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Best Way to make credits


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Well, for one, if youre level 50 (unsure, you didnt specify), the high level daily quests offer a lot of credits that are easily accomplished by even a subpar geared 50. Between those and pvping theres a solid 50k a day or more depending on how much of each you do.


For leveling, I would suggest pretending like you have no money, ever, unless it's to buy something important - ie. Speeder 1 training, a new inventory expansion, or - and this is only worth doing in about 3-4 locations - nice orange gear off the specialty goods vendors.


Wuesting alone will net you serious cash if you are efficient in doing them, and resisting the temptation to spend credits on superfluous items cant hurt your chances of accumulating a lot of cash in a decent amount of time.


As for crew skills, Slicing is essentially a skill built entirely around finding boxes of credits around the world and collecting them for credits. The skill recently got a nerf, but it's still awesome if you're out there questing and keep your skill level up to collect higher level caches.


The auction house/galactic trade network is also a great way to make serious amounts of cash if you know what you're doing. People who are adept at seeking out cheaper-than-usual prices for items on the GTN will turn around and relist items, often "taking control" of certain hot items and monopolizing their price. In previous games, I've made millions of gold/credits/currency using this trick, but be warned, it's a good idea to be reasonable and less tyrannical in your item reselling, the economy of your server can be seriously affected.


Thats my two cents, there are other ways to make credits, but I've said enough.

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  • 6 months later...
What is the best way to make credits?


You need to be more specific. What level we talking about here?


But honestly, it's hard NOT to make credits in this game.


If you are 50, its already been answered.


If leveling... you get all you need just leveling up. But if you are enterprising at all, you can accumulate millions pretty easy before level 30 if you like to have a wallet to fund altitis. All you have to do is find out what is in demand (and sells for lots of credits) for your level (or lower) on the GTN and go farm it.

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You need to be more specific. What level we talking about here?


But honestly, it's hard NOT to make credits in this game.


If you are 50, its already been answered.


If leveling... you get all you need just leveling up. But if you are enterprising at all, you can accumulate millions pretty easy before level 30 if you like to have a wallet to fund altitis. All you have to do is find out what is in demand (and sells for lots of credits) for your level (or lower) on the GTN and go farm it.


Its a thread necro Andryah.

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My game revolves round PvP.....I very rarely run the daily quests, on any of me Toons. To make creds, I craft, and sell stuff on the GTN, on my 3 Traders (armormech, cybertec, and artifice.) I normally make about 1-2 mill a week easy. Its not much...but its "Creds for Bread".


The sad thing is I actually have nothing in-game to spend me creds on, so atm I am "stockpiling" creds:)

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I dance in the cantina's for creds, and do a little extra if the price is right ;-) I'm not proud of what I do but a Sith has gotta eat right?...plus sometimes my companion will take me out to Red Lobster if I make a lot of money for him.."Oh daddy you treat me right"
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