Ghamsar
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Oh also, when I play lethality specs, it's kinda my job to spam Dots (darts and nades)....are you sure you are CC'ing an uninfected enemy?


the dot I put on them 10 secs ago, will tick for another 8 secs


No. When you play any spec your job is to help whoever is capping to actually cap. So in many cases instead of dotting you are actually supposed to CC the guy trying to prevent your teammate from capping. In such cases if you dot him you'll actually help his team.


I'm sorry if that is such a hard concept to grasp.


Just for the record, I hate the term 'bads'.

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I'm sorry your class depends on Mezzs so much. But the better options near an objective are coordinated stuns and snares.


I personally try not to attack someone who's Mezz'd, but I have to say that I'm not completely familiar with all the animations and debuff icons yet to tell the difference all the time.


Knockback on people who are being forced choked is pretty dumb haha. Unless you're force choking someone in the middle of a crowd of enemies or someone who is standing next to a cliff. Cause then I'll ignore your choke and try to knock those suckers down to their death.

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Srsly Bads, stop using your CCs that break on damage while the target you're using the CC on is being **** ****** by a bunch of other DPS.


This ^


LoL.... I hate when people blame others for something that's basically just bad luck. I see people breaking my CC all the time... and occasionally I'm fireing up some ability at the same time another player is throwing a CC.


Oh well, it happens. Doesn't make anyone a "baddie".... especially not enough to kick the player from the group, or even make a thread about it.... omg, just get over it.


Frankly it's the people whining and bad mouthing others in chat that are baddies. Worry about yourself, and stop destroying what little bit of team morale exists with your know it all attitude.

Edited by Spymaster
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