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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove lvl 10s from warzone que


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Lazy lv10's who failed to run to the next quest autoq after another.


I understand your claim that you 'were' awesome as your main, so please, comeback when you have sprint, cc breaker, interruption, with some core abilities of your class.

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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot


My merc and sniper rocked pvp at level 10, even without sprint. And my assassin started at level 12 with no problems.


But you can do 10-25 & 26-49 brackets. Too many brackets as proposed a few post back will cause dead zones. At most do the 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 & 50. But again with this you would need cross server que'ing with at least 3 servers in groups.

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wrong it depends on the noob opponent, no level 10 no matter how good he will never deafeat a lvl 40 with full health not even a lvl 30


Also wrong.. it depends on the class.. Assassins are a great class to start pvping with at a low level because they get most of their utilities that they need at a low level.. stealth to get to their target, Shock, maul, thrash.. that's all they really need to do damage..


Say you get a level 10 commando healer in your group though... Now they really have nothing to offer.. they get one heal.. that's it.. one heal with a long cast time.. easily interrupted, and they get no defensive cooldowns to stay alive to continue to heal you..


Some classes excel at lower levels and other classes fail hard..

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A level 10 re-roll who focuses on objectives is >>>>>>>> the average level 40+ player who runs around like a headless chook farming damage/medals.


Fine example of this - we were doing a huttball match the other day, pre-match the level 40's were taking the piss out of a level 12 for queuing for PVP at such a low level.


Long story short - whilst these level 40's were off in separate corners of the map having their pointless little duels, one of the only other players running ahead of me to pass to was the level 12. He ended up getting 2 goals, and had a big hand in scoring the other 2.


TLDR: Bads will be bad's, regardless of level.


This ^


If your attitude and skills suck at level 10 then they will probably suck at level 50.


I got my Assassin badge on my sniper at level 18, a solo kill on the ball handler just after respawning, I took him out on the ramp leading down to our goal line (Huttball, obviously)... and why was it a solo kill? Because all of the level 40+ toons in there were off on there own trying to face-roll lowbies for self gratification.

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Some people take this war zone business too seriously. It is just a game a nothing more. It is not like you trying to win a some sort of tournament or your faction's turf or something. You get a reward even when loosing. So even if you loose, try to make most out of it. Like hone your skills or something.. get a medal or two for a object defence or healing or tanking. no need to rage in the Ops chat or on a forums.
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I will tell u what, when I first took my knight she was lvl 12 i nearly beat a lvl 40+ player my 1st time in I fought much better than him and it came close, i lost but stll i think i did well cpnsidering my limtations. If the player has played pvp with their alt they are free to go into warzones. What they can do it also keep lvl 30-49 in their own zone 50's as they are now and keep what they got not up to 30 or 39. with my shadow she goes down so fast its like she has no armour. As more people play they can break it up like this and limit the zone to 4 when its slow.


Also a problem is people who are inexpierienced go into a zone and dont know what to do. perhaps a tutorial session for first timers could help. I dont think its right to punish those who know how to pvp in warzones and know how compensate for low level dificiencies. (for the record i have a lvl 50 BH powertech and 50 Sage who are expierienced with pvp)

Edited by Coeru
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I don't care one way or the other myself really,but I just wanted to chime in and say how hilarious it is when you zone into a WZ and see a lvl 10 "sith warrior" that hasn't even picked his advanced class,and is using a training saber LOL.To be honest,i'd rather still be running alongside that training saber warrior than where i'm at now,getting roflstomped by full battlemaster pre mades in the lvl 50 Q =( Edited by Dravinix
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I beg to differ.. low level healers are still extremely effective.


I know because I am one, 170k in total heals and 60k damage in a game, I was managing 75% the amount of average damage, and healing at a rate which kept players alive in a 6v6.


Poor playing is 50% player 50% gear/levels. (25% for each if you want to get picky).


You cant remove all bad players so you cant remove all low level players.

Edited by KiaThas
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