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Warning: Do not play a melee if you want to have post 50.


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Huttball HORRIBLY designed for ANY melee to play in.


Clearly you have never seen a sentinel/marauder do force leap onto one of your teammates and gain an immense advantage. Or, ever seen how they can run straight through a fire trap if they press their -50%hp for -99% damage button?


That particular melee class has to be the best ball carrier class I've seen.

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Uhm... My Guardian wrecks face in Huttball....


You realize I have 4 leaps in Focus spec? Guardian Leap, Zealous Leap, Force Leap x 2 (W/ Force Push reset.)


If enemies are placed right, allies as well, I can leap across the map in 5 seconds right into the goal. I have done it, numerous times.

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I did Hard Modes 8 man, and I was the only ranged dps. It was fine.


Also melee classes in this game have some amazing pvp abilities. Don't listen to the OP.


BTW Assassins are the best class for Huttball IMO.


I politely disagree on Assassians/Shadows being the best for Huttball. Guardians/Juggernauts are by far the best ball-carriers/runners. And the amount of distance I can cover in a few GCDs is astounding. Even stopping runners is easy. Force Leap to them, Force Push them into an inconvenient area. And as Focus spec I slow them even further, and can stop them right in there tracks for a few moments.

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You will be punished for it later after 50.


WZ: You will be a human ping pong in every BG. You might be able to take a caster here and there but that is only 1v1.


Melee classes harass and kill me more than any ranged class in pvp. I can't seem to get away from them. Maybe I don't have the teammate support a healer should, but I don't think that melee are having that much trouble in warzones.


PVE: You will not be taken to ANY end game content as you are just a liability due to terrible mechanics that punish melee.


My guild runs heavy melee Ops. Last week we had 2 ranged, the week before it was one. We have successfully cleared all of the content on hardmode. You may have to tweak strategies, but it certainly isn't impossible with melee.


But, I guess I just haven't hit 50 yet and I don't know any better.

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Melee classes harass and kill me more than any ranged class in pvp. I can't seem to get away from them. Maybe I don't have the teammate support a healer should, but I don't think that melee are having that much trouble in warzones.




My guild runs heavy melee Ops. Last week we had 2 ranged, the week before it was one. We have successfully cleared all of the content on hardmode. You may have to tweak strategies, but it certainly isn't impossible with melee.


But, I guess I just haven't hit 50 yet and I don't know any better.


No Nightmare yet I take it?

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Never said you did bad at all. You did quite well.


Just going off what the OP was trying to say. Doesn't mean I agree with him in all regards.


But in the same allotted time frame, you were consistently outperformed by a ranged-class on both occasions, more than likely with less effort as well.


Marauders/Sentinels are hard to play. And rewarding when you get them down. But the point the OP was making was melee classes in comparison to ranged are at a disadvantage.

Edited by SiLiZ
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Never said you did bad at all. You did quite well.


Just going off what the OP was trying to say.


In the same allotted time frame, you were consistently outperformed by a ranged-class on both occasions, more than likely with less effort as well.


Marauders/Sentinels are hard to play. And rewarding when you get them down. But the point the OP was making was melee classes in comparison to ranged are at a disadvantage.


I am the OP... And yes we are. I have, as stated before, 1 50 Rank 70 Operative and 1 50 Rank 77 Marauder. I just gave up on PVE since the guild won't take melee due to being a liability. PVP is what I have been doing and it is fairly obvious they have no clue what they are doing.

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My apologies. Not sure how I got mixed up on that.


I always feel that rewards and effort need to be in line with each other, in all regards.


Sorcs/Sages are easy to play and excel at. The reward is substantial for the effort put forth.


Marauders/Sents are hard to play effectively, and the reward when doing so is lacking.


That needs to be brought into balance.

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My apologies. Not sure how I got mixed up on that.


I always feel that rewards and effort need to be in line with each other, in all regards.


Sorcs/Sages are easy to play and excel at. The reward is substantial for the effort put forth.


Marauders/Sents are hard to play effectively, and the reward when doing so is lacking.


That needs to be brought into balance.


I totally agree with you. The problem is in the last 2 months they have done nothing but nerf things with out actually fixing any of the problems. That is where the disappointment comes in. I don't mind a new game lacking features and bugs. What I do mind is the lack of foresight on their part when they do changes. It just shows me their dev team either has a dart board or they have no idea what they are doing.

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I made a post about how their balancing act isn't in line with current-gen game design.


Balancing PVP and PVE separately are easy feats to accomplish.


The Op/Scoundrel nerf is a great example. The concern was rooted merely in PVP play. Yet the nerf they pushed out gimped aspects of PVE play. When designing a game, it is founded primarily in logic, how is this a logical approach? Wouldn't it make more sense to create Ability/Talent phasing, where if I enter a PVP situation my abilities and talents correspond to PVP play with a buff I receive upon entering a WZ, Duel, or PVP fight? And the moment you leave a PVP situation it reverts to PVE balancing. It doesn't have to affect every talent or ability, that much isn't necessary. But it would allow them to nerf/buff abilities in PVP phases without it affecting PVE play. It has been proven that balancing these two-types of gameplay simultaneously, is never effective. It's a long-road of FoTM, BS, and headaches for the duration of the game and its subscribers. This type of balancing I am suggesting has been done, has been successful, and it caters to that specific audience without negatively impacting the other part of said group.

Edited by SiLiZ
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I made a post about how their balancing act isn't in line with current-gen game design.


Balancing PVP and PVE separately are easy feats to accomplish.


The Op/Scoundrel nerf is a great example. The concern was rooted merely in PVP play. Yet the nerf they pushed out gimped aspects of PVE play. When designing a game, it is founded primarily in logic, how is this a logical approach? Wouldn't it make more sense to create Ability/Talent phasing, where if I enter a PVP situation my abilities and talents correspond to PVP play with a buff I receive upon entering a WZ, Duel, or PVP fight? And the moment you leave a PVP situation it reverts to PVE balancing. It doesn't have to affect every talent or ability, that much isn't necessary. But it would allow them to nerf/buff abilities in PVP phases without it affecting PVE play. It has been proven that balancing these two-types of gameplay simultaneously, is never effective. It's a long-road of FoTM, BS, and headaches for the duration of the game and its subscribers. This type of balancing I am suggesting has been done, has been successful, and it caters to that specific audience without negatively impacting the other part of said group.


While I agree with separate talent builds that just adds more to it. Granted this is a great way to go starting out, because later they become pigeon holed.


If they just would have given OP/Scounds better energy regen it would have balanced out. Ops are still nasty if played right. The problem is that they have no fight longevity.


Then you have the water nerf.. the hardest effected classes are those with no heal. Sure it sucks for other classes but its 10x worse for non hybrid classes. Again it wasn't game breaking having and out of combat heal except for instant stealth classes. That could have been easily fixed by adding a timer on the water to make it so after 10 seconds of combat you can use it.


As you can see.. they half arsed their nerfs and did not make anything else viable.

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