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Remove 'Tumult' (Kick) from the game.


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As deception spec while leveling this move was great. Pulled a pack: Shock + tumult = dead mob, and regened force.


The only people that complain about this are possibly sorcerers who have little force problems, and people that do not know how to use it.


In PvE I use it a lot as well. 1st boss in KP. I am assigned to solo the red mobs that spawn- shock+tumult+assasinate(if needed) then sprint back to boss. On puzzle boss electrocute the stun droids then tumult and nuke, why anyone would complain of a free move that hits like a truck is beyond me. Even puzzle boss in EV, shock and tumult kills an add quickly.


I agree its useless in PvP, but if thats all you do, take it off your bars and use other moves...

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I agree. I don't need an extra skill to 2-shoot trash - I can do that with my other abilities.


If you ever use Shock on trash, why wouldn't you want a free uber dmg on top of that? As a [Healing] Sorc, I admit that I don't use it often, mainly because I just stay at range. But I can see that it would be very, very useful for Assassins with how their Force costs are. Spike+Tumult, Shock+Tumult... aka High Cost Dmg that Incapacitates + Free Dmg That Hits Hard.



The only people that complain about this are possibly sorcerers who have little force problems, and people that do not know how to use it.


Pretty much, lol.

Edited by KelbornX
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As deception spec while leveling this move was great. Pulled a pack: Shock + tumult = dead mob, and regened force.


The only people that complain about this are possibly sorcerers who have little force problems, and people that do not know how to use it.


In PvE I use it a lot as well. 1st boss in KP. I am assigned to solo the red mobs that spawn- shock+tumult+assasinate(if needed) then sprint back to boss. On puzzle boss electrocute the stun droids then tumult and nuke, why anyone would complain of a free move that hits like a truck is beyond me. Even puzzle boss in EV, shock and tumult kills an add quickly.


I agree its useless in PvP, but if thats all you do, take it off your bars and use other moves...


That's because only baddies complain.

Even I as a Sorc use it...

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As a heal spec'd sorc, I use it quite often if I have any single mob on me that can be stunned. Like others have said, it's pretty much an insta-kill for a trash mob which is great for FP's if I pull aggro.


Also, if you're not using it, why even complain about it? Do you hear Sorc's complaining about getting a melee ability as one of your first 2 in the game? It's like a kid who doesn't want to play with a toy until he sees someone else using it. You don't even know it's there, so shut up and play.


That said, you're all looking at it the wrong way:


You get a free Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the *********** face.

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As a heal spec'd sorc, I use it quite often if I have any single mob on me that can be stunned. Like others have said, it's pretty much an insta-kill for a trash mob which is great for FP's if I pull aggro.


Also, if you're not using it, why even complain about it? Do you hear Sorc's complaining about getting a melee ability as one of your first 2 in the game? It's like a kid who doesn't want to play with a toy until he sees someone else using it. You don't even know it's there, so shut up and play.


That said, you're all looking at it the wrong way:


You get a free Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the *********** face.


Think it needs to do 1M damage to be worthy of a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick.

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Agreed whoever came up with these skills should get a 'Tumalt' to the head.



Most useless skill(s) in a game ever.



Why would I ever want or need a high dmg attack on incapacitated trash mobs. Not like trash can ever be an issue in the first place. What I do need is a single target knockback KB! now that would be useful pvp and pve!

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Tumult is very useful for assassins. On trash, shock + tumult. On silver elites, wait for duplicity, electrocute, tumult, maul, assassinate. The only thing is the move needs to be buffed to be used on champions but also do less damage.


You have never actually used this skill have you?


On trash, shock + tumult. - Shock + Any attack will finish off trash


On silver elites, wait for duplicity, electrocute, tumult, maul, assassinate. Better off getting 2 mauls off during that electrocute. Personally I dont use elec on the strongs, but Spike is rather nice out of stealth.

Edited by WutsInAName
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You have never actually used this skill have you?


On trash, shock + tumult. - Shock + Any attack will finish off trash


On silver elites, wait for duplicity, electrocute, tumult, maul, assassinate. Better off getting 2 mauls off during that electrocute. Personally I dont use elec on the strongs, but Spike is rather nice out of stealth.


Any other attack costs force, meaning I will have less once I attack the main mob.

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You have never actually used this skill have you?


On trash, shock + tumult. - Shock + Any attack will finish off trash


On silver elites, wait for duplicity, electrocute, tumult, maul, assassinate. Better off getting 2 mauls off during that electrocute. Personally I dont use elec on the strongs, but Spike is rather nice out of stealth.


So you use Maul when it's not on EW, I don't think we need to hear your opinion on the class abilities anymore. I have no idea why you'd even want a single target knockback for PvE.


Have you done any Ops or even Flashpoints? You ever run into groups of multiple silvers and golds?

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It's kind of the same thing as Age of Conans minion kill moves, they were just stupid. Why put a power in the game that is really good against the one thing nobody has trouble with in the first place?!


Trouble or not, if you can finish an encounter faster why would you not want to? Having Tumult frees up Force and cooldowns you can use on other mobs in a multi-target encounter. Assassins don't have many AoE attacks, the less Force we can spend to kill one, the better.

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Yes, PLEASE, just remove it from the game and replace it with something useful. Anything: attack, defense, passive skills, whatever. At this point it doesnt really matter because anything is better than Tumult.


Its not even on my 3rd or 4th quickslot bar.


Why create a skill that can only be used on TRASH MOBs that happen to be incapacited?


Now, would you replace it please? Thanks.


learn to use a move that does really good damage on weak and strong enemies. Sure it doesn't work on elite or champion enemies but still it does put out some more than decent damage if you are use shock, mind trap, electrocute, or whirlwind. learn the class before you whine and complain about a move that is not even close to being useless

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It's kind of the same thing as Age of Conans minion kill moves, they were just stupid. Why put a power in the game that is really good against the one thing nobody has trouble with in the first place?!


Well, in AOC you got the fatality buff, plus whatever buff your minion muncher gave. Plus you got to rip some dudes heart out, bite a chunk out of it, throw it on the ground and breathe fire on him. So there's that.


Oh, and it was really necessary for raids, since it still one shotted raid "minion" mobs (which had a lot of HP to chew through).


For SW, its a niche skill thats semi-useful for leveling, in that it speeds up kills a bit. Its not like if they removed it they would add in something uber. If it bugs you, dont use it.

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I will not say its worthless, but its unecessary for the most part, i think a good fix for skills like these would be allowing to be used against all mobs or reducing the cd, it has a way too long cd for something that is totally circunstantial.


That CD is definitely painful. I'd like to see it lowered to 30s, not like it can be used in PvP anyways so there will be 0 QQ from anyone else if Tumult gets buffed.

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Make it usable on elites. It would make it a lot more useful. Because im loving the concept of an attack thats only usable on incapacited mobs which makes it unique in your rotation and the animation that goes with it is sweet. Edited by MellowHype
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I agree 1000% with the original poster. Tumult is garbage. It was garbage while leveling and its garbage at end game. It's not usable in PvP, vs boss, elite, champion.....*** is it good for?

Weak and standard foe? PFFT! I don't need it for those enemies. Not for one second do I need it. By the time the power is set up to use, that foe is dead or....tumult is simply overkill and I could have easily used thrash or my tier 1 basic no cost attack to finish the foe.

Tumult is stupid. Yes I know, stupid is a mean word. But tumult is stupid. It's a waste of everyone's time and energy to have conceived it, to have designed it, to have made it, to have implemented it. It is a further waste of time for the any of the players to use it.


Why make such a cool looking attack so dam useless? It's one of the best "looking" animations we have in this class. It's equally as useless for any halfway competent player.


Make it useful or remove it from the abilities. As it stands, no one worth their salt uses it anyways and is dead weight in a decent players tray. Mines been gone since 3 levels after getting it and I've never looked back other than to say how garbage it is and how cool it looks.


My vote is to fix it before removing it, but removing it is fine too......

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I would not call it useless. I use it as another poster put 1-2-3 punch. I do a lot of solo stuff and it is nice to be able to get rid of silvers fast when you are fighting a group. It would be nice to be able to use on gold's or higher.


If you don't like it then remove it but it seems like several people including myself find it useful.

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For those saying they do fine w/o it so it should be removed, should we remove, should we remove Assassinate too? If you can get a target to below 30% with no issue, surely you can kill it with no problem. So let's remove Assassinate, all it does is save us time right? The stupid animation takes too long and sometimes doesn't finish if you get knocked back or stunned b4 the animation finishes.
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Thats being silly. For one, I can use assassinate on anyone. Anything "strong" or above its VERY useful on, especially when it crits. Assassinate can hit for like 3k and still not take down a given foe. But if you used tumult, on foes its allowed to be used on, given same 30% health left....why would I use tumult over assassinate? Either way the damage you dish out will be overkill on the weak or standard foe and assassinate requires no other setup or positioning. But lets switch this up and say its an elite im fighting.....now try and use tumult....

Tumult is a waste of space. It "could have been" useful but the devs decided to make it way too situational and quite frankly a nuisance. The power is crap and will remain crap until they allow it to be used on all foe, pvp included. I mean get real, I can't kick anyone higher than standard? Huh? So I can kick him, but not that guy over there? Why? Why can't I kick everyone? Stupid.

Edited by WickedImage
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But if you used tumult, on foes its allowed to be used on, given same 30% health left....why would I use tumult over assassinate?


Say you run into a group of 5 mobs, you DF (25) to hit 3, 2 or 3 of those prob die, you shock a full healthed one (39 force), finish it off with Tumult and look cool doing it, 2x Thrash (50 force) to finish off the last one.


If you had to use Thrash x2 on the target killed with Tumult, you'd end up having to use Saber Strike at some point that you didn't have to if you had used Tumult. That first group with an Elite and 3 Strongs in HM BT? You bet I use Tumult there somewhere. In the Annihilator fight in EV when the weak adds swarm, I use Tumult there and have more force left to Thrash other mobs.

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