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Lack of End Game: Is BW reacting quick enough?


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I 50'd too fast I guess.


I can't log on anymore (without wanting to dig my eyes out with a taco bell spork).


Ride in circles in the center of Ilum? Na, that's not epic.


Zerg raid on Ilum? Boooring...


Broken FP's with little / and sometimes no rewards? Na...


Or having done them all (?).


End Game? What end game?


Who can do the same things over and over THAT many times?


Once again, I'd recommend the game to anyone. 1-50 is great fun, but post 50, this game is empty.


Devoid of anything except a mouse maze that always has the same (or somtimes no) cheese at the end of the tunnel.


-Empty shelled

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Haven't been 50 long enough to burn the hard mode flashpoints even, but the dailies on ilum should have been written like dailies, not one off's that get reset every day. Getting tired of hearing that merc say they're leaving only to still be there and acting like yesterday never happened.


i think they are reacting quick enough, but maybe not with hard enough content?

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I didn't level to 50 too fast--I only got there a week ago.


But I agree; it's the sudden switch. I went from almost 2 months of story missions and team Heroics to the same couple of quests repeated daily. That mode switch, combined with the design of the game promoting a "play to the 'best gear'" rather than a "spend time in a world" mentality is causing me to seriously wonder about the wisdom of my naively enthusiastic 6 month subscription.


I made a suggestion post about the problem, with a possible solution directed squarely at addressing the need to fill out more "stuff" in the existing game while continuing to work on more content and bug fixes: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=304318


What do you think?

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Well lets see Rift we raided 2times a week cause the content was cleared in 2 days until new content came out

Wow we raided 2 days a week until content came out

eq2 we raided 2 days a week until content came out


etc etc


Dont see anything different then the state of games for the last 7 years


And ofc Im sure the op's guild has cleared everything on all modes already and has bis in every slot...

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Fact: If your only form of endgame is developer-generated content, people will clear it much faster than you can introduce new things, unless the content is extremely hard (see: Age of Conan Tier 3 and Tier 4).


Fact: If something is too hard or too easy people will complain there is "nothing to do."



So the answer is, "Bioware will never be able to react quick enough."

Edited by Kryptorchid
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Fact: If your only form of endgame is developer-generated content, people will clear it much faster than you can introduce new things


Wholeheartedly agree. I wouldn't turn this game into a sandbox, but I'd personally like to see BW put together a small, highly creative strike team to add interactive bits to the environments. Letting the players much around with things a bit more would go a long way.

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The fact of the matter is they really need to do tiered raiding. I do not know where that concept when awry, but that was the best system.

You got flagged or keyed after beating a mob. When you were flagged for every mob in that tier you could move on to the next tier etc


In addition you should get flagged to even raid to begin with

If you have 7 flagged for tier 2 with 8 people online you couldnt pull that 8th in you had to flag them.


It is a very simplistic system and requires alot more time.


EQ Planes of Power was a perfect example of this. A gigantic expansion, contested bosses, and a tiered in difficulty system which finally led to The Plane of Time


Eq did go a little crazy with their flagging process but with raids of 8/16 rather then 54 would not be bad at all in this type of game

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You cannot keep just churning out raid content and call this a viable endgame. Hardcore raiders will exhaust it quickly. Casuals will probably never get to see most of it.


Endgame should not just be about the raiding treadmill, repeating dailie and grinding a handful of instanced PvP minigames. The endgame needs to have OPTIONS for how players spend their time, with as much as possible sandboxed so players can make their own content and find different ways to spend their time than the standard treadmills.


Just look around at other MMOs and there's all manner of different things they could add. Here's just a few:


Dynamic PVE content with mob invasions (as per Rift and Aion)

Non instanced PvP battlegrounds (as per DAOC and WAR)

Social content such as Housing, Festivals and Contests (as per LOTRO)

Dynamic space combat that isn't on rails (as per EVE)

Full appearance and gear customisation (as per LOTRO and others)


Personally I'd love to get involved in some dynamic PVE invasions that change depending on who is involved and some other random factors. This was Rift's best feature. The problem is the content on all the various TOR planets is hugely static. It would be hard to add dynamic content to these at this stage, it would have to be in a new endgame planet.

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Not within 1 month of Eq2 content launch you didn't.


Calling you out on this one.


Very true but then again EQ2 is the exact polar opposite of SWTOR.

It's not all about slamming to the cap and raiding. There's plenty of collection quests, social quests, crafting and many other non-linear fluff content to keep a player interested for a long time.

EQ2 isn't exactly for casual players, though. It's fairly complex and deep. I'd be willing to say it's the last true MMO made with old school MMO design. This would explain it's moderate population.

SWTOR is just a "jump on play for an hour or so" type game. The story is interesting for the most part but it's not complex or time consuming in any way.

There's no "fluff" to occupy people and make them want to play for more than a little while at a time which I would define as a hallmark for MMO games.

It's just a very streamlined, linear experience that is perfect for a single-player game enthusiast who wants to try out a MMOlite style game.



For me and other MMO gamers that isn't enough to keep us paying and playing but for the casual crowd it's ideal. To each their own.

Edited by Xaeberain
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This is definately an issue for BW. The amount of content at 50 and the ease in which one can get to it and get it done is going to be a thorn in their side.


Sorry this made me lol.


If you have nothing left to do in the game quit.


Yes it’s that easy.


There will never be enough content for some players.


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The game is brand new! Dont get why people continue to complain about End Game. Blizz has worked on WoW for what....12 years now.

If you want to compete with WoW you have to release with competative features and content to the current WoW. You cant release like WoW was pre-MC and expect people to put up with it because we did way back when WoW launched lol.

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Sorry this made me lol.


If you have nothing left to do in the game quit.


Yes it’s that easy.


There will never be enough content for some players.



Maybe it is just, some of us are a little smarter and recognize this software for what it actually is. Enough content and content is not necessarily equal. Quality is a factor. Quality that has stagnated since 2010 beta.

Edited by jizazi
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