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Anti-QQ'ers unite before it's too late!


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The very UNsilent, and extremely colicky (see below definition) minority who consistanly plaster whines on the forums about "nerf this!" or "nerf that!" or "that's not fair!" are getting their way at an alamring rate.


This gives me great concern as to what exactly the future of SWTOR will look like.


I am enjoying this MMO very much as of now. I just hope the devs realize that no matter what they change in order to appease the forum masses, they will always find something else to complain about. :(


Def. colic (co-lik)-- A condition of unknown cause seen in infants less than three months old, marked by periods of inconsolable crying lasting for hours at a time for at least three weeks.

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This.. For the love of god Bioware, stop listening to the whiney qquers. For the love of everything that holy, for the love of the maker himself..stop..letting them drive this game into the ground by listening to them. I am getting closer and closer to unsubbing every day for the fact that this game is feeling more and more out balanced every day as qqers get their way.
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EVERY official MMO forum I've ever participated in was like this one. There's always a great deal of contention on official forums. Most of the helpful information comes from fan sites and their forums. I guess whine is defined by which side of the issue you're on personally, and these threads represent a small minority of the player base. No one else in my guild ever visits this site.
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EVERY official MMO forum I've ever participated in was like this one. There's always a great deal of contention on official forums. Most of the helpful information comes from fan sites and their forums.




The whiners and hardcore players are always the first to find the forums and the hardcore players are always driven to other forums by the whining.


The dumbing down of the game to appeal to the masses is almost inevitable but hopefully BW will realize that there are a great deal of reasonably satisfied subscribers who either dont visit these forums -or- havent been posting.

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There is a vast difference in people QQ'ing and people expressing ideas on how to improve the game (barbershop! ability to customize the interior of your ship! hide my belt! Fix obvious bugs!)


Threads like this aren't overly helpful, unfortunately. They just turn into troll bait.

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Qqer I met: "WHAT THE **** I DIED"


Me: "...You die in pvp, dude"




Me: "...Mmk..."


I watch him fight a jedi sage and get slaughtered because he's wearing level 30 questing greens at level 40 for looks.




Me: -.-'

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There is a vast difference in people QQ'ing and people expressing ideas on how to improve the game (barbershop! ability to customize the interior of your ship! hide my belt! Fix obvious bugs!)


Threads like this aren't overly helpful, unfortunately. They just turn into troll bait.



This is true. A common problem among these threads though is the way they go about expressing those ideas. Frequenting the class forums I see good ideas, unfortunately the post devolves into swearing and general douchebaggery. If im a Dev, these threads are going to be least priority for me.

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I will say Ive finally made the descision to never even go look in General Chat anymore. Class forums are "OK" untill people start cross posting "Scoundrels need a nerf!!" written by a Sorc in the Scoundrel forum.


Too many suggestions end up 60 page QQ/Defend threads and are not posted in the suggestion forum.


Here, at least so far (today) it seems like a little more of a community, some OT fun topics and is MUCH easier on the eyes/brain.


On topic, I cant take most of those threads and complaints too seriously, and I just have to cross my fingers and hope the MODs pulling "issues" to be looked at from the forums have good "QQ/BS" filters.

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most new releases have this problem when they first come out. sadly this one is no exception.


most of us played other mmo's but too many impatient people want every new release to have the content a 5-10 year old one has. this is where alot of the problems come from.


another problem is pvp with pve. too many pvpers just havnt learned how to counter the other classes in a match. there is a learning curve for this and with this games age very few will have learned this. instead they believe they are better than what they are and the other class MUST be at fault not themself.


every class mechanic change because of pvp will hurt pve. this is just a lazy dev at work. usually when you try to balance the two it doesnt happen. mechanics need to be seperate for the two and this has been done in other mmo's. the most recent releases havnt learned this yet. i cant tell you how many nice pve abilities have been reduced to pooh because of this and sadly when raid content is designed for thier use it makes for a easy mass exit of subsciptions.


all in all the vocal minority wins while the silent majority loses. this is how life is now here and at home.

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