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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Friggin' fix Voidstar already!!


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I'm seriously tired of having Voidstar pop, accepting the queue, then find myself getting stuck behind the shield in the starting area, because I spent 30+ seconds on the pointless speeder animation. I've seen this "feature" completely screw the first team to play defense on several occasions. Why is this even part of the game?? Seriously, take it out already. I have yet to come across anybody that actually likes it, and more often than not it just screws the defense out of some of their players at the beginning of the match.
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Bump for great justice.


The speeder animation takes far too long and at the very least needs to be skip-able like a conversation. I've also lost games (or at least been put at serious disadvantage with not being able to get to a bomb before it goes off) because of this.


While we're at it - how about a way to tell how long is left until the forcefield drops to get out? Despite how much I enjoy running into it hoping...

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Bump for great justice.


The speeder animation takes far too long and at the very least needs to be skip-able like a conversation. I've also lost games (or at least been put at serious disadvantage with not being able to get to a bomb before it goes off) because of this.


While we're at it - how about a way to tell how long is left until the forcefield drops to get out? Despite how much I enjoy running into it hoping...


Agree with the speeder.


As for the second part, look at the center of the gate. There will be a little circle with four quadrants. They start in the top left and end on the top right. After the top right is hit, all four briefly light up and then the gate opens. That's your timer basically.

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I agree the speeder bike thing is so stupid and needs to be removed. Countless times people have been stuck in flight as the other team already is out capturing a door. It should be skip-able like when your attacking. I really don't see a reason to have the speeder bike animation. Sure it was nice the first time but it's more trouble then it's worth.


Hell have the time I'm stuck on the animation and end up having the force field come up the moment I land. When this happens my 'kick out' timer usually runs out and I get kicked out of Voidstar.

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I was staying for the other 2 war zones, but now the team with the most healers win! tried all day today and only won if my team had more healers than the other. give him the ball and heal the crap out of him, leave a healer at the spaw point and rinse and repeat! same as civil war 2 or more healers on a node = win! was hoping for so much more from this game!! Edited by ousmokeit
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Why the hell do we have to go through 30 sec of pathetic and buggy speeder anyway ?

this is the most pointless "entrance" for a pvp match ive ever seen....


Just make us apear in the zone already and forget the story or pve RPG part with the speeder entrance..


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I've been complaining about this to my friends for a while now and they agree it is just retarded that its not skip able but the attacker side cut scene is.


It's a complete waste of time and I have doubts Bioware will completely remove it. Just like I wish they would get rid of that stupid cutscence that everyone skips as attacker. It was great the first time, no need to spam it to us each time we go to Voidstar.

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I'm seriously tired of having Voidstar pop, accepting the queue, then find myself getting stuck behind the shield in the starting area, because I spent 30+ seconds on the pointless speeder animation. I've seen this "feature" completely screw the first team to play defense on several occasions. Why is this even part of the game?? Seriously, take it out already. I have yet to come across anybody that actually likes it, and more often than not it just screws the defense out of some of their players at the beginning of the match.


This or the republic having 6 players to the IMPs 9+ at the start....really lame tbh

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I was staying for the other 2 war zones, but now the team with the most healers win! tried all day today and only won if my team had more healers than the other. give him the ball and heal the crap out of him, leave a healer at the spaw point and rinse and repeat! same as civil war 2 or more healers on a node = win! was hoping for so much more from this game!!


This is absolutly not true. I was the only healer on my side in all WZ i ran last night and we won 90% of the matches. There were a minimum of 2-4 healers on the other team all night. I picked up and finished my weekly last night in about 3 hours. More healers is not > a skilled team.

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Agree with the speeder.


As for the second part, look at the center of the gate. There will be a little circle with four quadrants. They start in the top left and end on the top right. After the top right is hit, all four briefly light up and then the gate opens. That's your timer basically.


I just wish it was more reliable. It seems pretty random sometimes.

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I just wish it was more reliable. It seems pretty random sometimes.



The timer works really well. The only random part is when exactly you get to see the timer. If your still on the speeder by the time you land the timer is up and refreshes again so you have to wait. Sometimes you land just as the timer goes off and you an go through. Sometimes as attacker your still zoning and miss the timer because you have to press ESC to get rid of that stupid cutsence.


It varies really.. very random unless your fully logged into the warfront and ready to go as the match starts.

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Voidstar's speeder in the opening and excessively long uptime/short downtime for the barrier puts a MAJOR disadvantage on the defending team. Why do the attackers need time to not only set a bomb, but detonate it and get halfway to the next room before the defense can respawn?

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It really wouldn't be a problem if it was 6v8 at the beginning every time. As is, the attacking team gains a momentum that steamrolls into the 2nd room. Not only do they get a shot at killing all 6 by themselves, but usually when u get off the speeder, the gate is closed and you have to wait the full minute or whatever it takes. So typically if you are on the speeder, you will not get out of the room until the first 6 are getting out too, by this time the doors are bombed for sure. Either that or you get out when 1/2 your team is dead, insuring you die before your teammates get out again. Edited by finetop
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