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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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as fun as I find a sandbox game the masses do not, lets look at wow huge theme park game kinda set the stage for every other game, now if wow would have had the same sucsess as a sand box, guess what, we would be living in a sandbox gaming world, mmo's are out to make money and the money is in the masses, and it seems like the masses prefer theme park type games.. I hope as TOR grows we get a sandbox element or two, like pod racing, or something, just to mix it up, but I am not holding my breath.. I just play what I like, i like TOR, would not have mattered to me :)
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SWG was not the biggest blunder. LA wanting to change the game to be WoW was the biggest blunder.


Pretty much this. If nothing else, the NGE should stand as a lesson that you can't polish a turd. Just leave it as it is, and let the few people that enjoy it keep on doing it.

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as fun as I find a sandbox game the masses do not, lets look at wow huge theme park game kinda set the stage for every other game, now if wow would have had the same sucsess as a sand box, guess what, we would be living in a sandbox gaming world, mmo's are out to make money and the money is in the masses, and it seems like the masses prefer theme park type games.. I hope as TOR grows we get a sandbox element or two, like pod racing, or something, just to mix it up, but I am not holding my breath.. I just play what I like, i like TOR, would not have mattered to me :)


It's not so much what people prefer, but rather just all they know. WoW brought in so many new people to the genre and since every MMO after WoW wants to be WoW...well, yea. Again, it's just more the fact that people have only played themepark games then look to the past and see things like SWG with a significantly lower amount of subs compared to WoW and just assume all sandbox games are horrible.

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I still can't see (any group of) people wanting what SWTOR currently offer long term.


SWTOR with things added, yes.





But then that would be the point, making SWTOR SWoW isn't going to bring and keep WoWers (who are mass market by any current defination).


Yet maybe making SWTOR SWGoW might just do that.


I can't see how any MMO that mixed the best of SWTOR and SWG could ever fail myself.


I didn't play SWG myself but have heard lots about it and I wouldn't have minded some more sandbox elements - but still, I'm content with what we have so far. And I think it's not the time now for such a big design change...

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And after 50 here, what will you do? .


I think this is a fair point. Endgame in SWTOR is underwhelming to me so far. However, SWTOR is a new game and we will see how the endgame fares with a bit of time, while SWG began and ended with very little to do at lev 90. Crafting, PVP and Heroics don't cut it for me. I want content. SWG failed miserably on that front. SWTOR hasn't wowed me yet either, but right now I'm willing to give it the benefit of a doubt. I might be singing a different tune one year from now, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Pretty much this. If nothing else, the NGE should stand as a lesson that you can't polish a turd. Just leave it as it is, and let the few people that enjoy it keep on doing it.


The NGE should show that the players that play that game want to play that game and not some other game or else they would play that one instead.


SWTOR shows that you cant rename a turd and think that it still wont stink.

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I didn't play SWG myself but have heard lots about it and I wouldn't have minded some more sandbox elements - but still, I'm content with what we have so far. And I think it's not the time now for such a big design change...


Yeah, you can't change SWTOR like that now.


But they could add too it, add an awful lot too it in fact.


The question is whether they will or not (and if you played WAR under Bioware, then you'll know that is a difficult question to answer).





The big problem is SWTOR needs the meat of its additions soon, it's no good (for example) putting in free space flight in 3 years time, it would need to be soon, not just "soon™" (which, of course, can mean anything from tomorrow to never).

Edited by Goretzu
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Listen anyone who says SWG was a turd or sucked was not there at the start, people loved that game , the community was tight , yea it never reached incredible sub numbers but thats because you had to have a brain to play the game before NGE . Can you imagine today if you told people they had to grind 24 professions to be force sensitive or 30 ?


The point and the realty there will never be games like that again , Blizzard has made sure of that , once "The boom head shot" crowd got in to MMORPG it was all down hill from there .

Edited by Selaik
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I think this is a fair point. Endgame in SWTOR is underwhelming to me so far. However, SWTOR is a new game and we will see how the endgame fares with a bit of time, while SWG began and ended with very little to do at lev 90. Crafting, PVP and Heroics don't cut it for me. I want content. SWG failed spectacularly on that front. SWTOR hasn't wowed me yet either, but right now I'm willing to give it the benefit of a doubt. I might be singing a different tune one year from now, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


SWG did not have a level 90. That was the NGE garbage so dont confuse the two.


The reason SWG had no endgame content was because everything was current content.


There was never an end to space, no matter what you did you were never going to finish it

There was never an end to crafting since there was always the chance that new spawns would bring better materials

There was never a true end to leveling because you could change specs anytime you wanted.


SWTOR there is a clear end and once you reach it you have to wait for new content to be added that will remove the old content and just give you new content that soon will be over and then you have to wait for more new content that destroys the old content for you.

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I still don't see how 2nd most successful Western MMORPG for its time was "an epic bomb".


Nor how SWTOR is anything less than an "epic bomb" if WoW subs is the standard everything is measured by (past and future). :confused:








The question is really where is the next MMORPG non-WoW clone? The scary and sad answer is that it may never exist. :(


Again no answer to my question. If it was the LOL 2nd most successful western MMO why has no one copied it? Seriously people, it's a niche. You like that niche and that's all well and good but understand that most people want a game to play not a house to decorate, a cantina to dance in, nor a huge empty world with empty ghost towns. Remember I said MOST, I know some people clearly dig those aspects.

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Dream on. EMU only has just over 70K registered (most of which have come and gone) and their server couldn't hanlde a tenth of that at once.


You just want to argue with anyone dont you. Even the people that you agree with because you see SWG and get all scared because it would be a game that you actually had to play to do anything unlike WoW and SWTOR where soon you will have your LFG so you can just follow people ti get loot.

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Again no answer to my question. If it was the LOL 2nd most successful western MMO why has no one copied it? Seriously people, it's a niche. You like that niche and that's all well and good but understand that most people want a game to play not a house to decorate, a cantina to dance in, nor a huge empty world with empty ghost towns. Remember I said MOST, I know some people clearly dig those aspects.


Because the other model , dumed down no effort made for kids model introduce my Blizzard makes more money whats so hard to understand? dose not mean its superior.

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Actually it probably is very illegal by using many copyrighted images, music, sounds and intellectual property from Lucasfilm.


But so far it doesnt seem like they care so fair enough


Hard to call it very illegal. The images and the intellectual property is in the client which you paid for. EMU discourages piracy of the client. Though it's going to be pretty hard to get a legal copy of the client these days.

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SWG was set up to fail with the freedom restricted timeline it took place in then was massacred a year after launch. Having a Star Wars MMO set where Jedi & Sith are non-existent is fail then the implementation of said Jedi was about as fail. I still can't help but roll my eyes when I used to watch my Jedi strike, spin around, throw lightsaber, put hands on hips like a primadonna while the lightsaber goes for a spin.


SWTOR got it right at least.

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You just want to argue with anyone dont you. Even the people that you agree with because you see SWG and get all scared because it would be a game that you actually had to play to do anything unlike WoW and SWTOR where soon you will have your LFG so you can just follow people ti get loot.


Do I know you? What does that have to do with my post? The guy made a stupid remark that the EMU had more players. The EMU couldn't handle more players at least not yet. Not until the get more servers. For them to have more servers, they will have to release a server client which is about 10 years off by their development speed.

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The reason SWG had no endgame content was because everything was current content.


There was never an end to space, no matter what you did you were never going to finish it

There was never an end to crafting since there was always the chance that new spawns would bring better materials

There was never a true end to leveling because you could change specs anytime you wanted.


SWTOR there is a clear end and once you reach it you have to wait for new content to be added that will remove the old content and just give you new content that soon will be over and then you have to wait for more new content that destroys the old content for you.


In other words, there was no content. (Which isn't true, because there was content up until max level.)


Just running around attacking random mobs for loot isn't content. Like I said before, you can do that much right now in SWTOR. Engaging in PVP isn't content. Again, you can do that much right now in SWTOR. It's not Bioware's fault if the SWG faithful aren't willing to do the same thing in SWTOR that they claim was so wonderful and awesome in SWG. The only difference is that SWG gave you much less from the start, so that you didn't miss it when you hit level cap.

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Again no answer to my question. If it was the LOL 2nd most successful western MMO why has no one copied it? Seriously people, it's a niche. You like that niche and that's all well and good but understand that most people want a game to play not a house to decorate, a cantina to dance in, nor a huge empty world with empty ghost towns. Remember I said MOST, I know some people clearly dig those aspects.


Of its time. :) (things existed before WoW you know "lol" :rolleyes:)





Then WoW came out and everyone has mindlessly being trying to copy it, which apparently means everything that doesn't copy WoW is a niche....


Except that nothing that HAS copied WoW has come close to WoW's success... so is WoW a niche? Or a one off?


If so what does that mean?

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Seriously people, it's a niche. You like that niche and that's all well and good but understand that most people want a game to play not a house to decorate, a cantina to dance in, nor a huge empty world with empty ghost towns. Remember I said MOST, I know some people clearly dig those aspects.


I think the real question here should be: Why are the people that enjoy and want a sandbox MMO here playing SW:TOR, a game which was clearly going to fall into the theme park category from the moment it was announced, instead of one of the sandbox MMOs currently available?


I personally don't like the sandbox design, and think it's fundamentally flawed, but you don't see me on the EVE, PotBS, Xsyon, Darkfall, Dawntide, ArcheAge, Fallen Earth, Mortal Online, UO forums praising the qualities of WoW.

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Again no answer to my question. If it was the LOL 2nd most successful western MMO why has no one copied it? Seriously people, it's a niche. You like that niche and that's all well and good but understand that most people want a game to play not a house to decorate, a cantina to dance in, nor a huge empty world with empty ghost towns. Remember I said MOST, I know some people clearly dig those aspects.


Its a niche? First off having so many players that are still wanting the game they played 8 years ago even with all the free gimmy loot games now that everyone loves so much(lol) should show that they are a dedicated group of players that will not abandon a game just because something new comes out.


You guys fall for the new glitter and think thats what makes a game when it doesnt. Its the core of the game that makes the game and what can be done to it.


SWTOR has no core and it has no flexability to get off the rails. You wont have world pvp because many of the planets are faction only and the other worlds are just rails you follow.

The only new PVE content you will get will be at level 50 and has to be a new planet thats on rails that will end once you finish it once.

They cannot add new content to lower levels since it wont fit into the story.


There are just so many things that show that SWTOR does not have a core to the game but stuff added on top.

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SWG was set up to fail with the freedom restricted timeline it took place in then was massacred a year after launch. Having a Star Wars MMO set where Jedi & Sith are non-existent is fail then the implementation of said Jedi was about as fail. I still can't help but roll my eyes when I used to watch my Jedi strike, spin around, throw lightsaber, put hands on hips like a primadonna while the lightsaber goes for a spin.


SWTOR got it right at least.


This. This. And this.

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So let me get this straight...


You are asking why BioWare (makers of KOTOR 1 & 2) chose to make an MMO in the style of their own games focusing on what they feel are their strengths?




Probably if you read with a bit of attention, you will discover a discussion about theme park vs sandbox.

I ask myself if people read before answering.

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I think the real question here should be: Why are the people that enjoy and want a sandbox MMO here playing SW:TOR, a game which was clearly going to fall into the theme park category from the moment it was announced, instead of one of the sandbox MMOs currently available?


I personally don't like the sandbox design, and think it's fundamentally flawed, but you don't see me on the EVE, PotBS, Xsyon, Darkfall, Dawntide, ArcheAge, Fallen Earth, Mortal Online, UO forums praising the qualities of WoW.




So if they added free space flight to SWTOR it would be "fundamentally flawed"? :confused:

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