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Gear level required to tank hardmodes?


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I'm curious as to what point I could start tanking hardmodes as a shadow? I've mostly had to gear up through pvp, seeing as I have yet to find a group for any non-HM flashpoints at 50, so I really don't have any idea as to how well I'd even be able to handle the non-HM's


Currently I have 15.9k HP, 38.11%DR, 27.7% Defense, 34.76% shield(without barrier) and 30.20% absorption

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On Imp side I'd say anyone with level 50 gear can tank Black Talon and Boarding Party and probably False Emperor as well. Once you have the gear from those places you can move on to the rest. I think Esseles and Maelstrom Prison are the equivalents, but I don't know their difficulty on HM.
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