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5 months to get full Battlemaster gear. Working as intended..


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Yeah you're right! Players should be forced to be on an endless run of bad luck, unable to get gear week after week.


They dont deserve it anyway!


Back in my day we didnt even have a gear grind play incentive. We used to have to play for 28 hours a day, all camping the same boss spawn point, after a 4 hour corpse run, merely for the pleasure obtained by seeing his pixels rendered on our CRT display! HE DOESNT EVEN DROP ANYTHING!!!


It was enough for us then. It should be enough for you kids now. Get off my lawn.


The sad part is it isnt week after week. In most cases its one week. Then when someone calls out the entitlement, it turns into weeks and weeks.


I dont believe the great majority of these people have been battlemaster for a month now. Not to mention its only been 2 weeks since they changed the system.


Complaining about RNG in RPGs is like complaining about the Draft in football.


There has been RNG since Dungeons and Dragons. Just most mmo players started playing games in 2006.


Edited to Add


For the 5000th time, it isnt RARE gear if you are guaranteed to get it. You shouldnt get a "pay check" for pvping a lot. The RNG stops tryhards who play 24 hours a day from getting everything and whining about having nothing to do.

Edited by Halofax
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RNG is a joke

some ppl ill take +5 months or 1 month its just luck


on my server I have seen someone he has bm rank since 2 weeks and he has already more pieces than me and I'm BM since almost 2 months now

Edited by Araudry
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RNG is in every single mmo on the market.


But yeah, in WoW you can get all your gear in 2 weeks and then just log on once a week to raid.


Sorry. It wasnt always like that. Even WoW wasnt always like that.


RNG on pvp gear

its only in swtor..

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For the 5000th time, it isnt RARE gear if you are guaranteed to get it. You shouldnt get a "pay check" for pvping a lot. The RNG stops tryhards who play 24 hours a day from getting everything and whining about having nothing to do.


This reminds me of one of my favourite activies back in pre-CU SWG- farming Nightsister Elders for rare Pike weapon drops & other general legendaries.


I used to spend a buff session (3hrs) killing them a time. A MMO without that totally random, 'what will i get' aspect just isnt the same. Its one thing i really dont like about the newer generation of MMO- everything seems like its entirely prescriptive and linear with regards to progression.

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I'm at 3 bm tokens out of 36 BM boxes. That's 1 token per week. It takes 20 tokens to get a full set of BM. The drop rate is supposed to be 25%, but for me and a lot of others (who have made dozens of similar threads) I'm around 9%. If the trend stays current then it will take me 5 months straight of daily/weekly pvp quests.


Over on the Customer Service forums there was an official response to this concern:



Unfortunately there was a followup response later in the same thread:



To recap: 5 months to get full Battlemaster is working as intended. Do not reply to this post with a statistics lecture. Nobody wants to hear it. The point of this thread is to draw attention to how absurd this system is. It needs to change.


EDIT: Hopefully someone will actually see this (buried on page 10)..



You (and apparently the devs) overlooked a very important fact. Throughout the lifetime of this game NO ONE will EVER get 1000 Battlemaster boxes. They're probably running their tests with a 1000+ sample sizes and saying to themselves: "oh everything is fine." They need to re-run their tests with a REALISTIC sample size of 45 (roughly a month of pvp), and see just how badly they fcked up on this one.


**EDIT TWO** I posted this in the Customer Support forum:


There was a similar thread a few days ago, but I'd like a bit more info. In that thread they said the drop rate was tested, and that the system is working correctly. I'd like to know what sample size they're using for their test. It seems fairly obvious to anyone who is trying to grind out their Battlemaster gear that the drop rate is much less than 25%. This is likely due to Bioware testing their system with an unrealistic sample size of 1000+ battlemaster boxes or more.


NO ONE WILL EVER get 1000 Battlemaster boxes over the lifetime of this game. Bioware needs to test it's system with a sample that would equal a month or two of pvp quests; a sample size of 45-60 tops. Please just run your test with a sample size equal to one month of boxes gained. I'd bet money you'll see the probability of getting a 25% drop rate will be significantly lower than 1 in 4.


Why this is important:

Bioware stated that they want 1 token to drop out of every 4 bags you get. Reality proves that there is not 1 token in every 4 bags. I'm 3 tokens out of 36 bags. That's 1 in 12; roughly 9% chance for me so far. There actually cannot be 1 token in every 4 bags unless Bioware implemented a system to force their game to do that. They did not do this obviously, but what they did do is miss their mark by a longshot by relying completely on RNG (instead of a forced 1 in 4), and (probably) used an extremely unrealistic test sample size (1000+) to test their system.


To get the most amount of people close to a 25% drop rate (what they claim it currently is) in a one month period Bioware would have to up the chance of getting a token to 1 in 3 (ish), and even that wouldn't fix the problem because it would still be RNG reliant and there would still be people at the bottom of the curve (like me) getting screwed.



After today's dailies I'm at 5 out of 38. (13ish%) drop.


Your are crying cause you want free gear without putting any effort into gettin the gear?


Dont understand what up with all you cry babies, atm BM is end game pvp gear, it should be hard to get,

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Your are crying cause you want free gear without putting any effort into gettin the gear?


Dont understand what up with all you cry babies, atm BM is end game pvp gear, it should be hard to get,


if you call lotto hard lol..

there is nothing hard when it require luck all you need is luck no skills etc


this system is proly the best to waste ppl time..

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The sad part is it isnt week after week. In most cases its one week. Then when someone calls out the entitlement, it turns into weeks and weeks.


16 empty, then 1 token, now up to 24 empty. Given that the max you can earn is 16 a week id say that its fairly accurate to state week after week.


1.1 went in over a month ago by the way.. and we were able to get empty BM bags way before then.


RNG is fine in PVE.. as the NPCs you fight dont get better geared over time, and as the RNG rewards you for play with gear, and thus eventually the fights get easier.


Not quite the same in PvP - where a level playing field gear wise is preferable - because it effects each side, so that its playerskill over stats that prevails.


Maybe they should introduce RNG into your football analogy? players must roll to see who is allowed to use helmets before a game. That could be pretty amazing to watch.

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16 empty, then 1 token, now up to 24 empty. Given that the max you can earn is 16 a week id say that its fairly accurate to state week after week.


1.1 went in over a month ago by the way.. and we were able to get empty BM bags way before then.


RNG is fine in PVE.. as the NPCs you fight dont get better geared over time, and as the RNG rewards you for play with gear, and thus eventually the fights get easier.


Not quite the same in PvP - where a level playing field gear wise is preferable - because it effects each side, so that its playerskill over stats that prevails.


Maybe they should introduce RNG into your football analogy? players must roll to see who is allowed to use helmets before a game. That could be pretty amazing to watch.


Yeah because if you cant have the best armor in the game 2 months after release, its broken.


How ludicrous of Bioware to expect you to play their game longer than 3 months.

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yeah because if you cant have the best armor in the game 2 months after release, its broken.


How ludicrous of bioware to expect you to play their game longer than 3 months.


you dont pvp because its fun? Go get a job or something.


pvp is more fun when its balanced. gear is a contributing factor to that.

Edited by Sandzibar
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Yeah because if you cant have the best armor in the game 2 months after release, its broken.


How ludicrous of Bioware to expect you to play their game longer than 3 months.


I would be happy if it wasnt RNG even if it take 6 months


but everydays when you do daily and hope to get something is far from fun..

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im rank 70 and still missing 3 pieces. saw a rank 62 yesterday, he has full set...


thats why some ppl love RNG and some dont


how can a rank 62 get full bm gear before a rank 70 is a complete joke..

Edited by Araudry
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you dont pvp because its fun? Go get a job or something.


pvp is more fun when its balanced. gear is a contributing factor to that.


Im wearing champion gear on my vanguard, and im rank 57. I can compete with battlemasters.


The difference isnt nearly as big as people are making it out to be.

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thats why some ppl love RNG and some dont


how can a rank 62 get full bm gear before a rank 70 is a complete joke..



After you hit 60 rank doesnt matter at all... You can only do dailys and weeklys to get tokens.


And anyone saying old champ bags system was better ... Yea right, I never saw a mainhand or a chest in my bags... did get all the rest way to many times. Tokens are alot faster to fully gear.(I got 1companion missing Champ gear)



I just completed my BM set 2days ago(I was BM before the patch) . It takes long( Or not if you are really lucky).


Anyone gear up now(fresh 50) will have it alot easier then the ones gearing up before the patch.. Now you want RnG bags to give 100% tokens?


I feel with the people who got 0/20.. I had it aswel. Since i got my full BM set, i got 3 tokens in 2 days...

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25% to the consumer -player base- means just that BUT the owner of the Casino BW calculates it as 25% OF TOTAL BAGS OPENED!


As you can see it is NOT 25% for each individual player, had it been 25% for each individual player it would look like this:


Every 4 bags 1 bag is a 100% token.


Very easy formula but they do not do that because they want to DECEIVE the consumer much liek Casino owners. You know statistically it is near impossible to break the house today...Las Vegas in an MMO!

Edited by Cempa
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TL:DR on this thread.


"Its been 2 months, i dont have end game gear yet. I only planned on playing for 3 months and switching to Guild Wars. *** Bioware."


thats not the point. the point is that some ppl DO get the end game gear handed to them and some dont under same circumstances

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This is the Fix to end all discussion.


The vendor needs to let you trade in 4 BM boxes for 1 token. IF you are scared and don't want to play the odds. You can give up your chance of getting 4,3,2 or in many cases 0 tokens. So resist the urge to open those boxes and just save four of them go to the vendor and trade 4 boxes in on your 1 guaranteed token. This is how you shut up the unlucky and say hey look it is exactly 25%... the gamblers will gamble and the complainers will have an out.



Problem solved. End thread.

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This is the Fix to end all discussion.


The vendor needs to let you trade in 4 BM boxes for 1 token. IF you are scared and don't want to play the odds. You can give up your chance of getting 4,3,2 or in many cases 0 tokens. So resist the urge to open those boxes and just save four of them go to the vendor and trade 4 boxes in on your 1 guaranteed token. This is how you shut up the unlucky and say hey look it is exactly 25%... the gamblers will gamble and the complainers will have an out.



Problem solved. End thread.


Lol. You can't have more than one bm bag on inventory.

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