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Redeeming the Consular final boss [spoilers, of course]


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Okay, my fiancée and I are working together to do our Jedi Knight and Consular stories. We're both fifty, and tonight we tackled the First Son for the Consular finale. Twice, we beat him, but the choices and outcome of the cutscene following the fight left us both extremely displeased; we left after both times to reset the mission, hoping to figure out how to redeem Syo.


We've watched youtube videos of this scene, and she picked the same exact options as shown in the video - but for us, Syo fails to oust the First Son persona, and a cutscene fight breaks out, ending with Syo buried under tons of stone. She refuses to accept that, and I refuse to believe that on my own Consular I'm going to be locked out of the good ending of the story too. So the question is: what went wrong, and is it possible to fix it? Is Syo's fate sealed at some earlier time? That would be intensely dissatisfying if true, but it would explain why the correct dialog options yielded the undesired result. If it *is* true, how far back was the decision which caused Syo's eventual death? And if it's *not* true, if there's something that can be done *during* this mission, please help us to understand what we're doing wrong.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I managed to redeem him, so it's definitely possible. Not sure to what extent previous choices (how light alligned you were during the quest, what you did during Act 1 with the shielding) impact your options in the finale though. From the time he is revealed when you interact with him through holocom, there's also some times you can appeal on Syo to resist, not sure if that had any impact but very well might. (I seem to recall an NPC or companion commenting that we seemed to be coming through with the appeals after doing that during several conversations. (With Syo several times kinda trying to resist and at least temporarily weakining the First Son's personality's hold) Edited by SWB-NL
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I redeemed him too. Light IV and appealing along the way to him to resist. It may be preset based on earlier interactions or there really is another combination of options. I know someone else had this issue too because there was another thread. Sorry I can't be more helpful.


I know that at every point I was prepared to sacrifice myself, that I said the republic was stronger than me and kept going on to Syo to resist and fight.

Edited by eldelphia
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Okay, well, for the record she's Light V and saved everybody, and *has* relentlessly told him she intends to redeem him... but if we believe DarkSaberMaster, that doesn't seem necessary.


This is maddening. We want to move on to doing the Belsavis bonus series and unlock our dailies, but neither of us is willing to let her story end on such an unfulfilling note. Seriously, it's like playing a tabletop RPG and the DM just told us "rocks fall, everybody dies" - except that rocks only fell on Syo. That's not acceptable to us :(


I'm also paranoid now, because my own Consular is 46 and on Voss, and I don't want to run into the same problems on him.

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I think it has something to do with the one quest area on Corellia where there is an optional room and an optional cutscene. At least, I think it was optional.



You find out that Syo belongs to a wealthy Corellian family, and you can then mention it to him, and it seems to bring out the real Syo.


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I had a bit of an odd result. Lightside 3 when I finished and.


I tried to redeem him (chose to shield all the Jedi in the class story) we fought. The fight ends, I didn't kill him and tried to redeem him again. Rocks fell, I left. Then he sent me a letter a couple days later. I am wondering if maybe the wrong cutscene is playing


Edited by kinkaid
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I think it has something to do with the one quest area on Corellia where there is an optional room and an optional cutscene. At least, I think it was optional.



You find out that Syo belongs to a wealthy Corellian family, and you can then mention it to him, and it seems to bring out the real Syo.


I missed that room, so it definitely can't be a requirement for the redeeming.

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Had pretty much the same problem.

Finished the fight, chose a response, rocks fell. Was slightly confused. Was a bit conflicted by thinking anticlimactic finish, but also kinda interesting that he was totally irredeemable. Then I got a letter from him in the mail a day later. Being curious I looked about on youtube and got rather annoyed after seeing a few videos


I hit light 5 pretty early on and have never actually earned a dark side point at all, shielded everyone, tried redeeming him and had the Corellian family cutscene in the guardian hold. I made a ticket about it and got the cut'n'paste response. It might be a storyline bug, but since you're able to progress even though it means missing out on the ending you chose (and earned though game play) I think BW's stance is summed up by 'And..?'.

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You can definitely redeem him. I don't remember exactly how but just keep going for the light side choices and make him believe he can beat the First Son in him.



When you do, you leave him meditating and inform the Council about it. He is sent in a different location in which he is tasked with restraining the First Son and finding his Children. All these are written in his final letter to you.


Edited by Erithus
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Well, we're going to try again with Tharan out the whole time. She said she's pretty sure we did do a round of conversation with Tharan there, but I'm not so sure, myself. Through normal play she has Tharan for combat and Nadia for conversation [since she's much more appreciative of Force users than Tharan ^_^ and once Nadia's maxed she'll be using Iresso the same way... not that that's relevant >.>], and I'm pretty sure she switched out every time.


If that doesn't work, I have no idea what to do. I want us to begin dailies to work on our gear, and this is a huge roadblock to getting started. Customer service still fails to service customers, leaving a very sour note in our mouths.

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Nope. Officially **** out of luck. Customer service won't help us, and nobody's suggestions have worked. I thank everybody for their help, I truly appreciate it, but we're done. We've tried *everything* we or you could think of and we're just plain screwed.


Thank you, Bioware, for making such a wonderful game, and providing such caring customer service.

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Redeeming him is fine and all, but can anyone give me any tips on how to beat him? I'm finding this fight to be impossible so far. How did all of you beat him?


It took me 3 attempts, but I finally beat him, as an Infiltration Shadow. The main thing I did was ensure that 90% of my orange pieces of kit were filled with lvl 48 blues (the little number that appears next to Armour/Mod/Enhancement), had my 3 red matrix shard cube (made only a couple of hours before on Coruscant), had several medpacks to hand, and used the highest level fortitude stim.


As far as using your powers goes, it depends on your spec. This fight is the one and only time I've used Unity (which I had forgotten about up until that point as I browsed my skills list for anything that would give me an edge that I didn't regularly use). Also I found Battle Readiness to be very useful, as well as Force Potency, and near the end of the fight I had to use my deflection-like ability (I forget what it's called).


I used Tharan, due to his heals and Holiday, and interrupted as much of his casts as possible using Force Stun and Mind Snap. One nice thing about the fight was 'The Will of Syo' a Force Lift that regenerated my health bar thingy to about 90% before it wore off and I was back in the fight again.


Other than that I stuck to my established rotation (bar interrupts and re-applying buffs of course), popped a medpack when I got to ~30% health and generally burst him down.


That's how I beat him, but it depends on your tree to an extent. And it took me 3 attempts, which was nice as I was able to open from stealth with a kick, which gave me an initial opportunity to get some damage down before he could start doing things.


The main thing I interrupted was when he started to bring down the cave, with falling rocks. In quite a nice way most of his big casts happened just as Mind Snap's cooldown ended.


However, I did end the fight with only 150/13340HP, so it was a very close run thing. In my previous attempt my laptop had 'stuttered' at pretty much the same point and I died.




P.S. I saved him, as a Light IV, having viewed the mini-cut scene of Syo's family, and having Tharan with me for combat and the conversations (strangely despite it being mainly to do with Jedi, I gained a tonne of affection from Tharan during that battle).

Edited by Timberley
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Chances are, he probably won't show up in your story again anyways. When redeemed he:



Goes into isolation, and says that the letter he sends you will be the last time you ever hear from him.



So I wouldn't be too worried about it.


I thought it was kinda lame that Syo was the first son. The first guy we met in the entire game? Really?

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Has anyone managed to redeem him without getting that extra cutscene earlier? Just beat him with Nadia but despite trying the "helping Syo" route the rock fell on him. Light V, saved all the other masters in Act1 as well.


Earlier in the thread somebody claims to have redeemed him without having seen the scene. I'd like to hear more confirmation but I guess I have to believe him until I hear confirmation otherwise.

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Earlier in the thread somebody claims to have redeemed him without having seen the scene. I'd like to hear more confirmation but I guess I have to believe him until I hear confirmation otherwise.


Ah, noticed it now. My apologies, was past midnite when posting that. Will give it a few more tries tonite trying different ways.

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