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Help with Marauders/Sentinels


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Hahaha wow, well I notice in your sig that you're from Mandalore the Indomitable, so I'm pretty much 100% sure that was me. What I was noticing going on was that you would break my stun, vanish out of electric bindings, and slow wasn't gonna be all that useful for anything unless I was just gonna run the hell away completely. Whirlwind I used on your healing companion, fat lot of good that did. So yeah after reading all these posts I realize I overestimated the number of pure cc breaks you have, but when you're gap-closing cd's are shorter than the ones I use to create space then it doesn't really matter, you're gonna be on me anyway a good part of the time.


I also noticed it looked like you had a BM saber (assuming that's what the black-blue is for republic), and at the time the only pvp pieces I had were cent/champ and none of the main set pieces, so I kinda figured that had a little bit to do with it.


And as for why I kept going after you, tbh it was because I saw it as a rare opportunity to get some 1v1 experience in a game with almost no pvp outside wz's on the way to 50. My sorc is my first 50, and as you can probably tell, prior to this posting I didn't know much about the abilities other classes could throw at me, especially mara/sent. I'd say it paid off in the end, it gave me some actual observations to take to the boards and now people have posted all kinds of helpful tips I've been using pretty well the past few days, thanks guys!


That and it's a game, I mean I want to win like everybody else but I've gotta be having a pretty ****** day to really get butthurt about losing lol. I look forward to seein you out there again man, hopefully things'll be a little less one sided now ;P


You shouldn't feel bad, I've yet to lose a fight 1v1 to any sorc of any spec on this character. It's the Rakata saber btw, I'm still only rank 56.

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Defensive Cool Downs:

1. Overload Electric Binding 15sec

2. Electrocute 50 sec

3. Whirlwind 45 sec

4. Force slow 15sec

5. Force speed 15sec

5. Unbreakable Will 1min


Mobile Offensive Cool Downs:

1. Shock

2. DF

3. Wrath CD or CL

4. Afflic


* Use overload when they leap. Get a distance first after electric binding, Dont hit them yet.


* Only use unbreakable will on choke.


* Purge the dots if he is bleed spec, take note of that white flame (dot) on you.


* Always be mobile and dont be a sittng duck, its like standing on fire


* Recklessness your DF + CL to get a good burst


* Open with Afflic + Slow + FL at max distance 30meters (you can see the the distance figure beside the target portrait) hoping for a wrath and lightning barrage proc. Slow 50% and FL 20%? so they are 70% slowed as well


This is a very generic strat. Every sorc uses their knockback the way you described, but that's easily countered with pbaoe mezz or force camo after they create distance (force camo is not broken by damage taken, so you have no way to reveal us. no force storm for jooo). It's just a close to an impossible fight to win vs a Sent who knows their class.


The most fun however is when they try to run low on hp. My set bonus makes my execute 15m range, and it WILL follow you if it gets thrown as you force speed lol.

Edited by ShiroRX
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I'm going to assume you play as the typical hybrid madness/lightning spec. If a marauder charges in, electrocute him immediately and force speed away as soon as the root has ended. If he's rage, he'll use obliterate to close the gap, which is when you should use your knock back to keep distance. Abuse the hell out of force slow, and keep your dots on him. Stopping to cast can be a dangerous move unless you know it's just you two and you have enough time to do so before he closes the gap.


As a marauder, as soon as I charge in I like to hit with crippling slash just incase so be careful of such things. If you find he is only using charge to close the gap every 15 secs, well so much the better but still be cautious because he is probably annilihation still keep him at distance, he may not burst you down but he has enough dots that'll rip your bubble to shreds and then he can nuke you if he catches up.


Carnage marauders probably are the easiest to kite but still you need to stay more than 10 yards away from them because they have the most rooting talents of the 3 specs. This is the spec I use currently at lvl 40 since I found it quite useful in huttball. Having both deadly throw (10 m ranged attack) and ravage (channeled burst damage) able to root the target in place, combined with automatic Force scream crits with ataru form procs, can easily chew through a sorcs bubble and your health pool rather quickly.


I know I didn't give you too many tactics to go with, since I'm unfamiliar with sorc game play at higher levels, but I hope my insights to marauder play style might give you some concept of how to counter act us =) Good luck brother

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This is a very generic strat. Every sorc uses their knockback the way you described, but that's easily countered with pbaoe mezz or force camo after they create distance (force camo is not broken by damage taken, so you have no way to reveal us. no force storm for jooo). It's just a close to an impossible fight to win vs a Sent who knows their class.


The most fun however is when they try to run low on hp. My set bonus makes my execute 15m range, and it WILL follow you if it gets thrown as you force speed lol.


dots on you dont reveal you while in camo. but force slow keeps you snared and you are still taking damage from the dots even if they dont reveal you.

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