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SWTOR: Things I dislike most.


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I am quite new in MMO. Despite being a RPG fan since 1996 I just started my experience in MMO a month ago. Just decided to try to find out what is so addictive about them. Besides I was missing an old-school Diablo experience.

So, I went first for WoW. At first, I was drived off from this game. I started my game with Bloody Elf Paladin. Bloody Elf campaing is complete grind from start to finish. I leveled up to level 20 exclusively thanks to the loot lust and big amount of players arround who were helping me.

After I touched the top level of my starter edition I went for Undead Hunter. And I loved the undead compaign. Much less grind. Awesome always halloween atmosphere. Less people playing, but the experience was very close to the singleplayer rpg. I get totally addictive to WoW, so upgrate my starter edition to Battlechest.

Then I thought if WoW rocks so much for a newbee like me, then a totally new MMO based in Star Wars must rock as KISS. What can be greater than totally known universe with WOW mechanics. Right ? Right ?

So I went for SWTOR. The first thing that dissapointed me was the installer. You can´t play the game while donwloading it, unlike WoW. And 20 gb is the hell of waiting. While I was waiting I leveled my undead hunter to 23.

Finally I downloaded it. Then I spent 2 days meditating about the message "You don´t have an active subscription to play" despite a poured two 60-days game card into my account. While I was meditating that, I levelled up my wow character to 25. The problem with Swtor resulted to be a little misleading: i didn´t filled up Comtact Information.

After overcoming all obstacles I finally get my sweaty paws on the game.

So far, I leveled up my Sith Inquisitor to level 8. This is becuase I was interrupting my SWTOR sessions with WoW ones.



This is my first impressions:


1. Congrats, Bioware. You invented first corridor MMO. After enourmous vast plains of WoW I feel quite claustrophobic in SWTOR.


2. Everything is too static, monsters, npc... They don´t move, not even an inch. The have some sort of animation, but... Why they looked like decorations. In WoW, moster make some patrol rutines, even some NPCs, even some quest NPCs. In WoW, I even saw how a vendor left the town to go to somewhere on his business.


3. Monster suffer from some blindness desease. In WoW, if you aproach a monster 10 feet away he will automatically attack you. In SWTOR, they only start bothering when you jump on them, literally.


4. Damned. Chat is aweful. In WoW, I have a some sort of a cloud over me when I speak. In SWTOR, chat text apears in the upper left corner amid other rpg data. So if you don´t keep an eye constantly over there it´s very easy to loose the message when somene talked to you. For the same reason, when I need help with some area I need to jump in front of other players to call their attention, writing in chat doesn´t work.

Bioware, if you started copying from WoW, please do the job, finish copying everything, chat included.


5. The interface is too bluish. You know, Bioware, other colours exist too. Even many items are bluish. When I open interface it makes me difficult to distingish items from junk.

Everything is mixed. It would be nice to divide inventory in several bags too.


6. The ablity page is a simple list. What the hell is that ? SWTOR was planned for consoles too ?

As I already said, if you started copying from WoW, please do the job, finish copying everything, interface included.


7. The damned bluish everywhere. Ability icons included. It´s difficult to eyed them over.


This is my first impression. Please don´t troll me so much. As I said I am new in MMO. I had very high hopes for the Old Republic. And in many ways I liked it. I only mention things that I disliked most. There are many things I like too. I will keep playing SWTOR because I saw too little to judge this game. As I said, I am only level 8.


things i dislike the most


threads like these and QQ over minor problems

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The OP is trolling and trying to promote WoW.


Nothing to see here.


bad thread is bad.


I am not trolling. I just started to play WoW before. But my WoW subscription expires at the end of february. But I have 140 days subscription of SWTOR. So I am pretty committed to it right now. I wanted to express my first impressions. What I listed really affected my gameplay.


For example, the chat. I was standing a whole hour in front of a elite monster area calling people to help with it. Dozens passed running by, and nobody joined me. I invite them into the group, they join me and then run away.

Edited by Ivanblood
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another fella who cant read :)


I did quit swtor which made me go back to wow a year after I quit it. One week after I got back I quit wow too.


And so now you try to promote the how you hate SWTOR and everyone should agree with you?



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I didnt know You can make threads in the game?

Oh wait..You cant!


this thread is about things in game, not forums.


So go troll somewhere else.


you not quit again?


if you dont like the game as much as you seem to tell us every day


why havent you quit yet




you know what i hate the most about this game.. which also includes its forums


i hate the fact that you can unsub and still most crap on the forums

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I see the same things in TOR in cities. NPC's are dancing together, conversing...etc. I have even seen some in cantina's vomiting on the floor, like you see in real life taverns at times. Some are fighting and I saw a npc shoot another npc once outside a cantina in a lawless area. There are pats. I donot understand these statements the game world is dead in TOR comments. Are players that blind? One way they could improve in the game world outside of cities is to have more wildlife and more of the wildlife moving around. But overall it is not as dead as some think.


Having some npc loop the same animation over and over dosnt make it feel any less static. Just look at those npc "shooting" other npc. They stand completly still usually behind some kind of barrier shooting the other npc standing a few meters away behind their barrier. None of them ever take damage or die. Try killing all the npc behind one barrior. You will see that the other side will keep fireing even though all the npc are dead.


Now look how npc vs npc fights worked in, for example Rift.

Edited by Sprytxx
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I am not trolling.



For example, the chat. I was standing a whole hour in front of a red area calling people to help with it.


One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong....


(Psst: Red areas are not accessible to you. That's what red means. Even in Europe, where people put mayonnaise on french fries and think Jerry Lewis is funny. So you can't "get help" with it; you're not allowed in. Ever. It's either some other classes quest, or a quest for your class that you're not qualified for. Group quest areas are green.)


So, yeah. Troll. You're trying to make stupider and stupider statements, in the hopes of getting more and more of a rise out of people. That is the definition of a troll -- and so is denying it and crying that we're all hurting your feelings. So... this is me, unsubbing. You're not even a particularly creative troll.

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One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong....


(Psst: Red areas are not accessible to you. That's what red means. Even in Europe, where people put mayonnaise on french fries and think Jerry Lewis is funny. So you can't "get help" with it; you're not allowed in. Ever. It's either some other classes quest, or a quest for your class that you're not qualified for. Group quest areas are green.)


So, yeah. Troll. You're trying to make stupider and stupider statements, in the hopes of getting more and more of a rise out of people. That is the definition of a troll -- and so is denying it and crying that we're all hurting your feelings. So... this is me, unsubbing. You're not even a particularly creative troll.


Sorry. I misspoke. I meant elite monster area, red quests.


PS. Lol. You are certainly have a lot of anger inside. A dark side is strong in you.

Edited by Ivanblood
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Lol. I repeat. I am not trolling . Just gave my first impression. I have 4 month of SWTOR subscription. So I pretty committed to SWTOR, right now.


Just leave them. They dont really know english and every word they dont know how to translate, they swap for "troll". So be positive and everytime you see one of these guys say "troll", just imagine some nice word instead of it, they just couldnt translate.

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So be positive and everytime you see one of these guys say "troll", just imagine some nice word instead of it.


So that's what makes you lot fell better about yourselves.


The problem with this reasoning is the fact that troll is a troll, and a simple glance at your post history reveals that you fit into that category also.

I'm really not sure how else to call someone who bashes this game in his almost every post, praises WoW, and yet is paying the subscription in order to play SWTOR.

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So that's what makes you lot fell better about yourselves.


The problem with this reasoning is the fact that troll is a troll, and a simple glance at your post history reveals that you fit into that category also.

I'm really not sure how else to call someone who bashes this game in his almost every post, praises WoW, and yet is paying the subscription in order to play SWTOR.


Lol. Are you kidding. It´s my first thread in the forum. Like the first first. I didn´t post anywhere else yet.


PS. Someone really needs a hug.

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So that's what makes you lot fell better about yourselves.


The problem with this reasoning is the fact that troll is a troll, and a simple glance at your post history reveals that you fit into that category also.

I'm really not sure how else to call someone who bashes this game in his almost every post, praises WoW, and yet is paying the subscription in order to play SWTOR.


First, again, so many "troll"s in Your post I wonder what words did You want to use instead.

I dont bash the game, Im just stating the facts.

Again I dont praise WoW. I quit wow and not playing the game anymore..which gives me no reason to praise WoW at all.

And as last note, dont know where u got that I pay subscription to play swtor. I quit swtor and BW will not get a single penny out of me.


Any more smart things to say pal?

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Swtor has a lot of great points, voice acting is spot on for example, and story is much more immersive, so people who are looking for those things will have fun.


On the other hand, people like me, who enjoy completely random encounters that could never have been planned or mapped out find this game lacking. There is nothing to explore and no reason to explore, the planets though being big feel completely empty.


Most places are devoid of anything interesting at all, and most planets are devoid of any life.

How is it possible to get to level 50 without ever even seeing an enemy apart from on ilum.

Lost of wide open empty spaces, nothing there that interests me.


Before people jump on me for not enjoying the game, it's just my opinion, swtor doesn't provide any of the things that i personally enjoyed about wow when i played that.


Maybe in a year or two there will be enough actual fun and completely random things added in swtor to bring me back.

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Any more smart things to say pal?


In fact yes, it should be forbidden for the likes of you who don't pay the sub and have nothing better to say than "this game is bad" to pollute the forum here, it would become a much better place for the majority of those who do like SWTOR and are offering constructive critique and thoughts on how to make this game even better.


One would think that you lot would have better things to do instead of wasting your time on a forum of a game you obviously dislike.

Edited by Vlacke
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First, again, so many "troll"s in Your post I wonder what words did You want to use instead.

I dont bash the game, Im just stating the facts.

Again I dont praise WoW. I quit wow and not playing the game anymore..which gives me no reason to praise WoW at all.

And as last note, dont know where u got that I pay subscription to play swtor. I quit swtor and BW will not get a single penny out of me.


Any more smart things to say pal?


Honestly, you are indeed bashing BW and the game. This is a quote from one of your earlier posts:


"Welcome to BW world.

This kind of thing happened with every single patch they deployed.

Why did You expect anything less with this one? "


And, repeatedly bashing a game you have quit would probably fit in the definition of trolling (at least its borderline).

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Oh, my gosh. You shouldn´t metion WoW in your post. The sharks will come back.:eek:


Let me explain one thing to you as this is, according to what you say, your first time posting here (and I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt): The forums are rife with people who hate the game trolling the boards at every opportunity. There are many threads posted every day that go along the lines of "wow has this and that y u no add it bioware", "this game is garbage i hate it", "lololo u r all fanboiz". The few constructive threads are usually buried rather quickly under a pile of rubbish, with very few actually managing to stand out.


Just FYI, this is why many people, even non-fanboys, are defensive.

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Oh, my gosh. You shouldn´t metion WoW in your post. The sharks will come back.:eek:


You should learn to write properly at least before you decide to make a thread filled with nonsense, maybe illiterate OP's such as yourself are more welcome on WoW's forum.


You played the game for what, 2 hours until you reached your level 8 and jumped on the forum here to tell everyone how it's really not so good while saying that WoW is better in the process and found yourself "surprised" of people's reaction here...seriously?!

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4. Damned. Chat is aweful. In WoW, I have a some sort of a cloud over me when I speak. In SWTOR, chat text apears in the upper left corner amid other rpg data. So if you don´t keep an eye constantly over there it´s very easy to loose the message when somene talked to you. For the same reason, when I need help with some area I need to jump in front of other players to call their attention, writing in chat doesn´t work.

Bioware, if you started copying from WoW, please do the job, finish copying everything, chat included.



Use filters and create new chat channels. I generally make 3-4 extra chat tabs for things like loot, guild chat, party chat, tells etc... I leave them all on in the main channel, but if I want to quickly check something (ie. past conversation or who got what from a few minutes ago) then you can quickly tab over.


But its exactly the same as the WoW chat system... not sure what you're talking about.

Edited by talligan
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