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27/2/12 - 16 medals.


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I know its total off topic, but is that spinning saber animation, that ur constantly using is Trash?

Im asking, because I love it, but playing as Jedi Shadow this kind of animation is used by republic version of Voltaic Slash, so its bounded to one spec only, and out Trash (Double Strike) animation is super poor :/


About spec, its very nice, but doesnt shield generator is more beneficial than some stats, as it boost Lightning Reflex and gives some def?



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You guys know the absorb shield procs off very few things in pvp right, so an offhand shield is pretty much just gimping your damage. If they ever change the way that works in pvp I'll definitely give it a try.


As for getting death field, thats up to you, I personally hate the talent in pvp, it seems so very situational... im not big into aoe'ing just to pad your damage numbers either.

Edited by SynapseX
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Are you able to fraps a warzone or two so that we can see the general play style that encompasses a build like this?


Uh, I havent ever tried frapsing really, plus I play on an eyefinity setup so I dont know if the 5760x1080 format would complicate things for recording a movie.

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Surprised to see so many builds skipping out on Wither, it seems like such an incredibly useful ability in group PvP.


From my personal experience, Wither is more of a team-oriented ability. You slap it on when enemy is bunched up, and they're all slow-walking for 18 seconds (longest snare in the game?) and doing 5% less damage no matter what. It's awesome, yes. But it isn't really a game-changer per se. Yes, it lets you stack the 3x Harnessed Darkness much faster. And you live a little bit longer. But that's it.


YOU specifically don't really need the slow on Wither. Force Slow, Force Pull and Force Speed are more than sufficient in most scenarios. It helps others, but not really you.


The 5% damage reduction, while nice, again doesn't really help YOU all that much. It helps the squishier members of your team, but you're a pretty tough cookie already.


That's why I think so many skip it. It benefits the team, but for the most part WZs are not about the team, since almost nobody outside of premades plays like a team.


And having tried this spec, I don't really miss Wither all that much. I mean, I DO miss it, but I haven't been in a situation where I thought to myself "Well, crap, if I had Wither right now this would have been totally different." At least I've yet to run into a situation where having or not having Wither would have been a definitive difference between a win or a loss.

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And having tried this spec, I don't really miss Wither all that much. I mean, I DO miss it, but I haven't been in a situation where I thought to myself "Well, crap, if I had Wither right now this would have been totally different." At least I've yet to run into a situation where having or not having Wither would have been a definitive difference between a win or a loss.


Looking at the alternatives, there really isn't anything else that says, "This will make you win in situations where you otherwise would have lost." either though...I mean, extra Thrash damage seems to be the thing that everyone is going after in Madness, which doesn't really seem like it'd be any more earth-shattering than Wither.


Also, I tend to always PvP together with my wife (healer!) so having an AE snare/damage reduction feels really valuable when it comes to healer-defense. =D

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IF you dont use a shield gen, whats the point of dark ward? Why not another point in shroud of darkness for 1% endurance? I know 1% to end isnt alot but its better than a talent that gets no use at all since u dont use a shield.

Otherwise i like it.

Edited by Pwnyride
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IF you dont use a shield gen, whats the point of dark ward? Why not another point in shroud of darkness for 1% endurance? I know 1% to end isnt alot but its better than a talent that gets no use at all since u dont use a shield.


Like he said, he uses the spec for PvE as well, so it gets use there.

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Wither wins you games, especially PUG. Wither on defenders in Voidstar when a door blows up, and whoever is your frontmost character usually has an unopposed run to the brdige if not the next door. Drop Wither on enemy reinforcements running to a node in Alderran and now they don't have reinforcements (on time). Drop Wither on a bunch of guys closing in on your ball carrier and now they'll take that much longer to catch up.


Even in general PvP, Wither means your ranged will run circles around enemy melee, and your melee can always catch up to a fleeing enemy range. Yes, it doesn't do much for you actually, and there isn't going to be a medal that says "You just won the game" but it's pretty much the most crippling skill in the game.

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Broke my 15 medal record last night, the only two medals I didnt get were 3k defender points and 300k total healing.




Inb4 "shockfrozen water" and also I think its total BS that someone heals for nearly half a million and gets only 4 medals, that needs changing asap.


Shockfrozen... I mean "Carried by Kassi", next.

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Shockfrozen... I mean "Carried by Kassi", next.


I dont know who kassi is, but I usually queue up with a merc healer that recently hit 50, geared in centurion and some champ gear.


edit: ah, its a random on my team in the screenshot. Yes, im sure a random healer was completely responsible for my dps, high hit, 16 medals, self healing, and protection points. I have 100 other screens of 13+ medal games without kassi if you want to be bored for a few hours looking through them.

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Wither wins you games, especially PUG. Wither on defenders in Voidstar when a door blows up, and whoever is your frontmost character usually has an unopposed run to the brdige if not the next door. Drop Wither on enemy reinforcements running to a node in Alderran and now they don't have reinforcements (on time). Drop Wither on a bunch of guys closing in on your ball carrier and now they'll take that much longer to catch up.


Not to rain on the parade, but really? Inquisitors can just Force Sprint, PTs can jet jump, warriors can charge, a Marauder can pop Predation. In case you don't know, Predation is party-wide 50% run speed boost for 10 seconds, 80% if talented. Wither only slows people 30%. It's not nearly enough. Too many classes have way too many speed boosts and gap closers for Wither to have much of an effect.


Even in general PvP, Wither means your ranged will run circles around enemy melee, and your melee can always catch up to a fleeing enemy range. Yes, it doesn't do much for you actually, and there isn't going to be a medal that says "You just won the game" but it's pretty much the most crippling skill in the game.


Again, only if enemy melee is bloody retarded. Which melee cannot stop a kiter? Mara? They have 12 sec 50% slow with no cooldown, charge on 10 sec cooldown, Camo gives +30% movement for duration, plus Predation. Juggs? AoE 50% slow with no cooldown, charge, knockback resetting charge. Ops? 10m ranged 50% snare with 12 sec duration. Etc., etc. Seriously, if Wither with its 30% is having any serious effect, you are just fighting bads.


I'm not saying Wither is useless. But it's not really a skill that affects any situation in a massive way. It is an annoying debuff, but it will not ruin anyone's day.

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The existence of cooldown-based charge abilities does not render snares useless.


Anyway, all this thread really shows is how much people over-value medals and how easy they are for some classes to get. 16 medals is impressive, but in a "Hm, haven't seen that before." way. Not really in a, "Wow, he's good." way. It really is frustrating sometimes seeing how highly people value silly medals that have nothing to do with objectives at all.

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The existence of cooldown-based charge abilities does not render snares useless.


Anyway, all this thread really shows is how much people over-value medals and how easy they are for some classes to get. 16 medals is impressive, but in a "Hm, haven't seen that before." way. Not really in a, "Wow, he's good." way. It really is frustrating sometimes seeing how highly people value silly medals that have nothing to do with objectives at all.


True, but I was also #1 in objective points with 142k protection.


I play to win first, and all medals I earn come as a result of that. At no point do I medal farm or do ridiculous things like standing in slime to heal etc.

Edited by Ellvaan
used "retard" (pm'd)
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Anyway, all this thread really shows is how much people over-value medals and how easy they are for some classes to get. 16 medals is impressive, but in a "Hm, haven't seen that before." way. Not really in a, "Wow, he's good." way. It really is frustrating sometimes seeing how highly people value silly medals that have nothing to do with objectives at all.


That's...because the game is designed that way?


Bioware designed the game so that medals are vastly more important than winning. Winning with 1-3 medals you get less comms than losing with 10-12 medals. If your goal is to gear up, the SYSTEM, which is DESIGNED by Bioware, encourages you to care only about medals.

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Broke my 15 medal record last night, the only two medals I didnt get were 3k defender points and 300k total healing.




Inb4 "shockfrozen water" and also I think its total BS that someone heals for nearly half a million and gets only 4 medals, that needs changing asap.


i have done this over 5 times with a 31 darkness / chain shock setup

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Spent the evening switching between this and 31/0/10 and back again. Probably blew a couple of hundred thousand creds. Then again, what else am I supposed to spend it on?


Anyway, still undecided. Being able to virtually spam the uninterruptible lightning is nice, you do build it up considerably faster with Wither.


But on the other hand, coming out of stealth with this hybrid and just going absolutely ape on someone without really worrying about force for 6 seconds is quite nice, and Thrash crits are pretty beastly.


Still undecided though. Some fights I come out of stealth and eat a facefull of CC, and Dark Embrace effect is wasted. And sometimes it's just crit->shock->crit->double shock->crit and they just crumble.


I still think it's a nice build. Wither is nice to have (currently I have it once again). If it counted towards protection medals, the 5% you save people, I would TOTALLY go 31/0/10 without a second thought. But as it is, I don't feel I really NEED it per se for my own sake, or my team's. My team has better snares, and 5% reduction is negligible in the long run.

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I know its total off topic, but is that spinning saber animation, that ur constantly using is Trash?

Im asking, because I love it, but playing as Jedi Shadow this kind of animation is used by republic version of Voltaic Slash, so its bounded to one spec only, and out Trash (Double Strike) animation is super poor :/


I didn't see anyone answer you but I'm on my phone maybe I missed it.


The spinning animation is Voltaic Slash. Same for both sides 31 talent.

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That's...because the game is designed that way?


Bioware designed the game so that medals are vastly more important than winning. Winning with 1-3 medals you get less comms than losing with 10-12 medals. If your goal is to gear up, the SYSTEM, which is DESIGNED by Bioware, encourages you to care only about medals.


I think you misunderstand my point. I meant that people overvalue the medals in regards to your contribution to a win or loss in a warzone, and often act accordingly.


It's sad how many times a healer is berated by some fool because they "only" got 4 medals.

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this is the build im using for pvp.


1. electric execution (dark charge discharge has crappy dmg anyway)

2. dark ward (PVE) - shield works only normal attacks which you rarely see in a wz.

3. hollow (same as above)

4. Harnessed darkness (its a a nice one but trust me...there arent that long fights in which you really get to 3 stacks of it, with a 50% chance to get 1 stack you might aswel having to shock like 10 times even for 3 stacks, and also to reach it you need 4 more skills which are better used somewhere else)


It's a really good build...you might also remove Duplicity points if you think Maul proc'ing once every 10 sec is not enough for you...but remember it always procs when you get out of stealth and burst someone.

My willpower is around 1200 and surge around 67% but still Thrash crits for 1k+ one hit.


edit: link wouldnt work :|

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4. Harnessed darkness (its a a nice one but trust me...there arent that long fights in which you really get to 3 stacks of it, with a 50% chance to get 1 stack you might aswel having to shock like 10 times even for 3 stacks, and also to reach it you need 4 more skills which are better used somewhere else)


It's 100% with 2 points in it.

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Playing with this damage focused version of that tree. I got 580 expertise ( 3 centurion rest champion , weapon is champ. )


Trash-Proc energized shocks

Use recklessness

Use power relic

Use rakata power adrenal

Stun target with electrocute or spike


and shock hits 4k on non players ( add 500 more damage to players ) . around 6k if chain shock procs


3 shock stack harnessed






chain ticks 1950


Trash hits around 1200 . Is it low ?

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