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Character Creation Mistake


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I messed up one attribute in the character creator, so my character doesn't look *quite* correct. (protip: the lighting in the space where the character creator runs is a little bit deceptive, pay extra attention to skin tone) Does anyone know if there's a way I can adjust the attribute, or do I actually have to re-roll?
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Yup gotta reroll. Hopefully later they will add stuff where we can tweak and change out characters. But that might be awhile. Might as well reroll since they were just built.


Was the lighting a little bright or dark? Let us know which way it was as that will help a lot.


I did not have any issues with that in beta but wasn't being too picky. I remember in Champions my deep red costume looked very pink in game. BOO! hehe

Edited by Meriki
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How is this even an issue? Did you not notice it until you were level 20 or something?


Different places have different lighting, I've always wanted a game where you could control for that sort of thing during character creation.

Edited by Colobulous
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Was the lighting a little bright or dark? Let us know which way it was as that will help a lot.


The lighting is too "washed". It normalizes the palette a little overmuch, meaning that there is a tendency to exaggerate whatever skin tone you're looking for (light or dark). In beta, I created a character who was *far* darker than I realized, and now I've created a character who is far paler than I thought. My advice would be to just under-play whatever skin tone you're shooting for, since that tone will be less noticeable in the creator than it will be in the world.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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