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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Deception - I just don't get it


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In group PVP it goes like this: see a guy with yoyo lightsaber, snare and then either kill him, or punt him away from your healer. It's pretty much the same strategy against Marauders except a Deception Assassin is way easier to kill than a Marauder.


You can't even do any burst DPS without starting with 2 Voltiac Slashes and no other skill gives away your spec like that. I'm sure the first time you saw it or used it you must have thought "What kind of crazy animation is this?" By the same token anyone who understands how to fight an Assassin will know what Voltiac Slash is and immediately punt/snare/root you since you're practically useless outside of 4m.


The thing is that if VS uses the Thrash animation, punting a Madness/Darkness assassin isn't necessarily the best use of CCs (both have strong abilities to do damage at range) so you might decide to save the punt for the Marauder if there is no VS giveaway. It's unlikely someone will look at your tiny icons and see that you've Surging Charge, but nobody good misses the Voltiac Slash.


It's kind of ironic that the spec is called Deception and yet your 31 point ability is the most obvious ability in the game.


Actually the 31 point deception talent should give 3 other abilities too:


Fake Thrash - Makes VS use Thrash animation, can be toggled on/off.


Fake Dark Charge - Makes your Surging Charge appear to be Dark Charge to a hostile observer.


Fake Lighting Charge - Ditto.


Obviously these talents would give you no increase DPS/defense but it'd help a lot, especially against good players who knows which specs are particularly vulnerable.

Edited by Astarica
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Actually the 31 point deception talent should give 3 other abilities too:


Fake Thrash - Makes VS use Thrash animation, can be toggled on/off.


Fake Dark Charge - Makes your Surging Charge appear to be Dark Charge to a hostile observer.


Fake Lighting Charge - Ditto.


Obviously these talents would give you no increase DPS/defense but it'd help a lot, especially against good players who knows which specs are particularly vulnerable.


That'd be pretty cool.

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Can't agree with those suggestions. I definitely believe that you should be able to identify the spec of the person you're in combat with. Besides, one look at your health total and I know whether you're a tank or not. It's not like I won't notice your buffs building as you "thrash"
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Most of Deception and Madness Assassin of my server ( Septer of ragnos) allways play on wz with Dark Charge anyway, so it's difficult to look :).


Some stay in Surging and they are as focus as Dark charge's Assassin.


I prefer that my enemy know i'm squishy!!!!!!:D ( In lightning charge )

Edited by Kornaker
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Most of Deception and Madness Assassin of my server ( Septer of ragnos) allways play on wz with Dark Charge anyway, so it's difficult to look :).


Some stay in Surging and they are as focus as Dark charge's Assassin.


I prefer that my enemy know i'm squishy!!!!!!:D ( In lightning charge )


More often then not When I'm in WZ's I'm running Dark Charge while being deception specc'd, for the added survivability and to be able to put guard up on the ball carrier or someone who might be guarding a turret etc. Personally I like screwing them up when they see the obvious "deception spec giveaway ability" and coming at me to find that I'm much harder to down then they thought. It usually lands me some good guarding and kill medals too.

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Every time I come read the boards I leave confused and worried... Then I log on to my sin and tear it up and think to myself.. What the hell are these people talking about.


I see so much QQing about survivability of Deception and honestly I never have an issue with it. I use my stealth to pick out my target, use my stuns/knock downs to keep him isolated and from casting. Mow him down and then get the hell out of town. If anything I would like a higher crit chance while in deception or a little (5-10% more base damage) but i sure as hell don't need/want any more survivability.


Is it me or am I just crazy. Honestly after I use up my first regen (attack from stealth) and have poped my second regen and used it... WEll I'm total crap as far as dps so I have no business sticking around for long periods of time. I need to jump in, blow someone up (maybe two people depending how long it took me to kill the first one and if I have my second regen up) then ****.


From what I am reading I am just guessing that people are trying to play deception like a marauder or a tank. This spec is not a go in there and beat on people for an hour (thats darkness).


Is that the issue? Is there something I am missing?


I enjoyed it too and never had to worry about survival...


What I didn't like about it:


High cooldown on sprint sucks for huttball and I love to win huttball :)


Volt Slash needs to do alot more damage. For such a high tree it's damage is just meh; the madness spec can get thrash hitting just as hard. Rather than potentially nerf the madness tree they really need to give v slash some unf!


Other than that I enjoy the spec and even though i'm madness now for it's all around fun spec for pvp and pve I still think Deception IS the damage spec for us assassins. The 1v1 fight in EV proves that my old deception spec is far better at single target than my madness spec is.


I'll also mention that anyone who hates on the spec does so because they have played the 2 other specs we have that bring so much more to the table.


Deception isn't creative, it's very one dimensional. When I was deception I had to ask myself what did I really bring to the table? 1v1 damage in raids? There are classes that do that better...1v1 damage in WZ? Sorry, 1v1ing some retard away from the ball/node/door isn't doing anything to help your team win.


Darkness/Madness bring ALOT more to the table...when dual spec comes out ill go back to deception for pve raiding and thats it.

Edited by Kurfer
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I enjoyed it too and never had to worry about survival...

Volt Slash needs to do alot more damage. For such a high tree it's damage is just meh; the madness spec can get thrash hitting just as hard. Rather than potentially nerf the madness tree they really need to give v slash some unf!


The big benefit of Voltaic Slash is the +30% damage to your next shock; it's not supposed to be a huge damage dealer on its own.

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The big benefit of Voltaic Slash is the +30% damage to your next shock; it's not supposed to be a huge damage dealer on its own.


Understood but I guess that's why I'm so meh about it...yeah shock is cool but I wanna hit **** with my saber and make it explode...otherwise I would have rolled a sorc. :)


IMO deception would be more fun if you took all that modifier benefits crap away and make the main dbl saber swing hit like a lightsaber should.

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Understood but I guess that's why I'm so meh about it...yeah shock is cool but I wanna hit **** with my saber and make it explode...otherwise I would have rolled a sorc. :)


IMO deception would be more fun if you took all that modifier benefits crap away and make the main dbl saber swing hit like a lightsaber should.


I disagree, but it boils down to personal preference.

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