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"Sent/Mara needs help!" - What am I missing?


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I'm pretty much shredding stuff on my Sent alt. Hell, I think he's going to become my new main. I don't get why we still see "This class needs a serious boost, BW" in the forums...especially the PvP forums?


I don't even have my two biggest D cooldowns, not even 30 yet, and more often than not I'm in the top 3 overall damage per WZ, quite often *the* top.


I'm clearly not understanding something here...not even 30 yet and already feel strong, perhaps borderline OP, what does this class feel like at 50? I assume it feels quite good, as the common answer to low level problems for this class is "Well, when you get to 50 and get geared, you'll be much better..."


Can someone with experience with this class please argue the point as to why we need help?

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We are a strong class, but the problem is that people don't understand that we have a big skill cap.


Management of your CDs is what makes the difference between a good Sentinel/Marauder and a bad one.


As a Sentinel/Marauder we require a lot of skill to play. The thing that I would suggest is to get familiar with your abilities and learn when to use them and against who. I see a lot of us using our Defensive CDs way too early and not using the centering mechanic enough. Also learning when to back off and when to pick a fight.

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Hello, OP.


What level are you?

not even 30 yet


Oh. So should all games be balanced around how classes perform halfway through the level cycle?

I'm clearly not understanding something here...

Let me try to make it easier, then: Do you know what endgame content is like? Or even near-end game? No, because you're

not even 30 yet


what does this class feel like at 50?
Maybe you should find out before you start exclaiming that everyone else is just "bad" and should "l2p."


I'm glad that you're doing so well in PvP on a game with awful PvP balanceand a clear focus on PvE development up to this point. It makes me happy that your e-sports are treating you well on this character, and I'm very glad that in the 4 minigames available you have lots of fun while many people have difficulties with large swaths of content that extends beyond those tiny borders.


I assume
Yes, You do. A lot.


Can someone with experience with this class please argue the point as to why we need help?
Naw, I'm bad and shud feel bad, RLY.


See you in a couple weeks when you're at 50.

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Hello, OP.


What level are you?



Oh. So should all games be balanced around how classes perform halfway through the level cycle?


Let me try to make it easier, then: Do you know what endgame content is like? Or even near-end game? No, because you're



Maybe you should find out before you start exclaiming that everyone else is just "bad" and should "l2p."


I'm glad that you're doing so well in PvP on a game with awful PvP balanceand a clear focus on PvE development up to this point. It makes me happy that your e-sports are treating you well on this character, and I'm very glad that in the 4 minigames available you have lots of fun while many people have difficulties with large swaths of content that extends beyond those tiny borders.


Yes, You do. A lot.


Naw, I'm bad and shud feel bad, RLY.


See you in a couple weeks when you're at 50.


Back up, Jack. This is not exactly my first toon.


Please point out to me where I said anyone else was bad. You can't, because I didn't. What I did say is that I don't understand why there are complaints. I do believe you're looking for the second post in this thread to respond to, not mine.


Not sure why you took my honest question so personally. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

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Hello, OP.


What level are you?



Oh. So should all games be balanced around how classes perform halfway through the level cycle?


Let me try to make it easier, then: Do you know what endgame content is like? Or even near-end game? No, because you're



Maybe you should find out before you start exclaiming that everyone else is just "bad" and should "l2p."


I'm glad that you're doing so well in PvP on a game with awful PvP balanceand a clear focus on PvE development up to this point. It makes me happy that your e-sports are treating you well on this character, and I'm very glad that in the 4 minigames available you have lots of fun while many people have difficulties with large swaths of content that extends beyond those tiny borders.


Yes, You do. A lot.


Naw, I'm bad and shud feel bad, RLY.


See you in a couple weeks when you're at 50.


Watch out folks. I think we have an internet ****** in here!


Overact much?

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Hello, OP.


What level are you?



Oh. So should all games be balanced around how classes perform halfway through the level cycle?


Let me try to make it easier, then: Do you know what endgame content is like? Or even near-end game? No, because you're



Maybe you should find out before you start exclaiming that everyone else is just "bad" and should "l2p."


I'm glad that you're doing so well in PvP on a game with awful PvP balanceand a clear focus on PvE development up to this point. It makes me happy that your e-sports are treating you well on this character, and I'm very glad that in the 4 minigames available you have lots of fun while many people have difficulties with large swaths of content that extends beyond those tiny borders.


Yes, You do. A lot.


Naw, I'm bad and shud feel bad, RLY.


See you in a couple weeks when you're at 50.




Lvl 50 set... and now Setinals are fine like they are... we are on the edge of OP... the problem is our class takes the more focusing on cds then any other class. Some people find this easy and they are good... some people find this hard and they are bad....


Is it a L2p Issue, knda.. but it is more of a play style issue.

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You're not missing anything. They are insanely powerful both pre-50 and post-50. The problem is that there's just something about them that causes a LOT of players to be bad at the class. Are they hard to play? I wouldn't really say it's difficult - maybe involved is a better word - but it seems that 90% of the Sentinels/Marauders I see are just absolutely clueless and hit like a wet noodle, which is odd, because the good ones just raze everything they touch. I don't think there's another class in this game with such a high skill disparity amongst its players.


I'm willing to bet that when/if the Tracer Missile and Sorcerer whining calms down, Sentinels will be next on the list for nerf demands.

Edited by vindianajones
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The Class is a bit odd to play compared to the other classes standard fair, you don't really have a spammy attack (minus slash and if you are spamming slash you aren't getting the most out of this class a couple specs aside) Combat is a bit rough a spec too compared to watchman. The class relies on many medium length CD abilities in general, to get the most out of it, and a lot of people can't adjust to it.


The class is honestly more or less ok, it might could use a few slight tweaks but it doesn't need an overhaul like some people seem to think. There is just a big difference in those that spam slash and those that utilize all their medium length CDs. The playstyle is just different from other classes and it doesn't work for everyone. Other classes the difference isn't as big and so you see a lot more pity poor me posts for sent/mara because their playstyle doesn't work for the class.

Edited by GrinNfool
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Lvl 50 set... and now Setinals are fine like they are... we are on the edge of OP... the problem is our class takes the more focusing on cds then any other class. Some people find this easy and they are good... some people find this hard and they are bad....


Is it a L2p Issue, knda.. but it is more of a play style issue.


This is pretty accurate, its not that people are bad, its that their playstyle doesn't fit. If you don't like managing all the Medium CDs that this class is reliant on and have problems keeping track of them, the class will play poorly. If you are good at keeping track of everything the class will play beautifully. Its not skill per say though there is A certain skill involved, its not one that if you lack makes you a bad player, it just means your playstyle doesn't work for the class.

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This is pretty accurate, its not that people are bad, its that their playstyle doesn't fit. If you don't like managing all the Medium CDs that this class is reliant on and have problems keeping track of them, the class will play poorly. If you are good at keeping track of everything the class will play beautifully. Its not skill per say though there is A certain skill involved, its not one that if you lack makes you a bad player, it just means your playstyle doesn't work for the class.


Yah, I can grok that...my internal OCD whack-a-mole must simply click with this class.

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It does depend on CD's yes, but I also feel that ranged dps with it's knockbacks and slows have a big advantage over us. I tend to leap in to build focus and usually get knockbacked immediately and that causes me to get owned while i'm slowed and trying to get close enough to do damage. Granted, I'm stubborn and don't want to walk into them and then leap back once i get knockbacked, but I may have to resort to that. It's just nice to have built focus as soon as you get on them rather than spamming slash or other focus building moves. I think we do plenty of dmg and stay alive long enough, it's just the CC and breaking CC and managing CD's that make it a difficult class to play. But it's a challenge and I don't like ez mode.


P.S. My juggernaut alt owns so hard it's not even funny.

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You're not missing anything. They are insanely powerful both pre-50 and post-50. The problem is that there's just something about them that causes a LOT of players to be bad at the class. Are they hard to play? I wouldn't really say it's difficult - maybe involved is a better word - but it seems that 90% of the Sentinels/Marauders I see are just absolutely clueless and hit like a wet noodle, which is odd, because the good ones just raze everything they touch. I don't think there's another class in this game with such a high skill disparity amongst its players.


I'm willing to bet that when/if the Tracer Missile and Sorcerer whining calms down, Sentinels will be next on the list for nerf demands.


Sents wont be nerfed, simply because the ones that brag how great they are and how much damage they do, are probably the idiots stacking surge, once patch comes out that will settle and will see where all classes stand.

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