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Commando PVP Help


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So I'm having a real problem with commando pvp Snipers Out DPS me in a straight shooting match. I can be Interrupted LoSed and stunned to death. I have no utility. No movement ability. Other than a burst once every 15sec with a Sticky GR Demo combo i have no ability to boost my damage.


these 3 i can be locked out of with ease

4 of my Abilities have 15 sec CDs on them

HIB needs GR so if I'm interrupted i can't use that

FA can be taken out with a knockback


these are on a 15 sec CD

Demo hits for crap w/o the boost from GR

and Sticky takes 2 seconds to go off


my options after that are Hammer shot and Explosive round


Am I missing something are we better than i think and i'm just not seeing some insanely devastating combo


If i pop my shield and Adrenalin Rush I might last long enough to get that Juggernaut down to 50% heath


What am i not seeing that makes people QQ so much about mandos

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Commando's are turrets w/o an interrupt, and they only have 1 instant stun.


Snipers are turrets w/ an interrupt, a root, a dodge, an execute, and a shield, as well as an 8 sec mez.


But why are you allowing a straight up 1v1 shooting match to occur ever in a warzone? Go find a teammate and focus his target.

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Lol u must just suck. Whenever im in gunnery im always top damage and whenever I'm in combat medic im top heal unless there is a really good sorc.


What about the third spec? I play a merc so I am not sure what your abilities are called in that spec but what he described as sticky sounded an awful lot like our thermal detonator in pyro spec.

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I do pretty well on my gunnery commando. The issue with the commando is you need to try and place yourself so you're not a target. When the imps let me fire freely, I devestate. Especially in team fights, when the jedi jump in and I just sit back launching GR/FA/HIB/DR.



Another thing might be gear as well, if you dont have good pvp gear, you're not going to be good, no matter what class you are.

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What about the third spec? I play a merc so I am not sure what your abilities are called in that spec but what he described as sticky sounded an awful lot like our thermal detonator in pyro spec.


Sticky grenade is more like your explosive dart

Edited by WolfAttack
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Let me tell you what being a sorcerer vs a trooper is like, Gravity round hits me and my bubble goes away, gravity round hits me and a quater of my life goes away, gravity round hit me as I force speed away and then I heal myself and go find someone without a IWIN button to pick a fight with.


If you are using anything other than gravity round, you are your own problem.

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Let me tell you what being a sorcerer vs a trooper is like, Gravity round hits me and my bubble goes away, gravity round hits me and a quater of my life goes away, gravity round hit me as I force speed away and then I heal myself and go find someone without a IWIN button to pick a fight with.


If you are using anything other than gravity round, you are your own problem.


:sy_consular: High Five!!

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Let me tell you what being a sorcerer vs a trooper is like, Gravity round hits me and my bubble goes away, gravity round hits me and a quater of my life goes away, gravity round hit me as I force speed away and then I heal myself and go find someone without a IWIN button to pick a fight with.


If you are using anything other than gravity round, you are your own problem.


Stuns and interupts are your bestfriends. Its not an IWIN button issue is a L2P issue

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No, it's a IWIN button. The only people who defend it as anything else are the people who are using it. The admin should take a sample of the damage meters in random games of huttball, usually it's the snipers and the gravity round cannons winning top damage/heals.

All I can do as a sorc is, well, win the game with ninja speed.


So, yeah, if you are having DPS issues embrace the IWIN button and have yourself a slaughter.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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No, it's a IWIN button. The only people who defend it as anything else are the people who are using it. The admin should take a sample of the damage meters in random games of huttball, usually it's the snipers and the gravity round cannons winning top damage/heals.

All I can do as a sorc is, well, win the game with ninja speed.


So, yeah, if you are having DPS issues embrace the IWIN button and have yourself a slaughter.


I have seen plenty of sorcs topping those dmg charts and heal charts at the same time, I am talking 300k dmg and 150-250k healing for the same person in the same WZ, but yea the immobile, interuptable, LoSable cannon with zero escape skills is the IWIN class :rolleyes:

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Snipers and Gunnery/Arsenal are supposed to do ridiculous damage if left unmolested. Location is, therefore, important. There are well-geared Commando's on my server who are capable players and can definitely do well in 1v1 situations.. but that's not what they should be doing.. (or what they normally do). You should be at a comfortable range and engaging targets who are not going to locate you until it's too late, because they are busy doing something else.


As for sniper vs Gunnery.. dunno what to tell you. People tell me Commando is more straight dps and Sniper has more "oh ****" buttons.


PS: a dps with Guard or Heals is a real pain. One with both ....

Edited by zeezkos
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So I'm having a real problem with commando pvp Snipers Out DPS me in a straight shooting match. I can be Interrupted LoSed and stunned to death. I have no utility. No movement ability. Other than a burst once every 15sec with a Sticky GR Demo combo i have no ability to boost my damage.


these 3 i can be locked out of with ease

4 of my Abilities have 15 sec CDs on them

HIB needs GR so if I'm interrupted i can't use that

FA can be taken out with a knockback


these are on a 15 sec CD

Demo hits for crap w/o the boost from GR

and Sticky takes 2 seconds to go off


my options after that are Hammer shot and Explosive round


Am I missing something are we better than i think and i'm just not seeing some insanely devastating combo


If i pop my shield and Adrenalin Rush I might last long enough to get that Juggernaut down to 50% heath


What am i not seeing that makes people QQ so much about mandos


yes people dont realise how weak commando's actualy are. you have to be pretty good to use them.


you have to be guarded bu toher players so you can use the full function of your class. as your basicly an imobile turret specialy in gunnery spec you need people to nab people in your grill so you can use your timed cast abilitys.


you cant spam grav round unless you are clear or on a ledge, if you do spam grav round you wont have any ammo left to use other abilitys to defend yourself with.


commando's are glass cannons thye do less dmaage than gunslingers and sages and have less defense than them also :p


all in all commando's/mercinarys are just fine but they could use a little love in wit hthere other dps abilitys. grav round seem to be the only skill that does any damage lol <---- there s your reason why people spam grav round and even then 600 to 2k on crit aint realy that strong :p


grav round x3 or x5

demolition round

and the bolt ability forgot whta its called ><



if people get in your face like melee as they lituraly drop your hp you need to use your knock backs and stuns


you get 1 stun you can do damage with and 1 stun that breaks if you do damage to the target.


1 mas aoe knockback snare and 1 small single target knockback if specced for it.



for grops that are hunched together volley and hail of bolts is your friend



use your sheild and ammo restore buffs when needed



you should have a clense to remove some of the dots from you also thats realy handy pitty it dont remove all dots :/



hope that helps :o

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Interrupt gravity round

dot up/slow them

LOS them and pop out for shocks/dots

stun if caught out in open

burn them down or heal up when stun is on

Can also force run away, keep at max range and dip in for instant casts/out when they begin casting gravity round.


Basically, you don't have to let them spam gravity round on you.

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