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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Holiday Events And You! (b^.^)b


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Ugh I remember holiday events in DCUO. All they did was utilize and therefore near devastate the standard gameplay elements, to top it off anything original was amazingly annoying and broken. It was a clear attempt to pad out the whole 'we release content all the time' spiel they talked about pre-release that they completely failed to live up to post-release.


Give us content we can play all year round over that crap. If they must release content like this, wait a year or two and make sure it's good.

Edited by Cormey
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now what i wouldn't mind is say sensonal warzones or dungeons. Something special.



Like perhaps over sumer you do a special 2 or 3 month campaign that pits Empire vs Republic that requires certain tasks to be done over the course of the summer.


Obvioulsy though it would have to be something that isn't dependent on faction numbers.

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This is not just fluff any and every legitamite MMO thats made it has had holiday events its good fun and nothing are wrong with them and they have NEVER been apart of the lore in ANY mmo cause what MMO celebrates christmas in the lore? its good fun hurts nothing and they have multiple teams that already work on bugs and content there is no reason they cannot have a team that also works on holidays EVEN FFXIV as bad as that game was and as horrible as both development teams were on it they still managed to add holiday events BECAUSE there are seperate teams doing their job! THIS HURTS NOTHING BY HAVING HOLIDAY EVENTS! AND THERE WAS EVEN A MOVIE! STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL!.....(tho it was a bad movie it goes to show they do celebrate holidays!)
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This is not just fluff any and every legitamite MMO thats made it has had holiday events its good fun and nothing are wrong with them and they have NEVER been apart of the lore in ANY mmo cause what MMO celebrates christmas in the lore?


Sorry buddy, I strongly disagree. Which is okay. Reasonable people can disagree reasonably.


Playing this MMO is about *story*. That's what Bioware *does* better than most other game companies, is that they tell stories. They don't have the cleanest code, the best UI, the best graphics, or the best combat, but they tell darn good stories. (Which is why I love them so, the stories, and why I'll be AWOL when Mass Effect 3 launches.)


In part, that's why SWTOR is the way it is. They didn't fuss with guild banks, they built a story. They didn't prioritize moddable UI for launch, they built a story. You may completely disagree with their priority list, but perhaps in retrospect, it shouldn't be *surprising* that story trumped every other thing.


Having "knock offs" of real world holidays breaks the suspension of disbelief which guts their story. Why on Earth would they hamstring the one thing that sets them apart from the rest of the MMOs out there?


I love the idea of special campaigns, and they've hinted that there will be something like that in the future. I don't remember *which* interview, but "they" pointed out that maybe in the future, the Imperial Fleet comes and occupies a Republic world and a whole load of content occurs that is only run for a limited time. Depending on player action, maybe that world becomes a "permanent" part of the Empire... or maybe the Republic pushes the invaders back.


Anyhow, I don't think you'll find Bioware willing to cripple the thing they do best by adding real world holidays, and you might expect a large portion of the players to agree with them.




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