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Annihilation vs Carnage, Pros and Cons?


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I'm leveling up my early 20s Sith Marauder, don't know which one should choose, Annihilation or Carnage. From the skill tree, Carnage looks like focus more on accuracy, Annihilation focus more on damage? don't know if this assumption is correct.


I intent to build an aggressive DPS Melee fighter, any recommendation on which skill tree I should go?


Much appreciated!

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i have 27 mara, i have tried all 3 specs.. don't ask my respec cost =P


I did 1-24 Annihilation, tried the other specs from 24-26. didn't feel the same power in killing silver and gold mobs so went back to annihilation at start of 27


My conclusion is that annihilation is the best spec around that level


The Dots from Deadly Saber and Rupture that heals u are just to good on silver mobs and gold mobs compared to other specs, not much difference on reg mobs they all die at the same speed regardless of spec. Oh and the fact the dots crit makes it even nicer.


My usual rotation for gold/silver mobs is charge -> deadly saber (while jumping) -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Force Scream -> Ravage. After that no fixed rotation. The priority is to hit deadly saber whenever up and rupture and make sure not to use force scream while deadly saber is up, it does not apply the dot from deadly saber, only physical melee swings apply the dot.


If you like Carnage, that spec works to, but takes longer to kill silver n gold mobs in my opinion. I assume since u been using carnage till your 20s u have good idea of what talents and spell are important for that spec. Oh carnage in my opinion is more burst damage because it relies on the proc from ataru form, so if they aren't procing your dps is going to be lower, not sure how much... NO GOD DAM DAMAGE METERS IN GAME (oops of topic)


My 2 cents hope this helps =) Mara rules !

Edited by SithMaDHaX
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Anni is stable and Carnage is more proc based is the biggest difference imo. Accuracy isn't an issue at end game i am sitting at 104% accuracy on my base attacks (the one that starts at 90%) and I am not intentionally stacking that's just whats on the coumi/rakata pieces I have.


Anni Pros

Juyo's base line bonus is like an espresso that makes ataru's baseline bonus look like a weak cappuccino in comparison as the damage boost with end game gear is way better than a chance to deal a bit of extra damage.


Annihilate just does ridiculous damage


Bleed damage is significant due to short durations


Phantom talent. 4 seconds damage immunity on a melee class in a game where bosses hate melee with a passion very handy


better survivability through limited self healing


short fuse talent doubles fury generation


improves force charge


can force bleeds to crit often which gives you a 3% heal per tick critting


Bleeds are internal damage which ignores armor mitigation


Anni Cons

Takes a while to get going (bleed stacking and juyo stacking)


requires attention to maintaining dots


Carnage Pros

100% armor pen for 6 seconds


adds a root (well technically 2 but ravage roots you as well so i won't count it as a true root)


lower cd on BA


can force a crit for one of it's best damage abilities


has surge talents for abilities


Carnage Cons

I personally hate specs that rely on proc off procs.


Only can reach max damage when ravage, scream, and gore are off cd and ravage has a long cd


ataru really doesn't do anything impressive by itself and it requires so many talent points to improve it to usefulness compared to Juyo (7 talent points other than the one for ataru vs 5 for juyo and the juyo ones make a bigger difference)

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Pros of Carnage:


Better and more frequent burst, though Anni's baseline is much higher


Deadly Throw is a root


Camo is a snare/root breaker (Doesnt work on true stuns though)


If you throw Ravage, unless it bugs, you WILL nail ALL three hits due to the root


100% armor pen for YOU means you Justice like a mother****er


Fus Ro Dah is a ranged attack


Stacking the right stuff will make Ataru proc for 600 - 1k per proc, and each and EVERY Massacre will proc it (Berserk spam ftw, and it actually FEELS like you're flipping your ****)


15% extra movement speed ftw, which stacks with Predation, which stacks with itself.






Relies on high ToT


Ravage will bug out sometimes


Knockbacks can make you waste Gore (the CD is painful)


You only see 4k+ out of Fus Ro Dah when Gore, Blood Frenzy, Execute, Bloodthirst, and your Power Trinket are ALL up at the same time. Which is 100% impossible to predict.

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You only see 4k+ out of Fus Ro Dah when Gore, Blood Frenzy, Execute, Bloodthirst, and your Power Trinket are ALL up at the same time. Which is 100% impossible to predict.

Not true. I've never seen blood frenzy not procing after assault+gore+massacre+screem (actually all screems seems to crit). And even without blodthirst you can 4k+ screem with 90% surge.

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Not true. I've never seen blood frenzy not procing after assault+gore+massacre+screem (actually all screems seems to crit). And even without blodthirst you can 4k+ screem with 90% surge.


I was specifically referring to Execute. I know Blood Frenzy always procs.


Let me rephrase then. It's impossible to predict when they will *ALL* be up at once.


And yeah, I know you CAN get 4k+ out of a Fus with just BF and Gore if you have a surge relic. However, it's not common.

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I leveled up at carnage, it was alright. It was rather weak until i got gore and massacre. I used Jesse as my companion and it my survivabilty wasn't all that great though the damage was pretty good. Now as a 50 PVPer im Anni spec, if I had to level all over again i would have chosen a anni to level up with.
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