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Commando headed for a fall?


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I'm considering creating a Trooper/Commando. I hear constantly in game they are overpowered, and that Bioware agrees and they are headed for a huge nerf. If this is true, I don't want to waste my time levelling one to have it made useless.


Any truth to this? Please let's not get into a debate here about are they OP or not.

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So far as I know, no one KNOWS what Bioware is thinking in terms of balancing the classes. On that note I believe Commando/Merc is pretty balanced. It is a class heavily dependent on being stationary and casting, and is very susceptible to interrupts. Can it put out a lot of damage very quickly? Yes, but most classes can and there isn't much difference between what a Commando does compared to a Sage/Sorc.


It is a fun and balanced class IMO and really the only people that are whining are the people who are bad at PVP letting the Commando/Merc set there and cast. Most other classes have ways to out range or interrupt their casting, they just dont choose to do so. If a Sentinel/Marauder is on you and beating you to a pulp you dont let them, you do something about it. Most people don't get that you have to do something about a ranged caster being on you besides there and take it like a pansy. /rant off

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I appreciate the input. I was just reading a thread (can't find it now) that said there is a bug causing attacks to ignore armour, and damage reduction. It seemed to address the fact that a bug has been acknowledged and will be addressed, and Commando could see up to a 40% reduction in damage dealt based on skills used (for example sith warrior invincible which offers a 40% reduction for 10 seconds).


Anyway it seems they are headed for a fix which may be viewed as a nerf. thread Link

Edited by SikrouDeco
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I've read that particular thread too. To be honest I have both a Commando and a Merc, I've noticed this on normal mobs but on Strong+ mobs it does not hit exactly as stated on the tooltip. Also in the thread one poster does refute the claim and reinforces his arguement with testable evidence. When Grav round is used it automatically applies an armor debuff (4% multiplied by a full stack of 5) and as you use said ability the damage applied goes up. If Grav round was ignoring armor this would not be the case, otherwise the debuff is acting like this (4% more damage stacking 5 times) which is definitely not the case.


An another note, play the classes you have fun with. I've found the community on this game to be much more lenient on optimal performance than in Wow/Rift and willing to discount a dps loss for utility (debuffs and great aoe). So even if there were to be a nerf/fix the class would still be quite good, as a large portion of the damage at max level also comes from Demo Round and Full auto which are working ok (Full Auto needs it's animation updated versus damage applied).

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Commando is far from over-powered and most of those who cry it is, are as said above, the stupid and incapable pvpers who get destroyed by them. Our Grav Round does not ignore all armor... if you reduce armor by 20% then, yes, it will do more damage over following hits. If you use Armor-piercing cell this is supposed to stack, so far as I know. But, being as we rely heavily on an induction skill for our damage we are highly vulnerable. Breaking LoS, interrupts being the main two worries... if someone cannot use commonsense to out play another class, or their class happens to be at a disadvantage against a class, it is instantly broken and over-powered. I love MMO's, but I am SICK of the pvp babies and their constant crying. I pvp, I get beat, I move on and figure out what I did wrong (or what the other person did right). You will lose, you will get beaten down from time to time, live with it and LEARN.


Sorry to rant, not aimed at you topic creator. lol

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I remember the thread your referring too. If you read further, you would have seen that the OP was a troll looking to stir up trouble and he was one of the major forum whiners. Others in that same post, went on to show it wasn't a bug, that the debuff was functioning as intended. So take that post with a grain of salt.


As others have said, play what class you will enjoy and don't worry about what Bioware may or may not do in the future.

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It's hard to call a class useless at lvl 17, especially in pvp. Also, for Vanguards their build is very important in pvp. Putting guard up on your healer makes things a lot easier on everyone... but if you're DPSing I assume the build is even more important, I haven't tried to dps on my vanguard yet.
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Okay let me ninja my own thread. I have a level 17 Trooper/Vanguard, and he seems to be worthless in pvp. I'm sure it's me, any pointers?

Okay let me ninja my own thread. I have a level 17 Trooper/Vanguard, and he seems to be worthless in pvp. I'm sure it's me, any pointers?


I don't think you give yourself enough credit...

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With pretty much every class I play, I faceroll dem grav round spammers easily... But they usually run off to their friends and then jump around all smug n stuff which really pisses me off :p.... They can do insane damage IF you allow them to free cast, but they are shut down easily. Get close and use LoS = they can't do crap
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Okay let me ninja my own thread. I have a level 17 Trooper/Vanguard, and he seems to be worthless in pvp. I'm sure it's me, any pointers?


It might not just be you, depends on how you're specced. I think dps vanguard will have a hard time at low levels but I can say from experience that shield spec vanguard is very effective (and fun), especially if you have a good healer to guard.

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OP do yourself a favor and roll Vanguard. You get two gap closers and guard, which will give you like 3 medals guarenteed every warzone. Commandos only faceroll baddies. At lvl 50 commandos are fodder for every other class. If you roll Gunnery you stand still, people LoS you or interrupt. You roll Assault Specialist and you don't do enough damage to affect healers, plus you don't get an interrupt and only get cryo grenade for cc.


Commandos lack all utility skills that every other classes seems to have, not to mention having heavy armor makes no difference since all other classes have armor pen or elemental attacks that ignore armor.


Combat Medic healers are ok in pvp, definitely not as good as sage/sorcs (but what class is?) I think the only viable build for mandos is to be combat medic. The class is sub par in every other aspect.


On a side note, Gunnery is very good for end game PvE content since you can just sit there and spam your 3x grav rounds, HIB, DR, and FA.

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All classes have a roll.


Commando plays it roll well. But it all depends on the person sitting behind the keyboard.

PVP is a different animal the PVE. I love my commando for PVP but for PVE I would rather have a stealth class to skip past mobs and finish a quest.


Commando dps in PVP should be in top 2 of every game if gear and skill are equal.


People LOS you they are smart players if you are a smart player you place your guy in an area where it is hard to LOS.


It is all about playing to best of your ability. And every class has something I want and I will call them OP till I can sneak around stab someone in the back, while chain stunning them with lighting and force lifting the life out of them all while staying at full health because of my bubble and massive HOT.


Pick a class learn to play it the best you can if you do not like the play style choose another one that suits you better. All class have advantages and disadvantages.


Good luck

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All classes have a roll.



Pick a class learn to play it the best you can if you do not like the play style choose another one that suits you better. All class have advantages and disadvantages.


Good luck


I second this. Commando gunny in PVP has a very narrow range of usefulness. You are a turret and not a tank. I am a PVE guy, but PVP I do well as a defensive backstop. If I have to continuously move I am pretty worthless. I don't know about assault. I see some Vanguards tear the place up.


Over time all classes get the nerf bat. It does suck, but it is the nature of 'balance'.

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I'm considering creating a Trooper/Commando. I hear constantly in game they are overpowered


I think you are hearing from people in game who haven't figured out how to kill them (and it isn't hard, I have a commando, and I get killed in PVP all the time, and I've killed plenty of them w/ my guardian while playing huttball).


and that Bioware agrees and they are headed for a huge nerf. If this is true, I don't want to waste my time levelling one to have it made useless.


Sounds more like someone pulled something out of their rear, probably the same guy who tried to convince you they are overpowered.


Any truth to this? Please let's not get into a debate here about are they OP or not.


Nope, no truth...

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I would bet the farm that no matter what class you choose it will be nerfed. BW seems to just be nerfing all classes until we get to the point the everyone is always running around with a full healthbar. I think they are moving towards Second Life meets Star Wars.
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I'm considering creating a Trooper/Commando. I hear constantly in game they are overpowered, and that Bioware agrees and they are headed for a huge nerf. If this is true, I don't want to waste my time levelling one to have it made useless.


Any truth to this? Please let's not get into a debate here about are they OP or not.


Don't believe the hype. People have a bad night in PvP and then come running here crying about OP and nerfs. I love the class and have alot of fun playing it. Decide what is fun for you and just play it out.

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I hear if you buy a lottery ticket you always win, and if there is a trooper in your warzone you always win even if he is afk the entire battle...you automatically win!


altho you are right the OP has a small point, they are nerfing every damn thing,


Grav round/tracker missile (after force lightning/telekinetic throw) is one of the most complained about skills that are ''not bugged''. i would never of expected or suggested that grav be nerfed but the fact that it does hit a little hard means that it will post prob be...im going to say ''changed'' as it wont be directly nerfed.

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