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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If Bioware wants to maintain subs:


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They are going to need to abandon this "races must speak basic" nonsense. The community wants to play as iconic Star Wars races, not humanoids. I am a humanoid everyday of my life, I don't want to be one in a video game!


Honestly, I love the Jawa voices so much I would actually watch the cutscenes on a consistent basis just to hear them talk. I want to hear some serious opinions on the matter. I would also really like to see that the developers hear this outcry from the community.

Edited by hiottsw
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Frankly I would hate Swtor If I had to read subtitles everytime I watched a cutscene. Its bad enough for some quests when we have to listen to random wookie sounds or something speaking huttese instead of basic. Jawas are not as bad, but I cannot stand wookie noises. Edited by Dukibritches
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BW need to look at the comunity requests. Here´s some of them:


Bug fixes - yeah, they must get rid of those.


Some gameplay restrictions: please STOP trying to make JEDI look like a MAGE. This ain´t WoW, so dont try and FORCE consulars to wear those ridiculous skirts.


If i rolled a jedi, i wanna USE my lightsaber efectively, not just spam force powers. Yeah, i could roll a JK, but his animations are ugly as hell. (may as well fix those).


Fix the graphic engine. I have a high end computer spec, who handles any games (mmos included) i throw at it, but as soon as i enter the jedi temple, bang!


In short, know this BW: story can only hold the playerbase for so long. Most of us are SW fans, but that won´t stick forever.

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Not in the slightest. Did you misunderstand my post or is reading comprehension not your thing? I am certain you have your own opinions as well, or do you consider them truths?


... You honestly think that the lack of playable Jawas will lead to massive sub loss? That's just.... Wow.


There could be a sizable minority who'd want to play Jawas, certainly. However, to suggest that this is a make or break thing for anything but maybe the tiniest number of people is ridiculous.

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They are going to need to abandon this "races must speak basic" nonsense. The community wants to play as iconic Star Wars races, not humanoids. I am a humanoid everyday of my life, I don't want to be one in a video game!

Iconic Star Wars is to me that all main characters are human, so no other playable species needed there (more alien companions would be nice). Then there are many players who never play another gender than they are IRL (some even consider it perverse when players do play another gender then they are), so one could argue that quite a few of the community do not even need female characters (since most players are male).


I am fine with almost human like species, just make more of them and give us more options to customize characters (including already existing ones).

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They are going to need to abandon this "races must speak basic" nonsense. The community wants to play as iconic Star Wars races, not humanoids. I am a humanoid everyday of my life, I don't want to be one in a video game!


Honestly, I love the Jawa voices so much I would actually watch the cutscenes on a consistent basis just to hear them talk. I want to hear some serious opinions on the matter. I would also really like to see that the developers hear this outcry from the community.

That's only one part of the story. The second and maybe the closest to the reality is they'd have to redo all gear for all non humanoid skeleton based species.

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Personally attacking someone isn't a good response to a personal attack.


Subjective opinion on morality and behavior norms in regard to argument.


Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

Again, subjective.


I can understand the arguments for and against use of other races such as Jawa, Wookie, etc. Most people are very concerned with the lore, others are concerned about the voice acting/armor/animations. Others feel it is simply not important at all. I tend to feel very strongly one of the most visually appealing aspects of other MMO's is the diversity of character models. I feel this could bring a lot to the table for this game.


I appreciate everyone's input so far. Great discussions.

Edited by hiottsw
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No, it isn't subjective at all. It also has nothing to do with morality. You should look into terms of use for these forums.


I heard the whoosh from here.


Title of the thread is misleading and to be honest I wouldn't be one of them, not a game breaking issue for me.


Perhaps not at this particular moment in time, but later on down the road what will drive the replay value of rolling the same class that looks exactly the same exact skin tone. As my own personal anecdote I was extremely disappointed with the race choices, perhaps moreso than any of the "bugs" that everyone seems to complain about that are common for post-launch MMO's. I am fairly vocal on the chat function in-game and I have come across many people that felt the same way. This is my attempt to bring our concerns to light, just as others relay their concerns.


As for misleading, I will assume you are conditioned to certain topic titles that do not accomplish their task: to bring an audience for discussion.

Edited by hiottsw
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Perhaps not at this particular moment in time, but later on down the road what will drive the replay value of rolling the same class that looks exactly the same exact skin tone. As my own personal anecdote I was extremely disappointed with the race choices, perhaps moreso than any of the "bugs" that everyone seems to complain about that are common for post-launch MMO's. I am fairly vocal on the chat function in-game and I have come across many people that felt the same way. This is my attempt to bring our concerns to light, just as others relay their concerns.


They are planning on adding more in the future (as in some time after 1.2) as expansions upon the Legacy system, from what I hear.

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They are going to need to abandon this "races must speak basic" nonsense. The community wants to play as iconic Star Wars races, not humanoids. I am a humanoid everyday of my life, I don't want to be one in a video game!


Honestly, I love the Jawa voices so much I would actually watch the cutscenes on a consistent basis just to hear them talk. I want to hear some serious opinions on the matter. I would also really like to see that the developers hear this outcry from the community.

I really don't care about stuff like this. I want more PvP and PvE content as well as bug fixes.

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I heard the whoosh from here.




Perhaps not at this particular moment in time, but later on down the road what will drive the replay value of rolling the same class that looks exactly the same exact skin tone. As my own personal anecdote I was extremely disappointed with the race choices, perhaps moreso than any of the "bugs" that everyone seems to complain about that are common for post-launch MMO's. I am fairly vocal on the chat function in-game and I have come across many people that felt the same way. This is my attempt to bring our concerns to light, just as others relay their concerns.


As for misleading, I will assume you are conditioned to certain topic titles that do not accomplish their task: to bring an audience for discussion.


ad this might be semi fix with the legacey system, newer race/combos could be coming down the pipe line, but the odds are tehy still be humaniod and likely speak basic.

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Have to say my biggest concern is with species. and the lack of. Is this a major bug for most players probably not. And I am not event talking about Jawa or Ewok but just slightly more alien species. Maybe 10% - 20% are unhappy enough to quit because they are being forced to play a human. I would however suspect that a lot more would if given the option like more choice. For alts and different play throughs.


The Q&A on 10/02/2012 seemed to suggest that no new species would be added via legacy to start with. However we may get more at a later date which I always read as "Stick around, Keep paying and wait maybe one day in the far far future you might see an alien species" Personaly I never trust promises like this seen to many MMO where content which has promised is still in the planning stage 6 months down the line.


I support the idea of more species. And while the OP seems agressive in his claims quite often if you just post a sensible and well thought out post it vanishes from the first 10 pages over night. Some times a bit of agression is good.

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Not in the slightest. Did you misunderstand my post or is reading comprehension not your thing? I am certain you have your own opinions as well, or do you consider them truths?


So he is unable to comprehend what you said because he disagrees with you? Sound logic...

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