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*tap tap* ...This thing on?


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...okay good. Then let me be blunt. Classes in PvP are horribly unbalanced. We haven't heard a peep from Bioware about class balancing. I've tried to post suggestions and I've looked all over and the only thing I can find is a comment about how PvP is so very important to Bioware but beyond that it's nothing but static BS. If PvP is so important to Bioware then where are the class changes to balance them out? I'm not the only one would rather see each class as viable as the next in lieu of getting some new WZ or rated WZ. *** good is a rated WZ when everyone just stacks their group with OP classes? It's not an unreasonable request. So where is it Bioware??
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Classes really aren't that imbalanced.. maybe pre 50 it can be rough for a few classes, but at 50 it's pretty good. Sure not all the spec's are balanced, but each class and advanced class has a way to accel at pvp. And I've seen exceptionally powerful versions of em all.
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Classes pre-50 are imblanced.


Classes at 50 are relatively balanced. Merc/Commando healers (that are geared and are actually good) are a pain in the *** to kill but other than that there aren't too many people I can't kill.


Instead of saying "Classes are imbalanced" why not explain what you feel is imbalanced. What exactly do you want them to fix?

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Name another game that has a focus on engame PvP that allows stun locks let alone stun locks that last for 10 seconds even through being dmged. The fact that you're stunned until you die, is essentially an invulnerability. It would be no different than having a bubble that absorbs all damage until you kill the person.


As for me and my "qq"ing. The first post (the one I linked) was suggestions and feedback for balance. If you actually read it you would see that it was constructive feedback not complaining. This message is requesting that someone from Bioware at least come out as say they are looking into imbalances in the classes, especially where it applies to PvP. Besides aren't you QQing by even posting here and saying I'm QQing?


The fact is on my server if you are level 50 what you face are guilds stacked with Sages and Troopers who are almost completely invulnerable. It doesn't matter how organized you are, the fact that a trooper or sage can top the charts on DMG done, Healing done, and protection all at once means they ARE overpowered. A sage pulling 50k protection, more than my Jugg is doing in combat, 650k dmg more than our top dps is pulling, and healing 300k+ is a class that's overpowered. If you think it's the imps then I invite you to bring your guild, make a character at 50th and take on the repubs. We outnumber them but they smash us. The server is Sanctum of the Exalted. All I have to say is good luck.

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I'm not talking 1v1... I'm talking WZ.... seriously if you think it's balanced come to my server make a character and try it out. Then tell me I'm wrong. But of course I know you won't. My idea's aren't exactly popular because most repubs play the trooper or Sage class and by saying they are OP I'm somehow diminishing your preferred class. Simple enough to dismiss it, but I wonder if people would be singing a different song if say another class started being able to do all those things, but better. Troll me all you want but until you experience pvp on my server from the imp's side, your arguments against are baseless. The numbers I gave you weren't made up. They were rounded up or down, that much is true but they are fact and in my book no sage should be able to deal that much damage while also doing that much protection and healing all in one WZ with their groups kill range being 54 to 65 while the Imps are lucky to have 3 kills (those are the figures from the last match I had). So please, don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe on your server you guys just haven't figured it out yet. But here's a hint, stack your pvp teams with troopers and sages (more sages than troopers).
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Name another game that has a focus on engame PvP that allows stun locks let alone stun locks that last for 10 seconds even through being dmged. The fact that you're stunned until you die, is essentially an invulnerability. It would be no different than having a bubble that absorbs all damage until you kill the person.


As for me and my "qq"ing. The first post (the one I linked) was suggestions and feedback for balance. If you actually read it you would see that it was constructive feedback not complaining. This message is requesting that someone from Bioware at least come out as say they are looking into imbalances in the classes, especially where it applies to PvP. Besides aren't you QQing by even posting here and saying I'm QQing?


The fact is on my server if you are level 50 what you face are guilds stacked with Sages and Troopers who are almost completely invulnerable. It doesn't matter how organized you are, the fact that a trooper or sage can top the charts on DMG done, Healing done, and protection all at once means they ARE overpowered. A sage pulling 50k protection, more than my Jugg is doing in combat, 650k dmg more than our top dps is pulling, and healing 300k+ is a class that's overpowered. If you think it's the imps then I invite you to bring your guild, make a character at 50th and take on the repubs. We outnumber them but they smash us. The server is Sanctum of the Exalted. All I have to say is good luck.


Are you trolling or is it that you really don't realize that you're talking about 4 different classes and not 2 different classes. Maybe when you figure our the difference between sages and assassins and vanguards and commandos you may have more luck killing them.


Sages can't get protection, Shadows can. The healing done being crazy on Shadows/assassins is due to pure shockfrozen water exploit that has nothing to do with class balance.


Merc healers being so stupidly hard to kill is the only thing really IMBA right now.

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In my experience in PvP Sages/Sorcerers are the quintessential jack of all trades, and unfortunately, masters of all. In several matches I've seen a Sage or set of sages at the top of the list for not only dmg done, but also protection and healing.


I stopped reading here, because I'm pretty sure that a sage/sorcerer can't get points for protection, unless their bubble gives it, but I don't believe it does.


If a sage/sorcerer top the healing, they almost certainly will not top damage at the same time.


A shadow/assassin can however come close to topping damage and protection if they are speced correctly and use their taunts wisely, but they won't be topping any healing lists.


So what I'm saying is I highly doubt that a sage/sorcerer is topping all 3 at the same time. Actually I'm pretty sure there is no class out there that can heal and give protection, it's one or the other.

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Do trolls actually spend this kind of effort?? No I'm not trolling. I do realize that councilors and troopers have two advanced classes. I'm commenting on what I see, and experience in a WZ or on Illum. I'm also giving feedback on what I see on the outcomes at the end of each match (which is where the numbers are coming from). And while I do know that occasionally there are assassin's I am specifically speaking toward the sage side. As for Troopers I'm not sure which advanced class it is that can heal tank and hit like a freight train but I know it's there. When attempting to kill either of these it takes 4 or 5 of us with perfect timing of interrupts and stuns to take one down, and pray they don't get a heal off. In the last match I was in the trooper was at 10% life with 5 of us hitting him and he managed to heal all dmg despite being stunned then interrupted.


I feel strongly on this which is why my posts are coming out a bit... I don't know, emotional (that the right word for it?) but it's because I want to be able to enjoy the game, which I purchased for the PvP. I love star wars and I like bioware games but when you pvp for 5 hours straight and only get 2 wins in pvp that means there is an imbalance, especially when you start looking at the numbers. And yes I know, I could just stop PvPing and do something else, but like I said I started playing because I wanted to PvP as a Sith. And yes I could just join the repub side and play a sage. But again I joined the game to play as a sith. I don't feel I should have to re roll and play something I don't like just to win 3 PvP matches before 9PM. But if it comes down to it, yeah I'll go ahead and cancel my account. I'll hate it, but if I'm this frustrated what reason would I have to stick around? And no losing mine and my wifes accounts wouldn't be some terrible loss for anyone. But I guess the question then becomes how many people does it take to leave a game before it does become an issue? I'm sure the company behind SWG could probably answer that question

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