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Is Cybertech Worth It?


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I love crafting skills (always have, even tho they're a money-sink). But I don't want to take a worthless skill. Synthweaving is a bit lackluster tbh so...is Cybertech worth it?

I know a vague question. Are the ship upgrades worth being able to make/needed? If i have a stash of crafted mods what do I do with commendations? Is this a better way to keep armor current as I level by modding my armor/weps? I haven't heard much in the way of Cybertech discussion.

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This is all my opinion of course...


Ship upgrades: Yes the grade 2, 4 and what is essentially 6 are definitely worth it if you run space missions. Odd grade upgrades come from the vendors. How good do they sell on the GTN? I have not tried.


Commendations: Never needed the armoring/mods that you get from them. Without cyber I would, but even then as soon as I landed on a planet the available mods were outdated and several levels behind. Cybertech ensures that you stay up to date. Then you hit level 50, start doing your daily quests and armoring/mods you can make become useless.


In short I found cybertech very useful while leveling but pretty worthless for gearing up once you hit 50.

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define worth it.


As a 400 cybertech i have a million on the bank and earn enough to pay for repairs. Since i am mainly playing pvp, this is irrelevant. You can make earrings that people actually wear if u REd the right stats.


When leveling i could upgrade my gear with blue armorings and be close to my level. Purple when leveling was a bad idea and let me go broke. Dont try to produce items for money when leveling. Just level and break even.


Shipparts stink. Materials are worth more than the product.

Grenade is nice the onw or two timey you can drop it each wz.


If this spells worth it for you, then yes.

If not, go biochem.



Concerning modifications: they stink. 2 commendations is great, especially since all commendations you do not spend will be worthless later. So they are more expensive to craft than the benefit they offer.

Edited by _Flin_
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I am only level 32, so I can't speak for level 50. But as for now, it's worth it for me. I can make my own mods/armoring. I can outfit my companions with the current level mods/armoring/earring. I am not rich but I don't struggle with credits either (only has about 250k). I haven't tried to sell much on GTN, but almost everything sells within couple of hours when I put them on the GTN. I enjoy to be self sufficient when I need it. I would say if you enjoy making your own stuff and using them, cybertech is a good choice. Rich or not, depends on how well you can play the GTN I guess.
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While you level, perhaps. A lot of people like to keep their gear up to date. It's not necessary, though. You can level just fine with commendation mods and quest gear. Even with max level Cybertech, I almost never made my own mods. You might be able to make some money with it at low levels, but it's generally less than you would make with many gathering/mission skills, as crafting demands a lot of investment.


When you're level 50, probably not. If you PVP a lot, you might like the grenades for the extra CC every five minutes, though the damage is pitiful. Still inferior to BioChem, though. Level 6 ship upgrades still sell, though the market is becoming clogged and the demand is declining as the player base matures. Depends on your server, really. Cybertech Armoring is invalidated by level 50 daily quest commendations, which offer superior quality, while Earpiece and Mods demand are hurt badly by compatible quality items.


In my opinion, the only thing Cybertech has going for it is the ability to make slotted purple level 49 Earpieces on a crit. The crit rate is low, however, so for every slotted piece you get, expect to have around ten or so unslotted pieces that sell badly. I have an entire storage bay filled with them, so I've been reduced to REing the unslotted purple Earpieces I create. It's a discouraging feeling, especially since the material return is so meager.


Also, if you want to craft Earpieces for profit, then you're going to have to eventually raid for schematics in order to keep up, at least from what I understand. Crafting is going to be Raid or Die based, so if you're not into that, then I wouldn't even bother with it.

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I find ear pieces sell well if you get a good blue version. Also I do find ship parts are a fairly consistent market at lower levels. The grade 2 parts are the best most folks will see as they level up and sell fairly well. Typically 6-6.5k a piece and the materials are easy to come by. So while not big bucks for later levels do make the leveling process easier since you can make you own upgrades and always have cash to buy anything you need from GTN.
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I know a vague question. Are the ship upgrades worth being able to make/needed? If i have a stash of crafted mods what do I do with commendations? Is this a better way to keep armor current as I level by modding my armor/weps? I haven't heard much in the way of Cybertech discussion.


It is nice to be able to make ship parts, but it is pretty server dependent as to whether or not it is better to make your own or just buy 'em.


For crafted mods, you can sell them. Your best focus though is on the armor mods. Those take 7 commendations. When you consider that barrels and hilts also take 7, you typically won't have enough to upgrade 5 armor slots. And the same applies to other non-cybertechs. The materials to make them are the same as the non-armor mods. Learn the armor mods at blue and use/sell them. The regular ones, don't bother, just get them with commendations. First your barrels/hilts, then regular mods and enhancements and whatever other goodies you want.


As to best way to keep armor current, it depends. It is a good way to keep your armor value current for both you and whatever companions you use. Cybertech works for anything, willpower, str, aim, cunning, droids, it covers it all. But what it doesn't do so well is give you special bonuses, like lots of crit, surge, and especially tanking stats. For those things, armormech or synthweaving are superior, though they tend to require more effort to learn all the blue level recipes and most likely won't cover all your companion's needs.

Edited by Battilea
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For me I gain some credits with cybertech, after buying stims, repairs, and some times mats for when I go crazy and start RE'ing 50+ blues to get the epic I want. I'v sold mastercraft ears for 150k and I only put up ship parts and other epic ears for 40k each. Some times it takes a while to sell the ears, and sometimes it doesn't take long at all. Sold some ship parts almost instantly last week.


The link below has the schematics I'v learned. I don't know how much more or less people are making with other tradeskills. But I am okay with how much I have, which usually floats between 1m and 2m credits.



Edited by loyrl
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I'm 400 cybertech, and I find the grenades very useful in warzones. The ice one that snares is great since it doesn't build resolve and hits multiple people. It's great for stopping people form interrupting captures or clogging up the corridor on voidstar. The fire one is also really good since it puts a dot on 6 people. It can be really great for prevent captures. The ship parts are nice, but I haven't tried selling them and I suspect it wouldn't be worth the effort. If you raid and get schematics for earpieces, they can make you money. The mods are worthless at level 50 but great while leveling. Most crafting skills are in the same boat and only have 1 or 2 useful things at 400.
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It's worth it for the mods, armoring, and earpieces. The ship parts are secondary, at least to me.


Eventually most people figure out that the custom orange armor is the way to go, and they have to keep that updated with mods, enhancements, armoring, etc.

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