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Healers in Warzones


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I want to start by saying, it may be possible I am doing something wrong here, but it seems a lot more difficult to get a lot of medals as a healer than it does as a damage dealer.


I usually only get 2-3 medals when I heal in a WZ, but if I DPS i can easily get 5-7. It just seems like there are a lot more medals possible for damage dealers than healers. As a damage dealer, you can easily get killing blow, 10 kills, 75k dmg, 2500 hit, etc... However as a healer the only ones I seem to get are 75k healing and 2.5k heal. Are there other ones I am missing? I feel like there should be an assist medal or something for healers.

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Your not missing anything. Currently healers can only get a few medals. Why this is we have no idea. You would think bioware would encourage healers by making more medals for healers but they haven't. Hope they add something soon for you poor fellas since healers are the ones keeping everyone alive while everyone is doing the damage and getting kills.
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Leave dots on other players and help focus down an enemy if nobody needs immediate healing. Being a healer is not just about solely healing; it's about your utility.


Healers have a lot of tools in this game. It does NOT make them overpowered (because they get torn apart easier than tissue paper), but it doesn't make them useful.

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Leave dots on other players and help focus down an enemy if nobody needs immediate healing. Being a healer is not just about solely healing; it's about your utility.


Healers have a lot of tools in this game. It does NOT make them overpowered (because they get torn apart easier than tissue paper), but it doesn't make them useful.



So you are saying there is a utility medal? ;)

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As a sorc healer I get


- 2.5k heal

- 5k heal

- 75k heals

- 300k heals

- Killing blow

- 10 enemies killed

- Defender medal


As an Op healer I get


- 2.5k heal

- 75k heals

- 75k damage

- killing blow

- 10 enemies killed

- sometimes 2.5k hit



300k healing is possible on voidstar, the damage is from throwing dot grenades liberally, the 5k heal would require a hellova lot more gear than I have, as relic/adrenals seem to stick me at 4.5k every damn time.


If I stick to pure healing, I get very little out of the wz, win or lose.


Edit - what class are you OP, as it makes a fairly big difference, sorcs are out ahead on tools, mercs fill the mid, ops are a little lagging behind.

Edited by KeltikTwo
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It can be a little harder for healers to earn medals, but it can get a little easier with practice. Tag everything you see with your "auto attack" and AoE for your 10/25 kill medals. Keep an eye out for low health enemies so you can snag a KB. Don't be afraid to DPS as your energy permits. Remember that you don't always have to keep your team fully topped off.
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I've said this in other threads;


Depending on length and map I get 6-11 medals but 75% of the time I get 9.


The key is to deal damage! If someone on your team isn't below 80% life, then deal damage. On average I do 100k damage/300k healing and come first in healing 99% of the time.


2.5k healing/damage, 5k healing, killing blow, 10 enemies, 75k damage, 75k healing is what I always get.

300k damage/heal, solo kill, 25 kills and def points in longer games.


Some situations it's more beneficial to assist dps than to heal. By assisting in damage you create pressure and have the ability to kill an enemy, in return you don't need to heal.

Edited by Fancyhuh
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I've said this in other threads;


Depending on length and map I get 6-11 medals but 75% of the time I get 9.


The key is to deal damage! If someone on your team isn't below 80% life, then deal damage. On average I do 100k damage/300k healing and come first in healing 99% of the time.


2.5k healing/damage, 5k healing, killing blow, 10 enemies, 75k damage, 75k healing is what I always get.

300k damage/heal, solo kill, 25 kills and def points in longer games.


Some situations it's more beneficial to assist dps than to heal. By assisting in damage you create pressure and have the ability to kill an enemy, in return you don't need to heal.


What are you?

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The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals.


But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals.


They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.

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The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals.


But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals.


They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.


I would love more medals but I personally feel there is no need, I get the most every game as it is.

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Then I must be doing it wrong because I could never get that damage. Although your spec is nowhere near mine so, hmm.


On my server I've had many people messageing after games asking questions. Even though they still need to improve, they have doubled their medals and have seen a major change in game play.

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Yes, this is a problem. They need to remove all of the kill-related medals and add more objective medals.


When I'm pugging, I'll tab dot and spam my 800 damage casts to get a few of the kill/damage medals. Most of the time it isn't the ideal action to take but just doing healing, crowd control, and assist damage gives so few medals.

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The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals.


But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals.


They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.

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The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals.


But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals.


They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.


That would be because DPS already have more medals, or at least they're way easier to acquire.

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