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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

what improvements do you think the smuggler should have


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This would be fair as Scoundrel and Gunslingers can not purge or cleanse Force user DoTs.


Will you please stop keep saying this. Scoundrels can purge Force DOTs. I know because I do it at least half a dozen times per warzone when a Sorc or SIN throws some on me.

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As a scoundrel healer I feel one of the main thing we need is a buff to our group heal. Kolto Cloud is just not cutting it. I thought it might have scaled better with gear but now that I am in Rakata for pve and Battlemaster for pvp I am finding it is still underwhelming.
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Sawbones has so little they can do when being attacked it is just sad.


Defense screen, dodge, and the med screen skill from the sawbones tree. if that goes wrong you can use disappearing act. If your defense skills are on cd then use one of your 2 stuns. If you are in full Champion+ pvp gear you are a tough nut to crack as a sawbones.

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Give me back burst damage.


I prefer to have a quick burst than long sustain. I'm okay with having nearly zero survivability but just give me something in trade. I want my burst back. Burst is what a "rogue" should have and we dont have that right now.


We have zero burst.

We have zero sustain.

We have zero survivability.


Give us one of the three and we would be fine... but I think almost all scoundrels/ops picked this class to be the glass cannon and right now we're not.


Agree with all. There is always a red head step child class when MMO's are first released... we just happen to be playing one.

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playing the middle gunslinger tree, saboteur i think it is.

Some talents that lower energy cost of abilities, we probably allready have, not logged in.

But after my initial opener my energy drops below the sweet zone pretty fast.

sabotage charge, vital shot, overload etc.

I got the talented extra energy but honestly thinking the 2 points aint worth for a measly 10 energy. adding some talent in the tier 3-4 that lower activation cost by 2/4 or something would be a nice add, and will also help us getting a more managable energy-management.


Oh and my personal opinion: a option to throw corso out the airlock. that guy really pisses me off (playing dark side, every single conversation choice gives me -) why is that guy a smuggler? he should be a goddamn police man instead or jedi knight with light 5 as starter stat

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Will you please stop keep saying this. Scoundrels can purge Force DOTs. I know because I do it at least half a dozen times per warzone when a Sorc or SIN throws some on me.


Bleed Effects do not stack but Force Users DoTs seem to?

Edited by Metalmac
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Defense screen, dodge, and the med screen skill from the sawbones tree. if that goes wrong you can use disappearing act. If your defense skills are on cd then use one of your 2 stuns. If you are in full Champion+ pvp gear you are a tough nut to crack as a sawbones.


Defense Screen 2k or 2.5k LOL this is a single hit from a melee or ranged.

Dodge does nothing for DoTs or Flames or Lighting.

Med Screen is actually worth its weight in gold.

Disappearing act is worthless as anyone with a ounce of talent will put DoTs on me first.

Stuns only work on 1 target and as a healer I ALWAYS have at least 2 on me.


Sawbones has not sprint or speed as even if we use Disappearing act any AOE will pulls back out and we die.


Besides knockbacks and AOE are going off all the time anyway so Disappearing Act is borked.

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When I'm in a PvP WZ and spending all my time healing and yet still get out healed by your local sage by 3-4 times then you know you are playing an inferior healing class.


I'm levelling a sage healer who is spec'd 1/2 for healing and 1/2 for DPS and I can already out heal every other class and I'm in my mid 30's.


All the heal skills need their power reduced by at least 25% or just give us more power like Consular's get when they choose to be a sage.


I still do pvp with my scoundrel as I find him fun but that's only with guildies. Once my sage hits 50 then I probably won't even do that unless they change the power management so that we can heal for long stretches before we run out of power just like a consular can.



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Id like to see Dodge, you know, actually dodge attacks for its duration.

Id like to see Defense Screen, you know, actually absorb incoming damage.




This. Defense screen is garbage in pvp, especially compared to what some other classes have. And I basically use dodge as a kind of gap closer, which is a waste but it's the only way I can get to range classes and not be down 40% by the time I get there. And I would like to be able to dish out a little more dps as a sawbones, not 4k crits like a pure dps build but something that would at least make other classes care that I am even hitting them.


Had to edit, almost forgot that lucky dodge should either include disappearing act or could be specced or remove the healing penalty or replace the healing penalty reduction spec, at least for sawbones.

Edited by yanyost
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a brief, in-combat stealth ability would be cool. just like 3 seconds, enough time for a single avoidation and a shoot first. we could call it 'the slip'! get it? give 'em the slip? eh? worth it if only for the fact that it actually makes linguistic, ostensible sense for being an ability you need to have the upper hand in a fight for, as opposed to, well everything other uh consumer. dont know about you guys, but a sucker punch is something i spam irl however the fights goin (baby).
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