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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5 months to get full Battlemaster gear. Working as intended..


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25% to the consumer -player base- means just that BUT the owner of the Casino BW calculates it as 25% OF TOTAL BAGS OPENED!


As you can see it is NOT 25% for each individual player, had it been 25% for each individual player it would look like this:


Every 4 bags 1 bag is a 100% token.


Very easy formula but they do not do that because they want to DECEIVE the consumer much liek Casino owners. You know statistically it is near impossible to break the house today...Las Vegas in an MMO!


That is not correct.


Probability does not translate into every 1 in 4. A 4-sided dice every about 12 rolls will give you like a 99% chance to see a 4.


I think Bioware and you went to the same school. Numbers games. Much like roulette. Every roll is a new roll with that percentage odds.


More bags opened at the same time do NOT effect the outcome. Now would throwing 6 dice mean you will get a 6.


The problem with a 25% chance is that is not very high. It translates into 75% failure to the player.


What they should do is if its to be 25% is make it a roll 2d4. The statistical odds are the exact same. It just makes each bag roll twice and should give people the appearance of a 25% success rate.


It just gives that 25% a slighty better statistical probability and takes some of the RNG element of rolling 1 dice out of the game and gives people a quicker feel that probability is indeed working.


Play a game like Axis and allies. More dice rolled, better chance to score a hit. Does not mean I need a 1. 6 infantry attacking. 6 dice. I am sure to hit on the first roll! BzZZZZ




So look at my suggestion bioware. 2d4 ftw!

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I got similar like OP problem, 2 and a half weeks = 3 tokens. Now in 3 weeks i got 4. My buddy under one week = 5 tokens and counting.

That kind of system its just wrong. I really like what they did with Champion, they should do it with BM as well ASAP.

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NO ONE WILL EVER get 1000 Battlemaster boxes over the lifetime of this game. .


Although I agree the random nature of BM tokens is not the best sytem, I will disagree with this statement.




I've played in LotRO's PvP zone for well over 4 years now, soon to be 5 and I can say with all certainty that some goals that SEEM to be insanely high are in fact reachable over the long haul.


I think the biggest problem is that BW has not really established their vision for PvP in this game and really clearly defined its short term and long term goal/reward structure.


It's weird actually, if I were designing ANY game one of the first few items I'd have to define would be the goal/reward structure, without that it's impossible to then do a full analysis on cost/benefit and create a game structure that is fun and rewarding for various playstyles.


It's almost as if BW said, well, we need some places for people to PvP...other games have instances and an open zone, so lets build those. Without really thinking about the impacts and necessary structures and mechanics they'd need to surround those locations to make for fun PvP.

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I hit BM on Saturday. I completed the Ilum Daily and Weekly on that day and got 2 BM bags. I got a single BM commendation in each bag (2/2). I also completed the "win 3" daily and got a bag which did not have a commendation (2/3) and I had a pre-purchased bag which also came up empty (2/4). On Sunday, I got 2 bags, zero commendations (2/6). On Monday, 2 bags netted 2 BM commendations (4/8). Yesterday (Tuesday) I again completed the Ilum and "win 3" daily quests and both bags had BM Commendations, bringing my grand total to 6 out of 10.


I think the system is perfect!


Update: I am now 7/11 (got 1 bag yesterday which had a token.. so that is 5 bags in a row with tokens). In 5 days, I have the BM Chest/Legs/Mainhand (and, of course, the 3 BM pieces you can buy for 200/200).


Working as intended. :cool:

Edited by PenoNation
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It's almost as if BW said, well, we need some places for people to PvP...other games have instances and an open zone, so lets build those. Without really thinking about the impacts and necessary structures and mechanics they'd need to surround those locations to make for fun PvP.




It's sad, but the game doesn't reward open world PvP in any way (Ex - Tatooine Arena). People leave Ilum if there is no decent fight. I've seen only 50 vs 50 in one instance and that's damn too few for a such massive map as Ilum.


Monthly quests should keep Ilum in shape, but... in practice... It'll be 4-5 days of non-stop battle.


People just do dailies for BM comms/collecting rakata and leave the game. There is nothing more to do... that's making this game repetitive. I'm going to leave the game if there are no changes made.

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Seems to me people want things for free now days and are just affraid to put the work into getting it.


they expect every thing to be handed to them on a silver platter and rush to finish every thing as fast as they can and dont take the time to enjoy it.


I for one think its working as intended i get at least 1 BM token a day and 2-3 when doing weeklys.


I belive the OP is a fresh valor 60 and is ticked off at getting facerolled by the BM people and wants to be handed his gear now and not have to work for it. to bad its working as INTENDED

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I belive the OP is a fresh valor 60 and is ticked off at getting facerolled by the BM people and wants to be handed his gear now and not have to work for it. to bad its working as INTENDED


Agree, but let's make collecting of this gear feasible like champ. sets. You work hard - you deserve your equipment with small chance of token discovery. I've seen War Heroes who has champ. equipment and... 61-62 valor lv. in ~ full bm gear.


Can't say that random = balance.

Edited by ArxUnKanesh
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I think as paying customer we have every reason to let BW know their system sucks.


I do not understand why they do not guarantee a BM token every bag with a chance for an extra one and then just multiple the needed tokens by 4, or 5,... or even 6. i do not need stuff immediately, no issues grinding but watching lucky people leap frog me and all my hard works makes me seek out new games.


Bottom line I have a 6 month sub and I NEED to see large wide spread improvements for BW to get another sub out of me.

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I think as paying customer we have every reason to let BW know their system sucks.


I do not understand why they do not guarantee a BM token every bag with a chance for an extra one and then just multiple the needed tokens by 4, or 5,... or even 6. i do not need stuff immediately, no issues grinding but watching lucky people leap frog me and all my hard works makes me seek out new games.


Bottom line I have a 6 month sub and I NEED to see large wide spread improvements for BW to get another sub out of me.


Same. Already unsubbed. Don't really care about the bag system. hopefully the ladder pvp system hits soon. If I hit my unsub it will be down for a while.

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I think the OP needs to learn what a conditional probability is.


Protip: each event of opening a BM bag is mutually exclusive from the previous bags you have opened. The game doesn't tally up how many bags you have collected then rolls the RNG dice and hopefully you'll get that "25%" chance to get a BM token.


As you've erroneously calculated it, the effective percent chance that you will get a token out of your BM bag is more or less a 15% drop rate.


Again, this is introductory statistics... the material you learn maybe in the third session if you were to take class. Hell, just go on Wikipedia and read the first two sections about Statistics... You'll be able to answer your own questions using the right equations because so far your math is completely wrong.

Edited by lollermittens
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1 BM commendation out of 30 bags, and counting, so please.

Shouldnt be about luck.

They should just give you commendations for the bags or something and upper the commendation needed for BM gear.

1 COMMENDATION out of 30 bags, GIVE ME A BREAK *********** BIOWARE!

Its all about luck, even if i busted my *** getting to BM. COME THE **** ON!

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I 100% agree they must change the random reward / no reward at end of a grind system. It's terrible.


Just don't be apologetic and accept it if they then turn around and get rid of the lottery but replace it with a huge grind. Don't justify it and don't accept it.


BM bags should reward commendations that add up to get you BM gear pieces at approximately the same rate as for Champion gear.


It's not just that there's a massive gap in the grind length for a Champ set vs a BM set... it's simply that the amount of grind for a BM set is excessive.

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I've gotten 1 in 28 bags here. Another poster had a great suggestion, make the items cost 4/8 tokens each and you only get one (but always get one) per bag.


I'm sure this will get fixed right after I get my last piece of BM gear. Although at this rate, it will be 6 months for me.

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