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Republic vs Imperial.


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I have a Valor 57 Rank 50 Sorcerer in allbut full Champion gear on Scepter of Ragnos. I now also have a Vanguard Valor 50 Rank 50 on the Shadow Runner.


It amazes me how republic manages to have any fun. Travel to Ilum, to be told and you get "Central Safe" etc from Rep players (spies) then get battered by 20+ Imperials.


The Imperials just stay Central 24/7 and will not move (only to cap the objectives). Unlike Scepter of Ragnos, where imps would camp the Rep base, atleast giving the reps a relatively safe place to shelter.


I know there are regular posts about this subject, but I think something really needs to be done to improve Republics chances of completing the ilum daily to be competative with the PvP gear.

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Aside from Ilum (a train wreck of PvP in general) I actually find Republic quite a bit more enjoyable than Imperial. Practically instant PvP queues at any time of night (even on a PvE server), some level of assurance of playing with other people interested in PvPing and competence (rather than the zerg). Of course your mileage may vary, but so far (at least on my 2 servers) I really feel like Republic is the side to go for any kind of quality PvP in this game.
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Aside from Ilum (a train wreck of PvP in general) I actually find Republic quite a bit more enjoyable than Imperial. Practically instant PvP queues at any time of night (even on a PvE server), some level of assurance of playing with other people interested in PvPing and competence (rather than the zerg). Of course your mileage may vary, but so far (at least on my 2 servers) I really feel like Republic is the side to go for any kind of quality PvP in this game.


Republic is definetly the underdog on most servers. For me the imperial classes are easier to play, do more damage, do it quicker without animations and oh as you pointed out, outnumber republics 3:1 on most servers.


With the class imbalance it is not going to change. Most players just want to win and will pick the class/faction that let's them do it.


I really cannot wait for a combat log.

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You don't have to do the Ilum dailies.


This is the 2nd time I have seen people complaining that they can't pickup the missiles.


The daily is not about collecting crates it is about engaging the enemy. You can just as easily kill players as pickup crates.


Play Imp and see how fast crate farming goes when 20 people are circling mid. It would take hours.


Learn to PVP.


So what if you get killed. You know what you are now worth nothing for a short time so charge right in and target single players and kill them.


what is the big deal about dieing in a game where there is NO, yes NO penalty for getting killed by another player.


The side with lesser numbers must think more on how they are going to bring a fight. There are always people wandering around zones for whatever reason.


Go cap North and high tail it back to center and kill the Nascar drivers that just collect boxes. You can easily pick off players at 3 places. Run away and do it again. Don't let the big group find you.


Base sitting and camping is a big fat FAIL. Grapple war is a boring joke.

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Have played both sides on my server, and definitely find that the players who stick it out to 50 on repub side are better players in general. No offense to any Sith out there, but the zerg carries a lot of trash to 50 on.

This definitely contributes to WZs being a good deal easier imo, though I'm sure rateds will be much different. I know when people claim that player skill means nothing compared to gear, at times I just want to tell them they should go up against some of the Imperials on my server. There have been plenty of times that we've crushed the opposition despite /huge/ mistakes in our strategy etc.


The valor system is definitely unfortunate as is the current state of Ilum, but aside from getting access to free gear there's not much benefit to being in the zerg.

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