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How to fix the sorc, suggestions.


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What should happen is that for every damage point absorbed by their self bubble two or three force should be consumed.


When cast on anyone other than themself the bubble should act as it currently does.



So if it abosrbs 3500 dmg, it would have to take away 7000 force?

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would be impressive considering we only have 600 force :) 1 bubble and game over for the sorc.. as always the intelligence of suggestions is astounding



Fact is people try to suggest things without even knowing how a class works

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What should happen is that for every damage point absorbed by their self bubble two or three force should be consumed.




























Please know something about a class before making suggestions to nerf it. :(

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lol you want to remove bubble from dps sorcs. Anyone with a basic understanding of pvp mechanics at level 50 realize how ridiculous this is. I do think 5 seconds on electric bindings could be done away with. Maybe just move it to 2 seconds even if damage is taken.


Not all of you, but most of you, just need to L2P. Sorcs are not difficult to kill.

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Dude: The bubble have been confirmed to absorb around 3.3k damage in champion gear.


If thats "one good hit" for you then...


Its as much as a 31 point healing talent for commandos and mercs.

Get a grip.


Dude, I am well aware of what it absorbs. How much damage do you think a crit on tracer missile does? And that's just a spammable skill - nothing to write home about.

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Hint: don't stand where you can be knocked back or the smarter sorc wins :D


Really I didn't know there were guard rails along the upper ramparts of Huttball that you could stand against to not get knocked down below! Super easy for any sorc to run straight at a person and then strafe left or right for a millisecond to knock someone off even a baddie can do it. And for the record I stay on the top better than most people.


Or when the sorc runs through the acid (or fire) and forces you to follow or just give up the point and then easily knocks you back into it you soooooo can go around him because of how fast you run....oh wait! He's actually faster than you unless you slow him which he can remove anyways!


In the other arenas I'm sure there's a ton of walls to stand in between so the sorc push is useless...oh wait!


Hint: Don't be a nob.

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I'm quite tired of seeing sorcs scoring no 1 both in damage and in healing, it's total OP. Plus they have the shield and ccs. I'd say sorcs should lose the shield and 20% dmg or half the range of their casts. that would be balanced. And comon give me your l2p comments and other lies to defend your totally OP class.
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I'm quite tired of seeing sorcs scoring no 1 both in damage and in healing, it's total OP. Plus they have the shield and ccs. I'd say sorcs should lose the shield and 20% dmg or half the range of their casts. that would be balanced. And comon give me your l2p comments and other lies to defend your totally OP class.


As you wish - it is impossible for a sorc to get top damage and top heals at the same time, assuming that sorc in question is not the only person on the team capable of healing. One can either get top damage in dps spec or top heals in healing spec, not both.

Oh, and "sorc" that also gets protection points is really an assassin. In other words, stop being bad and l2p :p

Edited by Zellata
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i laughed hard when i read "move bubble up to tier 5" rofl


the talent makes the bubble 20% stronger the bubble itself is a coreskill my tarded friend^^


anyway, going back to nuking noobs with sniper and marauder alts, because they are considered so underpowered ROFL. good luck with another whinethread about sorc you total noob :)



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As you wish - it is impossible for a sorc to get top damage and top heals at the same time, assuming that sorc in question is not the only person on the team capable of healing. One can either get top damage in dps spec or top heals in healing spec, not both.

Oh, and "sorc" that also gets protection points is really an assassin. In other words, stop being bad and l2p :p


Umm no, is not imbossible been there seen it too many times on the score board.

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I don't feel that these changes are necessary and I play both a Gunslinger (Lvl 50) and a Sorcerer (Lvl 48)


One on One I can usually take down a Sorcerer on my Gunslinger (DF). If they are a pure healer it is much harder, but then that applies to pretty much any pure healer.


On my Sorcerer if I go toe to toe with almost any DPS class I lose. The only thing that keeps me alive are those things you want to nerf. Without the bubble and the CCs and the occasional speed boost I would stand very little chance against the other DPS classes almost all of whom have more burst DPS.


On my Gunslinger (Dirty Fighting) I have enough interupts (Kick, Flashbang, Cast interupt -can't remember the name ;-) That from full health I can usually take down a Sorcerer. If they run and I get a leg shot off it is often game over.


On my Sorcerer getting heals off while being pummeled by virtually any class is very difficult. I usually have to run and hide to do any meaningful healing and that only works if they don't CC me or run me down. Force speed is fine, but unless there is someplace to hide it is a minor advantage. The biggest advantage of Force Speed is situational like Hutball and other classes have similar situational advantages like force leap, the harpoon, etc.


The bubble lasts for a couple of hits. Without it a Sorcerer/Sage would die very quickly indeed.


I don't see that Sorcerers/Sages are that far out of line. Yes you see a lot of them and have since day one, they are a popular class. I mean who dosen't want to shoot lighting out of their fingertips or throw dirt in an opponents face :) But in need of a nerf? I just don't see it at the moment. The changes the OP is suggesting would, in my opinion, totally cripple the class for PvP.


(P.S. I don't do much PvE and none on my Sorcerer except quests. I'd be very much surprised if there were any hybrid Sorcerers doing OPs.)



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Let me start saying I'm a valor rank 64 sorc in full bm gear except the off hand. I have 16.2k hp unbuffed, bumps up to 17k with 5% endurance, not even gonna tell you what the armor mitigation for a light armor user is since its pathetic (Mercs run around with 19k hp with Endurance buff and heavy armor, in not full BM gear, fact, I've seen it multiple times.). I am purely heal specced most of the time, but I've played both the tri-spec and the 21/20 extensively, on the other hand I doubt you played a sorc and I doubt you even know how the class works except for when you whine to your friends on Team Speak about how your getting ***** by them. And just FYI there is more than one sorcerer spec.


On the ''imba omg bubble subject'', if they were to implement your absurd idea it would destroy the sorcerer dps class in pvp, that's why it's never gonna be implemented, you don't know how a sorc works, you don't play a sorc and you have very little say in what the class needs and what it lacks untill you play one. As a healing specced sorc I can survive with one dps on me indefinetley, as a 21/20 dps specced I cannot so I don't know what your talking about with your ''How fun is it to want to play a full time healer and feel that there is no point for him to go full healer?'', learn to interrupt and to focus target. On the other hand I agree that the tri-spec might have a little too much healing utility, pushing 300/350k dmg and 150/200k healing in a good, long WZ.


About the DPS trees, as other sorcs/sages have mentioned, if the top tier talents wouldn't suck so much you would see more players with top tier talents. Ever thought about that?


I would like for you to roll a sorc, and never use Static Barrier and see what happens, enjoy being facerolled by marauders, snipers, power techs, mercs, commandos, juggernaughts and whatnot(classes chosen were random btw, I'd include every dps class). In the back of my head I'm still thinking your a troll that stole 5 minutes of my time.


And no, thank you, I don't really care about being special.




EDIT: No one is gonna quit because of the sorc bubble, I'd rather quit over the fact that there is nothing to do a part from 2 dailies.




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ive never heard of sorcs being OP in my guild or the channels of my server. instead i hear obscenities towards the commando/merc grav round/tracer missle. OP please channel your frustration there. if your suggestions are implemented then we lose almost all of our survivability
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