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pvp - please read


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I think we can all say that the pvp system gets a little boring. I would like to bring a solution to make pvp fun again. If anyone has played dark ages of camelot. You already know what I'm going to say. If you don't, is suggest listening to what I have to say or YouTube dark age of camelot videos. Dark ages of camelot was created by mythic. Mythic created a pvp system in which not only the player was unique, but your guild was credited for participating in world pvp. This was called realm vs realm RvR. Mythic designed a pvp area similar like illum. It was a designated area to pvp. This area had 8 castles, 3 towers surrounding each castle, and 2 relic keeps which held a bonus to your realm( which is light and dark). If your guild or any member of your faction was able to raid these castles or towers with siege, u were able to assign this keep ur guilds name and your guild recieves a xp bonus, coin bonus, etc. You were also able to use ur crafting skills to increase your castle level and gate level so it was harder to take. This pvp system had a ranking system just like satire with valor. However there were mini rank levels in which u recieved pvp skill points to spend on abilities such as increase ur strength, increase DoT dmg etc. But some abilities would cost more than 1 point. So u had to choose wisely on ur decisions. This is just a brief example of the game. But if ur interested in what I have to say to somehow give examples to bioware, I believe the website is still up and people are still playing it after 10 Plus years. This game was truly fun, but it sadly died due to new game releases. Which is normal. WoW, warhammer, etc. But the pvp does not compare to dark ages of camelot.


This may be long for people to read, but I'm trying to interest the serious pvpers and bioware employees.

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I'm sure the pvp system in that game was amazing and very much rewarding. Personally, I can't stand going to ilum. I don't know what it is, but something just isn't right. I hold my own in pvp, but for some reason it just isn't that fun or rewarding for that matter.


It just seems to me the developers in the pvp department don't really know what they're doing or have a clue as to what is the meaning of "fun" and "rewarding."

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Too bad the game never got over 250k subs. and it declined after that. And the castle thing sounds very much like warhammer. And when you say the PVP was good, the concept? or the mechanic. Looks like a bunch of standing in one place like drones to me..


Sure the concept was fun, but cant tell me the game mechanics were 100% balanced. Sure the DOING was fun, but imsure it had just as many qqsers and whiners about nerfs and opness as any other.


EDIT: actually the same people made both games..lol go figure..

Edited by LeonkRAV
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Agreed. I re-upped DAoC the other day.. There's still a decent population there, and with it all being one cluster now, with the EU players in it too, there's rarely a time when you get bored.. Steamrolled, sure, but bored - not really.
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Dark ages was before warhammer, same creators. And there will always be whines in every game. But at least the pvp was not boring.


I dont really get bored in swtor pvp, i mean lol what more could you ask for that you can actually get in pvp? sure ilum needs work, but that vision was tainted by the greedy playerbase who prefers effortless farming over challenging play. I loved the war hammer system; and i dont get why people seem to hate it so much. IT too suffered the same issues, people got lazy and decided it was easier to cycletrade keeps rather then to aggressively fight each other. It became more about what creaed the most gain not what made the best gameplay. And every mmorpg's pvp will suffer if the playerbase has such a degrated state of mind. be it wow, swtor, rift even the upcoming gW2. If the player base rather exploit than PLAY, it will fail just like everyone else befor it. Hell there are only handful of pvp developer teams that exist. and no matter HOW great or amazing of an idea you have for pvp, if currently technology or manpower cant produce it, then its worthless.

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