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Marauder VS Assassin PVP


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Gaurd.requires dark charge which would gimp the bajesus out of a madness sin.


If your aoeing and dot damageing its not that bad at all really. since your discharge is aoe as well we talking damage over multiple peeps adds up fast. You basically dot and aoe everything in sight was easier before the charge nerfs. Also before the nerf many of us stance danced for the added benefits and medals today that sucks pretty much.

Edited by LordbishopX
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I have to respond here. Clearly, having everyone spamming DoTs and AoE would be a strategy. However, in my mind, there are actually two types of DPS: Takedown, and pressure. A Deception Sin is going to be a takedown DPS. They focus on picking one target and killing them as quickly as possible. However, a Madness Sin is a Pressure DPS. By spreading DoTs around, they aren't going to do much damage. However, they have a powerful


First, they put loads of pressure on the healers. If everyone on your team is taking damage from DoTs, you have two choices. You could ignore them and heal the focus target, but that means that they'll take loads of damage. However, if you try to heal your whole team, the focus target goes down in seconds. If you are fighting an enemy of equal skill and gear, but he's got several DoTs on him, you're much more likely to win. And if the healers cleanse, then that's a GCD and some force that they didn't use to heal. If the players blow their self-cleanse CD, then they can't use that when they're fighting later.




Having everyone apply pressure wouldn't work. However, a mix of Pressure and Takedown DPS is far, far better than only Takedown DPS. So the fact that he got those numbers is pretty impressive.


I completly agree, I was just stating the fact that one piece of data cannot give the full confirmation of a valid hypothesis. From a scientific view point all I was asking for was more information to make an informed decision abput the numbers I was looking at, which I got.

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Deception isn't really much of a 'takedown' DPS due to its lack of snare protection, especially if you have VS. You don't take someone down when they just toss you the moment they see VS and there goes all your burst because everything builds around having 2 VS stacks. I mean sure you can take anyone down if they stand still and don't avoid you, but most DPS specs can do that too. In realistic situations the enemy will attempt to evade you, and Deception is one of the weakest class versus KB combos.


Although I think Madness's DPS is somewhat padded, it's also necessary because if they didn't dot everyone, they wouldn't get all the heals from the dot crits. If they don't get those heals they're basically just a Deception Assassin with less burst and equally easy to kill. The higher Madness numbers compared to Deception is mostly attributed to the fact that Madness can heal significant amount of health by dotting everyone, and thus spent more time alive compared to their Deception counterparts. The drawback for dotting everyone is not that you're not applying 'takedown' DPS. It's the fact that you can forget using any Whirlwind like effects which is very crucial against tough competition when everyone is dotted.


I don't know why people still insist snare/root isn't a huge part of this game. Even as Darkness, probably the spec with the strongest snare/root protection (almost all of my attacks work in 10m), I still get rooted and snared all the times and it still hinders my effectiveness sometimes. It's not uncommon to be rooted for a significant amount of time, and while Madness (almost all Madness builds are actually some kind of hybrid anyway) and Darkness have root breakers and considerable ways to deal damage from range, a pure Deception build wouldn't have it and you'd be completely at the mercy of the enemy. As a melee you probably spend more time being snared/rooted than not and no amount of skill is going to change that, and this is where Deception's lack of any meaningful way to deal with snare and especially root really hurts.

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So I started leveling a watchmen and must say damn the CD's are crazy who ever came up with guarded by the force is nuts as well it has to be one of the best O bleep buttons for a dps ever 5 seconds is a life time in pvp lol. I now know finally whats up and giving them a range 10m finisher is just not fair at all lol. Edited by LordbishopX
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I have a buddy that pulled 810k dps on his assassin, I should have him post here and get flamed for it. :)


Nobody in this game can pull 810,000 DPS.


Also, when I hit 42 on my assassin I switched to Darkness to see how much skill it takes to get high numbers. At 42, only using lightning discharge and CT I broke 450k my very first warzone as that spec. You can't honestly say that huge numbers is a mark of skill as madness spec?


Also intelligent use and bad use of dots ends up being the same thing. You will dot basically everything around you and hope it doesn't get dispelled or passively healed. A deception assassin doing 200k dmg is far more useful than a madness assassin doing 600k damage in a warzone simply because that 200k dmg was on the huttball carrier, someone waiting for a pass, or people in the way to cap a node. Not just tab targeting throwing dots on everyone that can be passively overhealed by many classes mechanics.


You can gloat all you want about high dmg but ultimately that achieves nothing no matter how you argue it. Some of the best scores are people with the lowest dmg as those are the people winning the warzone for YOU playing the objectives rather than tabbing dots.

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... A madness assassin doing 200k dmg is far more useful than a madness assassin doing 600k damage in a warzone simply because that 200k dmg was on the huttball carrier, someone waiting for a pass, or people in the way to cap a node. Not just tab targeting throwing dots on everyone that can be passively overhealed by many classes mechanics.




There, fixed it to be more accurate and just as true.

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I have both a 50 marauder and 50 assassin

marauder is a bit easier to play cause you dont really have to manage cool downs just click them when they are up and annihilation is better heals than madness. However, if you want to challenge yourself assassins are more fun. You can do about the same amount of damage if you play correctly and force speed makes my marauder feel like hes on crutches. It is easier to get the 300k damage medal with marauder but you cant get protection medals with marauder :p

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  • 3 years later...
Ha ha...that video is awesome!


Tracer Missle,Tracer Missle,Tracer Missle,Tracer Missle,Tracer Missle.....It Didn't Work Bro


Hey guys I just wanna say that No class is essentially better than the other in damage. Its all about what you like. For instance I always have liked rogues so I play deception assassin and I own. Because it's what I enjoy and it's what I'm good at and I understand the class and how to play. I fight marauders one on one all the time and own them.

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Hey guys I just wanna say that No class is essentially better than the other in damage. Its all about what you like. For instance I always have liked rogues so I play deception assassin and I own. Because it's what I enjoy and it's what I'm good at and I understand the class and how to play. I fight marauders one on one all the time and own them.


Nice 4 year old necroed thread :D Back then i was owning everyone 1v1 on my focus sentinel.

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