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This game has broken my heart.


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When my friends started this game I was getting phone calls "BEST MMO EVER" after two months of play they are no longer playing. This game has a lot of issues as to completeness. I hear a lot of players have multiple 50's but the legacy content isn't implemented as of yet. This gives a question of "Why is there a legacy if its meaning is pointless at this point?".


This is one of the first MMO's I can say I truely never played everyday I can walk away from it and pick it up few days later and not go through the "gamer withdrawel" while at work or school or attending family functions it isn't even a topic to be discussed.


I am going to continue playing but not as a full time till I get bored all together which might not be to much longer. /shrug

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Guildies are telling me to make alts because at level 50 there isn't much to do and that the pvp is disappointing. It's a shame, because I have no real desire to level an alt.

I want to play and pvp on my main. I shouldn't have to roll alts because end game content is lacking or not optimized.


The developers have had months prior to release to balance and get end game pve and pvp right. I hear Illum is a mess, a lagfest. That is a shame. People with lower or mid range PC's have it even worse.


I guess I won't really know until I hit 50 myself. Maybe I will really enjoy it, and the naysayers will be wrong. Only time will tell.

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This gives a question of "Why is there a legacy if its meaning is pointless at this point?".



Easy answer: Because if it wasn't there and made people start at level 1 legacy after having rewards for it, it would piss a bunch of people off. They put in their hours already, so they want to be rewarded for it as soon as the legacy rewards are in place.

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the problem is this was advertised as a "pvp" game more then anything


Ive seen stephen reid say the pvp works very very good. Ive heard james ohlen say we have the best pvp team. Watch that video thats the head pvp guy gabe thier saying about 100vs100 and look at ilum. Its not amazing its almost instanced as much as wz's now.


Out of my kinship from swg only 2 of us log in now the others from lotro 1 made a rep toon and i dont even see the others anymore...


Your going to see me on youtube at the comic con b/c im going ask for an apology and im going hammer them about not making wookies and making rep side better


same faction pvp will not solve the balance issue the legacy might if it has wookies or alien races my gut feeling is that reps will be able to play chiss and pureblood siths which is going make it a little better not much.


Thier going to have man up and make wookies and revamp rep side. Im gonna bring a laptop to so when they say we cant make wookies well ill show them the great hunt storyline and my smuggler friend companion. It can be done thier just being lazy and saying it will cost to much well if they really blew 200-300 mil on this game as ive heard not sure if thats true then why they didnt invest into wookies then sure worries me.


This game really reminds me of dcuo it had exactly the same issues that game had with the pvp. Look where dcuo is now?


Yes this game has been out 2 months but i been in beta 6 months before live and what happened in patch 1.1 was an everyday thing in beta.


I hear the op though im trying to be positive and keep playing but ive come to realize that pvp in this game is not going to be decent any time soon. The pvp in beta was actually better then live go figure we didnt have all this exploiting crap as much as we did live ill tell you that.


I dont give 2 bleeps about wz's or ranking wz's


I dont think they realize that the first month and even the first 6 months are so crucial to an mmo. Thier acting like oh we can make up for it later and all this not how it works in mmo's

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The game is "young" only after launch. However, the game had as much time as it wanted to be in a beta phase and fix all the annoying bugs in the game. Instead Bioware and EA launch an incomplete product and expects players to pay to play a beta. So please, quit trying to shove the "It's only been 2 months" B.S. down our throats. That only works for class balance and obscure bugs, as well as problems with new content. Extra people zoning into wz's, lag when there are 40-80 people pvping on ilum in one area, and a plethora of other bugs should have been taken care of long before the 2 months.

In games like these, the most bugs and issues only reveal it self after launch. everyone was saying in beta that the game was polished and was running ok being beta. Now after launch there is alot of isues. Every MMO is like this. they are massive games with alots of systems runing at same time in game. and only when a massive number of players are online they pop up. It was like this in Ultima, in EQ and in wow. And people need to realize that there isnt a finished perfect product ever. If you look at the past even those classic games had bugs and issues. and mostly werent fixed at all. The truth is you will go on dreaming for a perfect game that will be perfection at launch and you will be always disapointed, because its impossible. You can have good games at launch yes but they will always have issues. If you want stable games mostly bug free. play single player games, and even then there will be bugs and issues in most cases.

You say that those problems should being taking care of long ago.. yeah yes granted, also teh game should have been perfect but it isnt.

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I was looking forward to this game for so long. I ordered the Collectors Edition the day it was available. I gave everything I had in that "other game" away, swearing to never go back.


The journey to level 50 PvE story wise was amazing. Everything after has been nothing short of a disappointment. Raids are just "ok". The PvP is the worst I've seen in any game I've played since I started with MMOs in 1998.


My guild raids 2 days a week and my plan was to pvp the other days. I've gotten 6 pieces of champ and 6 centurion, Valor rank 45ish. It's a terrible grind and nearly no fun at all. Takes 2 or 3 days to complete a pvp daily with the aweful win/loss ratio.


We can't all be in magical pre-mades and I'm nearly always #1 or #2 on charts.


I'm working on my 3rd level 50 now but for what? So I can go through the same disappointment over and over and over?


I don't know what you have to do to fix the pvp in this game... Premades in their own bracket? Battlemasters+ in the own brackets? Cross server Random ques?


Something has to be done ..... I mean - jesh , none of the friends I started with even bother logging on anymore.


I'm a grown man, but this game is destroying any desire I have to play anymore.


Please present ideas to fix the current problems, because otherwise this just comes off as an angry rant. Frankly, you aren't really accomplishing much with this. BioWare is probably fully aware of everyone's frustration. These things just take time.

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I shouldn't have to roll alts because end game content is lacking or not optimized.


The developers have had months prior to release to balance and get end game pve and pvp right. I hear Illum is a mess, a lagfest. That is a shame. People with lower or mid range PC's have it even worse.


You don't "have to" do anything. Hit 50 play until it's fun for you. Put the game aside. And then come back when they adjust the end-game to your liking.


Also, it's a very ignorant statement to assume you know how long the developers have to work on a particular feature of the game. Do you know for sure that they were working on it for months and failing at their attempts? Were you part of the meetings, memos, etc? I doubt it. You make it sound easy to release a polished game on schedule (or ahead of schedule actually).

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The end-game PVP element is always going to be a gear/rep/valor grind.


The problem is ... it's far too fast and easy to get to the end-game. When it would have taken a player months it takes them weeks, weeks to days.


I don't feel like any of the char's I've played have any depth to their playstyle - aside from the marauder/ sentinel it's just a button masher.



Got to R 61V through WZs then found out there was a lot of daily action going on in Ilum. Got all hyped, got my Ops group face on ... and it turns out it's just 2 sides using their grapple/ pull moves when they're off CD to drag an unfortunate member of the other group into theirs to get destroyed in moments.


Don't get me wrong, it was awesome to see that I could have levelled up my Valor in 2 days that way instead of 2 weeks solid grind through WZs ..... (?) ..... but IMO there just shouldn't be anywhere near the number of L50s that there are already. Think someone said 25% of accounts had at least 1 L50 by now. That should be like 5% who've played almost non-stop.

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I was looking forward to this game for so long. I ordered the Collectors Edition the day it was available. I gave everything I had in that "other game" away, swearing to never go back.


The journey to level 50 PvE story wise was amazing.


*Plays Theme from a Summer Place*



Everything after has been nothing short of a disappointment. Raids are just "ok". The PvP is the worst I've seen in any game I've played since I started with MMOs in 1998.


My guild raids 2 days a week and my plan was to pvp the other days. I've gotten 6 pieces of champ and 6 centurion, Valor rank 45ish. It's a terrible grind and nearly no fun at all. Takes 2 or 3 days to complete a pvp daily with the aweful win/loss ratio.


We can't all be in magical pre-mades and I'm nearly always #1 or #2 on charts.


I'm working on my 3rd level 50 now but for what? So I can go through the same disappointment over and over and over?


Ahhh I get it. Your game is ruined because you can't get as much gear as you wanted.



I don't know what you have to do to fix the pvp in this game... Premades in their own bracket? Battlemasters+ in the own brackets? Cross server Random ques?


Something has to be done ..... I mean - jesh , none of the friends I started with even bother logging on anymore.


You seem like a fun and positive guy to play with, I really can't understand it either.


I'm a grown man, but this game is destroying any desire I have to play anymore.


Honestly, I think you should look for a grown woman.


Then you can appreciate the game more once you understand how fast your existing gear can say "Goodbye."

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I dont expect it to be perfect what i do expect is what im told by bioware i didnt ask them or demand they claim thier best pvp team. Gabe was the one saying 100vs100 epic fights in ilum he said id be amazed by ilum well im not.


The only thing im impressed by with bioware is they are trying and they are fixing things i notice. Thier good guys ive met them personally but i just disagree with ilum and how pvp is. After playing lotro though im used to being lied to sadly

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If a game ever "breaks" your heart it is time to light the CPU chair on fire and join eharmony or something. You kids take this **** way too serious.


lol, last i checked the sun comes up every morning around 5:15 am.


No need to get all worked up my man. :)

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Sorry if I come across to you as an ignorant poster. I'm not asking for polished perfection. But when something is released before it is ready I take issue with it.


Taking issue with it is one way to go. Another way to go is to realize that greed is the American way and sometimes you just need to roll with it. They released something before it's ready because they wanted to start the revenue flow. Unlike for a lot of single player games where you "get what you get out of the box", there is still opportunity to patch things up. It will piss people off and they will leave, but perhaps its for the better. I'd rather play with people anyways that are committed to the game and don't run to forums to cry foul. They tend to be the ones anyways that are inappropriate in General chat and grief other players.

Edited by Woocam
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I agree with a lot of whats been said. People are so frustrated on the Republic side and frankly the exploit doesn't help. It is becoming more common now and many people just leave the WZ when they see them. This means no wins and a growing disparity between the sides. I am sure our side is using it too but i think it may already be too late to save pvp we have a huge population imbalance already.

Too bad really i love the game and the storytelling for PVE. They put a lot of work in to the game on that side.

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I am curious: What constitutes a GREAT MMO game? I am asking everyone who is done playing this game. And yes, this is a serious question. Not trying to belittle any of you or anything, just what are you looking for in an MMO game?


Edit: And I should add that I am looking for an answer in detail, not just an answer like "Good/Better PvP" or "No Grinding!" Just a detailed answer in your own words of what you expect from a newly released MMO.

Edited by TrueDND
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Fair enough. I'll go along with that line of thinking. Perhaps things will be fixed up and balanced out in future patches down the line. So far I've had a good time with the game overall.


I just hear a lot of bad things coming from people at the level cap, and it's contagious to start thinking negatively. Maybe I should spare judgement until I've had a chance to experience it for myself.

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Fair enough. I'll go along with that line of thinking. Perhaps things will be fixed up and balanced out in future patches down the line. So far I've had a good time with the game overall.


I just hear a lot of bad things coming from people at the level cap, and it's contagious to start thinking negatively. Maybe I should spare judgement until I've had a chance to experience it for myself.


Good man. Don't get me wrong either, I'm disappointed in the end game experience as well, but the rest of the game is too good to rage quit over. I've waited too long for a Star Wars MMO that isn't SWG, and I need to atleast give this game a 6-9 month cushion before I start thinking of moving onto another MMO.

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I am curious: What constitutes a GREAT MMO game? I am asking everyone who is done playing this game. And yes, this is a serious question. Not trying to belittle any of you or anything, just what are you looking for in an MMO game?


Edit: And I should add that I am looking for an answer in detail, not just an answer like "Good/Better PvP" or "No Grinding!" Just a detailed answer in your own words of what you expect from a newly released MMO.


The answer would be completely subjective and therefore would only pertain to the poster. Personally, I don't have high expectations for a MMO at launch, so I doubt this is the answer you are looking for with your post. SWTOR's launch, imo, was great though. Sure, things need to be fixed, but I haven't run across anything that was game-breaking and I've enjoyed it so far. I have a 50, a 40, and a few 25's. I'm just having, once everything is fixed I will have even more fun (hopefully).

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